April Newsletter

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Join OHRP’s Upcoming Virtual Webinar: A Conversation with IRB Professionals – April 27 at 3:00 PM EST!

Register now for OHRP’s 75 minute virtual webinar: A conversation with IRB professionals: Learn what they do and how they can help you navigate protecting human participants in research on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at 3:00 PM EST. This webinar will cover the following:

  • How IRBs support the preliminary reviews of research studies at institutions 
  • What assistance IRBs can give investigators on protecting research subjects 
  • Additional roles IRBs play in supporting institutions’ oversight for research

Webinar Speakers:

  1. Colleen Kohashi, BA, MA, Research Compliance Administrator at the University of California, Berkeley
  2. Myra Luna-Lucero, BA, MA, Ed.D., Research Compliance Director at Teachers College, Columbia University
  3. Alan Stockdale, BA, MA, MS, Ph.D., Human Protections Program Director, Education Development Center

Register for this free event here! Registrants will be added to OHRP’s listserv to receive announcements. They can unsubscribe at any time using a link provided in the announcements.

Please note that the event, including the Q&A session, will be recorded. The recording will eventually be posted on OHRP’s website for general access.

Virtual Research Community Forum (RCF), May 11-12, featuring sessions on advancing equity and diversity in research! Registration is now open!

Conference presenters Dr. Robert Fullilove of Columbia University and Dr. Carla Boutin-Foster of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University will engage in a moderated conversation about public health and human subjects research as part of the event. Among other topics, the discussion will focus on transitioning the research enterprise to serve traditionally unsupported and underrepresented populations, including prisoners, parolees, and the formerly incarcerated.

REGISTER NOW for this two-day virtual RCF that will focus on the importance of promoting and ensuring diversity and access in clinical research participation and conducting culturally affirming research with special populations.

The event can be attended live or viewed “on-demand” and CIP credits are available.

Click here to access event information and agenda.

Looking for a brochure to educate people about research and research participation? Look no further!

Check out OHRP’s all new and colorful brochures for prospective volunteers of research!

OHRP has created new and attractive brochures for those interested in volunteering for a research study. The brochures explain the basics of how research works and the important partnership between researchers and participants. They offer a framework for what potential volunteers should think about before deciding about their participation.

Click here now to print and distribute these and another information resource flyer to your community!

Now Available - IRB member, administrator, and investigator self-training checklist!

OHRP created an IRB training checklist, using easy-to-understand resources available free on OHRP’s website, to provide basic self-training on human research protections. This training checklist and associated resources are particularly suitable for those new to the IRB review framework, including nonscientist or community members, and IRB administrators.

This checklist, as well as other educational resources tailored for different roles in human research protections, can be found at Human Research Protection Program Resources.

New Guidance on Informed Consent Posting

OHRP announces a new guidance document, General Instructions on the Informed Consent Posting Requirement, now posted on the OHRP website at https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/informed-consent-posting/informed-consent-posting-guidance/index.html.This guidance addresses the basic scope of the posting requirement, and responds to questions regarding how to comply with the requirement at 45 CFR 46.116(h) including which consent form to post, considerations for cooperative research, and special circumstances.

Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed