Fifty-Second ACBTSA Meeting (online)

September 25, 2020

Meeting Materials

The fifty-second ACBTSA meeting was held on September 25, 2020.

During this meeting, the committee discussed and voted on recommendations from the work groups to improve the blood community's response to future public health emergencies.

Meeting Summary

Federal Register Meeting Notice

View the Meeting Recording

View a recording of the meeting - Part 1

View a recording of the meeting - Part 2

September 25, 2020

Committee Business
1:00 p.m. Welcome  

Jackie Frederick, MT (ASCP) SBB, MBA, Hon DB/DPH, Chair

1:05 p.m. Roll Call James Berger, MS, MT (ASCP) SBB
1:07 p.m. Purpose of the Meeting / Summary from August 26-27, 2020

Jackie Frederick, MT (ASCP) SBB, MBA, Hon DB/DPH, Chair

Jay Menitove, MD

1:15 p.m. Focus Area Presentation of Recomendations

Working Group Chairs

2:00 p.m. Discussion of Recommendations 

Jackie Frederick, MT (ASCP) SBB, MBA, Hon DB/DPH, Chair

3:50 p.m. New Business and Next Steps

Jackie Frederick, MT (ASCP) SBB, MBA, Hon DB/DPH, Chair 

4:00 p.m. Adjournment  
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Content last reviewed