September Newsletter

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OHRP’s Annual Exploratory Workshop: “Beyond Altruism – Exploring Payment for Research Participation” is fast approaching!

Make sure to tune in on Thursday, September 15th at 10 AM EDT to hear experts explore the ethics and practical challenges with paying people for their participation in research.

Bookmark this page to access the livestream and download the Agenda and Program Book!

We welcome you to submit questions ahead of time for the panel to consider. Send them to with the subject field “EW 2022” no later than Friday, September 9.

Learn How to Apply the Common Rule with the Experts at OHRP

The HHS Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) will be co-hosting two all-day in-person interactive workshops on applying the Common Rule this fall. These intermediate level workshops aim to help participants consolidate their knowledge and apply relevant ethical principles and the HHS regulations for human research protection with confidence.

These RCFs are perfect whether you are relatively new to the world of human research protection or need a refresher.

If you work for a small or medium-sized research institution that does not have ready access to training, this is a great opportunity to get some solid advice on regulatory compliance from OHRP staff and ask all the questions you have always wanted to ask about protecting human participants in research.

Register now! Don’t forget that these will be great opportunities to meet up with all your colleagues who are working remotely and whom you haven’t seen for a while!

September 20-21, 2022, Indianapolis, IN – New Frontiers in Human Subjects Research 

October 25-26, 2022, Reno, NV – Trust, Technology, and Consent

Take Advantage of OHRP’s Comprehensive Online Trainings for IRBs and Investigators!

If you are looking for reliable foundational training on the ethics and federal regulations for human research protections in the U.S., look no further. OHRP offers numerous online resources at no cost to your institution. These include:

  • A 5-lesson foundational training with completion certificates and that satisfies the NIH educational requirement for training on human research protections for investigators and key personnel
  • Interactive scenarios to learn what IRBs have to consider before approving a research study
  • A collection of webinars presented by OHRP staff to provide detailed understanding of different parts of the regulations at 45 CFR 46.

Feel free to use and incorporate any of our training resources into your institution’s training program for staff involved in the conduct of human research. Find them at

Content created by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
Content last reviewed