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August 25, 2017
Contact: HHS Press Office

HHS Establishing Pain Management Task Force/Seeks Member Nominations

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, M.D., announced today the creation of a new Task Force to develop best practices for prescribing pain medication and for managing chronic and acute pain. HHS, which is overseeing this effort with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense, is seeking member nominations from the public.

The Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force, which was authorized by the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016, is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • Determining whether there are gaps or inconsistencies in pain management best practices among federal agencies,
  • Proposing recommendations on addressing gaps or inconsistencies,
  • Providing the public with an opportunity to comment on any proposed recommendations; and
  • Developing a strategy for disseminating information about best practices. 

“This Task Force represents a critical piece of HHS’s five-point strategy to defeat the opioid epidemic, which includes advancing the practice of pain management,” said Secretary Price. “Top experts in pain management, research, addiction and recovery can help us reassess how we handle the serious problem of pain in America.”

The Task Force will consist of representatives from relevant HHS agencies, the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense and the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Non-federal representatives will include individuals representing diverse disciplines and views. Members will include experts (including patients) in areas related to pain management, pain advocacy, addiction, recovery, substance use disorders, mental health, minority health and more. Members will also include representatives from veteran service organizations, the addiction treatment community and groups with expertise in overdose reversal, including first responders, medical boards and hospitals.

Information about how to nominate individuals to serve on this Task Force is available in the Federal Register. Applications are due Wednesday, September 27, 2017.

Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other news materials are available at https://www.hhs.gov/news.
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Last revised: August 25, 2017

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