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States Invited to Join 2020 Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group

The HHS Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group is an initiative that supports states to improve hepatitis C outcomes, especially among Medicaid enrollees.

national viral hepatitis action plan 2017-2020The HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, invites states to join the third year of the Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group (Affinity Group). Participating states learn and share innovative strategies to treat and cure an increased number and percentage of individuals diagnosed with hepatitis C virus (HCV). States may choose any focus area, although the third year will include an optional focus on behavioral health.  States are also welcome to continue the year two focus on reducing HCV in correctional settings.  The Affinity Group encourages collaboration between Medicaid, public health authorities, state corrections agencies and - starting in 2020 - state behavioral health agencies working on opioid and substance use disorder (SUD) initiatives.  We expect that each participating state will receive a stipend of approximately $5,000-$10,000 to support coordination activities.

Participating states will:

  • Develop and implement state-driven strategies aimed at treating and curing an increased number and percentage of individuals diagnosed with HCV (examples from previous State Activities are available to review);
  • Be invited to join two Affinity Group sponsored in-person convenings and monthly virtual meetings with Medicaid, public health, behavioral health, and corrections agency staff/leadership from participating states, subject matter experts, and federal partners (see Affinity Group Presentations);
  • Build relationships across Medicaid, public health, behavioral health, and corrections agencies to improve outcomes for individuals in/leaving correctional facilities and/or who inject drugs, who disproportionately have HCV;
  • Build relationships and collaborate with the participating federal partners, including OIDP, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA);
  • Have access to one-on-one and group technical assistance to support efforts to improve HCV-related outcomes, build stronger collaborative relationships, and learn and share best practices in improving outcomes and reducing costs; and
  • Provide feedback and share sample documents and processes to support other participating states in implementing HCV-related strategies (see Medicaid HCV Resources).   

In 2019-2020 (year 3), the Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group will support the continued efforts of states already participating in the group and help new state team participants develop and implement tailored strategies, including those related to HCV screening and treatment in SUD treatment sites if the state chooses this emphasis.

Participation in the Affinity Group is voluntary.  The application process is very easy.  To apply, please submit an Expression of Interest form by Friday, November 1, 2019 at 5:00 PM ET. A brief 2020 Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group Fact Sheet  is also available.

An informational webinar was held on Monday, October 21, 2019A recording of the webinar  is now available. Frequently asked questions and the responses to those questions have been added below.

Contact Corinna Dan RN, MPH with additional questions about the Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group, at 202-795-7617 or Corinna.Dan@hhs.gov.

For more information about Medicaid Prevention Initiatives and Affinity Groups, visit https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/benefits/prevention/index.html

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to participate in the Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group?

    The state Medicaid program is required to be a part of the team that submits the Expression of Interest (EOI) form. Partners are instrumental for project success, and we encourage partnerships with various organizations, including state health departments, state correctional agencies, county agencies, and state behavioral health agencies. If county agencies are interested in joining the group, they will need to contact their state Medicaid agency to inform them of their intention to participate in the group.
  2. Could the Medicaid director appoint a representative if needed?

    Yes, the Medicaid Director does not have to be directly involved. Because Medicaid program structure varies by state, any staff member who is best suited for the project can participate in the group. The same applies to the state health department, state correctional agency, and state behavioral health agency.
  3. What if we were not successful in having the state health department, the Department of Corrections, or the state behavioral health agency join us? Can we have other partners replace them?

    Applications will be considered partly based on the composition of the state team. State health departments, state correctional agencies, county agencies, and state behavioral health agencies may be able to provide important perspectives for your projects. States can choose other partners as well.
  4. Who is required to fill out the Expression of Interest form?

    State agencies should collaborate with as many agencies as possible to fill out the EOI form. The EOI form requires a Medicaid official’s signature, but it is not necessary for Medicaid to fill out the entire EOI form.
  5. How do you plan on reaching out to states? Will this be through state Medicaid programs or state health departments?

    We are working with our federal partners (CMS, CDC, HRSA, and SAMHSA) to disseminate information to state Medicaid programs and health department networks.

    We are also disseminating broadly to other networks, such as hepatitis C stakeholders and partner organizations, in addition to making this information publicly available on our website.

    We encourage organizations interested in the project to reach out to their state Medicaid programs, state health departments, and other organizations such as the Department of Corrections and state behavioral health agencies. We hope partners across the state create a team and work on the submission of the EOI form.
  6. Our state’s Medicaid Program has multiple Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Would all MCOs need to participate in this project or just some?

    We do not require MCO participation on the project, but we do strongly encourage it. How that engagement is structured, and which MCOs are engaged, will depend on state-specific goals and strategies. One state may require all MCOs to participate and another state may want to pilot strategies with just one or two MCOs. The group is flexible to accommodate the strategies the state identifies.
  7. How many states will be accepted in this project?

    As with previous years, we expect participation of 8-10 states without imposing a cap. However, the selection process will depend on the number of EOI forms submitted.
  8. What is the project timeline?  Is it a one-year project?

    This is a one-year project. However, the evaluation process continues into the second year as the project team continues to engage with states to assess the outcomes of their strategies.
  9. What funding is available for states, if any?

    Participating states will receive a stipend of approximately $5,000-$10,000 to support coordination activities. In addition to the stipend, the project will fund expenses for two state representatives to attend two in-person convenings.


@HHS_ViralHep invites states to join the 2020 #Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group! This important initiative supports states to improve #HepC outcomes and cure #Medicaid enrollees! https://go.usa.gov/xVHUV


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Prevention and Wellness
Public Health and Safety
Tagged: Hepatitis C