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September 17, 2020
Contact: HHS Press Office

HHS Congratulates NYSS Champions for Promoting Participation in Youth Sports

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition (PCSFN) are pleased to recognize the National Youth Sports Strategy (NYSS) Champion organizations for their work promoting youth sports participation and supporting the NYSS. The NYSS is the first federal roadmap with actionable strategies to increase participation in youth sports, encourage regular physical activity, including active play, and promote good nutrition for all Americans. The NYSS aims to unite U.S. youth sports culture around a shared vision: that one day all youth will have the opportunity, motivation, and access to play sports — regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, ability, or ZIP code. NYSS Champions represent organizations that are working toward achieving this vision.

“The National Youth Sports Strategy Champions are helping us advance toward the vision President Trump called for in his executive order on youth sports: the day when all American youth have the opportunity, motivation, and access to play sports, whoever they are and wherever they live. Barriers to youth sports participation and the need for opportunities for physical exercise have only increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we look forward to continued work with the NYSS Champions to address these challenges,” noted HHS Secretary Alex Azar.

As a NYSS Champion, each organization has demonstrated its support of youth sports and commitment to the NYSS vision. NYSS Champions are recognized on health.gov as part of a growing network of organizations partnering with HHS to improve the youth sports landscape in America. Organizations will be formally announced today at the virtual PCSFN Annual Meeting.

“We know children who engage in regular physical activity experience important physical and mental health benefits, which are more important now during the COVID-19 pandemic than perhaps ever before,” said ADM Brett Giroir, M.D., assistant secretary for health at HHS. “I’m thrilled to acknowledge the work of the NYSS Champions who are furthering the mission of the NYSS and helping to foster a lifelong love of sports and physical activity for our Nation’s youth.”

NYSS Champions is led by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) and the Executive Director of the PCSFN. The partnership opportunity is open to organizations that support the vision of the NYSS. More information on how to apply is available at https://health.gov/news/202006/announcing-opportunity-become-national-youth-sports-strategy-champion.

The PCSFN is a Federal Advisory Committee supported by ODPHP and plays a vital role in keeping the Nation healthy.  ODPHP and the Executive Director of the PCSFN accomplish this by setting national health goals and objectives and supporting programs, services, and education activities that improve the health of all Americans. ODPHP is part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health within HHS. Visit ODPHP to learn more.

Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other news materials are available at https://www.hhs.gov/news.
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Last revised: September 17, 2020

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