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Assistant Secretary of Health ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D. Statement on National Infant Immunization Week, Safety and Effectiveness of Vaccines

Monday, April 29, 2019
Contact: ASH Media Office
(202) 205-0143

As a pediatric critical care physician who has treated critically ill children suffering from vaccine preventable diseases, I know first-hand the devastation to the child – and to the family and community – of a death or severe brain damage that could have been avoided by a simple vaccination.  The cornerstone of public health, vaccination, makes these dreaded diseases preventable. I want you to know that vaccines are highly effective and safe, with most serious side effects being exceptionally rare – and much less serious than contracting the actual disease.

The U.S. government is committed to protecting the health, safety and security of the American public. We must continue to put science into action wherever and whenever we have the tools to confront and eliminate diseases. This includes increasing vaccination rates for both routine immunizations and seasonal influenza, continuing federally supported vaccination programs, and educating parents, grandparents, patients and healthcare providers on the importance, safety, and effectiveness of vaccines.

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Content created by Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Content last reviewed on April 29, 2019