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Assistant Secretary for Health Speaker Request Form

Thank you for contacting the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. We appreciate your interest in inviting the Assistant Secretary for Health, to speak at your event. When submitting your request we require the submission of a formal letter of invitation on your organization’s letterhead in addition to this form. Please also provide a short bio for each distinguished guest in attendance. Limit supplemental material that you feel would be useful to the ASH in rendering a decision to 4 pages. We request that you submit this form along with any supporting materials preferably 12-weeks prior to the event date.

For more specific instructions and questions please direct them to ash@hhs.gov or contact the office at (202) 690-7694.

1a. Who is being requested to speak?
1b. If none of the requested speakers can partitcipate, would you accept a surrogate speaker?
6. Speaking Date
8a. Event Start time
8b. Event End Time *
9a. ASH Speaking Start Time
9b. ASH Speaking End Time
11. Event Location
16. Type of Speech
17. Will the event proceeding be formally recorded or published?
18. What types of media are invited to the event?
22. Event Contact #1
23. Event Contact #2
24. Public Affairs/Media Contact
26. Formal Letter of Invitation

Following Up

A letter confirming receipt of your request will be emailed to you. We will confirm or decline requests for the Assistant Secretary for Health's attendance at a conference or event approximately one month to six weeks prior to the date of the event.

You should not include the Assistant Secretary for Health's name or title in any materials until we confirm the Assistant Secretary for Health's attendance. You also should not list the Assistant Secretary for Health as "invited" until we confirm the Assistant Secretary for Health's attendance.


Organizations that invite the Assistant Secretary for Health to speak or otherwise participate in their events or activities often ask whether gifts or other tokens of appreciation are permissible. An Executive Order precludes, subject to certain exceptions, the Assistant Secretary for Health from accepting gifts valued at any amount from registered lobbyists and lobbying organizations. Gifts received from media organizations or 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations are not subject to the lobbyist gift ban provided that the employee of the organization offering the gift is not him or herself a registered lobbyist. In addition, federal ethics regulations prohibit, subject to certain exceptions, any federal government employee, including the Assistant Secretary for Health, from personally accepting honoraria, gifts, favors, opportunities, benefits, discounts, or other items of value worth more than $20 that are offered as a result of official position or tendered by those who may have matters before the Department. The following items, however, may be offered and accepted without regard to the $20 limit or the lobbyist gift ban, except where noted in italics.

  • Modest items of food and refreshments, such as soft drinks, coffee and donuts, offered other than as part of a meal.
  • Food, refreshments, and entertainment offered in a group setting with other attendees at an event or conference at which the Assistant Secretary for Health will deliver official remarks as a speaker or panel participant , if provided by the sponsoring organization on the day of the Assistant Secretary for Health’s presentation.
  • Food, refreshments, and entertainment at a widely attended gathering for which there is an agency interest in the Assistant Secretary for Health attendance, if the invitation has been tendered directly by the sponsoring organization that is holding the event. An invitation from a third party who has purchased tickets to the event cannot be accepted unless more than 100 persons will attend and the market value of free attendance is $350 or less. Complimentary widely attended gathering invitations from registered lobbyists or lobbying organizations, other than nonprofit or media organizations may not be accepted.
  • Plaques, certificates, and trophies that are intended solely for presentation and that have little intrinsic value are acceptable tokens of appreciation. (Note that art objects, glass works, sculptured trophies and similar items that have residual value or utility, even where diminished by an engraving, logo, or other marking, may not be accepted personally as a token of appreciation. Under certain circumstances, such valuable items may be presented to the Assistant Secretary for Health, but these gifts must be treated as gifts to the Department for retention or display in accordance with applicable regulations.)
  • Native artwork, crafts, or other items representative of traditional native culture offered by Indian tribes or Alaska native villages that do not exceed $200 in value. (Note that if the tribe or village has specific matters presently pending for decision by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, then acceptance is permitted only upon a written determination of agency interest.)
  • Food, refreshments, and entertainment, as well as tangible items of appreciation, valued at $350 or less offered by foreign governments, foreign political parties, and international or multinational organizations of which the United States is a member. Tangible items exceeding $350 may be accepted on behalf of the Department for retention or display in accordance with applicable regulations.
  • Food, refreshments, and entertainment at a meeting or event in a foreign country attended by foreign nationals and offered by persons or organizations other than a foreign government, if the value does not exceed the Department of State’s maximum per diem rate for that area. Complimentary hospitality tendered in a foreign country by registered lobbyists or lobbying organizations, other than nonprofit or media organizations may not be accepted.

Other rules apply to honorary degrees and awards for meritorious public service or achievement that include gifts of monetary value or that are signified by presentation items other than plaques, certificates, or trophies. These situations must be reviewed and approved in advance by the Department. Your assistance in ensuring compliance with these requirements will avoid an awkward or embarrassing situation in which items tendered impromptu must be declined or returned. Your cooperation in advising the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health of any proposed gifts is appreciated.