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The Surgeon General’s Priorities

As the Nation’s Doctor, the U.S. Surgeon General is focused on improving the country’s health. The Surgeon General communicates the best available scientific information to the public, using the position’s platform to reach individuals where they live, work, and play and by issuing scientific documents - Surgeon General’s Reports, Calls to Action, and Advisories – on critical public health issues.

The Office of the Surgeon General also has its own peer-reviewed journal. Published since 1878, Public Health Reports issues original research and commentaries in the areas of tobacco control, health disparities, and critical and emerging public health issues.

As a Vice Admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, the Surgeon General leads a uniformed service of more than 6,000 highly qualified public health officers, who are committed to protecting, promoting and advancing the health of our country and our world. Officers serve throughout the nation, including in communities most in need, by providing essential public health, health care and other services.

Opioids and Addiction
Opioids and Addiction
The opioid epidemic and substance use disorders more broadly have become one of the most common chronic illnesses in the U.S.


Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and worldwide.


Community Health and Economic Prosperity
Community Health and Economic Prosperity
America's prosperity is being hampered by preventable chronic diseases and behavioral health issues.


Health and National Security
Health and National Security
Wellness is at the heart of the safety and security of our nation.


Health and National Security
Oral Health
Oral Health is essential to the general health and well-being of all Americans and can be achieved by all.


Emerging Public Health Threats
Emerging Public Health Threats
As the Nation's Doctor, the Surgeon General is responsible for communicating the best available science to the American people.


Content created by Office of the Surgeon General
Content last reviewed on May 14, 2019