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Provider-Initiated Multijurisdictional Data Exchange

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Query multiple jurisdictions to receive consolidated immunization data

Goal of Provider-Initiated Multijurisdictional Data Exchange

Providers need up-to-date and complete immunization records for patients in their care. However, many providers can currently only query the Immunization Information System (IIS) in their organization’s state/jurisdiction. This could lead to an incomplete picture of the patient’s immunization history if the patient recently relocated from another state or resides in a neighboring jurisdiction.

The IZ Gateway Provider Initiated Multi-Jurisdictional Data Exchange component allows providers to initiate a query for vaccine information from multiple jurisdictions and receive a consolidated record. 

Benefits of Provider-Initiated Multijurisdictional Data Exchange

  • Enables provider organizations to query multiple IISs that have signed the Interjurisdictional MOU for IZ Gateway Share
  • Provides consolidated vaccine record from multiple states, where needed

Learn More about IZ Gateway Provider-Initiated Multijurisdictional Data Exchange

Learn more about IZ Gateway Provider-Initiated Multijurisdictional Data Exchange and other IZ Gateway components and how to participate by contacting IZgateway@hhs.gov


Content created by Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Content last reviewed on August 4, 2020