Where can I find a doctor that accepts Medicare and Medicaid?

Find a Medicare doctor

To find a provider that accepts Medicare payments, use the Care Compare tool on Medicare.gov. This tool gives you a list of professionals or group practices in the specialty and geographic area you specify, along with detailed profiles, maps and driving directions.

Find and compare doctors and other providers near you.

If you have trouble accessing the website or the search tool, please call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) and a representative will be able to help you. TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048.

Find a Medicaid doctor

Medicaid programs vary by state and each state Medicaid agency maintains their own list of professionals that accept Medicaid. For further assistance, please contact your health plan or your state’s Medicaid agency. For more information about Medicaid, visit the Medicaid & CHIP page on Healthcare.gov.

There are other directories  on MedlinePlus that will help you find health professionals, services, and facilities, some of which may accept Medicare or Medicaid payments.

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