Where can I find information on programs to help meet the needs of children and families?

The Benefits.gov website offers eligibility and contact information about all Federal programs that provide benefits or services. A list of all Health and Human Services programs is available on the site, as is a list Child Care/Child Support programs.

HHS administers many programs to promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. Among these programs are:

Adolescent and School Health (CDC)

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (ACF)

Adoption (ACF)

Assets for Independence (ACF)

Foster Care (ACF)

Child Abuse and Neglect (ACF)

Child Care (ACF)

Child Support Enforcement (ACF)

Early Childhood Development (ACF)

Elders and Families (ACL/AoA)

Eldercare Locator (ACL/AoA)

Family Violence Prevention and Services (ACF)

Federal Parent Locator Service (ACF)

Senior Citizens' Resources (USA.gov)

Head Start and Head Start Program Locator (ACF)

Healthy Food Financing Initiative (ACF)

Find a Health Center (HRSA)

Find Health Care Insurance (HealthCare.gov)

Health Information (Medline Plus, NIH)

Job Opportunities for Low-Income Individuals (ACF)

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (ACF)

Runaway and Homeless Youth  (ACF)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment (SAMHSA)

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