Accessibility Acquisition Resources

The resources discuss conformance in the acquisition life cycle.    

Disclaimer: This page contains links to external websites that provide more information. HHS is not responsible for the accessibility conformance of external site content. Links to external information and products are not an endorsement by any HHS entity. By following a link, the user is subject to the destination site's privacy policy and/or terms of service.


The activities discussed occur before and after a contract award. Contact the OS Accessibility Program to schedule a live training.

Technical Guidance


The tools do not reduce the need to include accessibility in each step. The calculators are gauges to reach adequate conformance on schedule and within budget.

Contract Language

Basic accessibility and Section 508 language required for most ICT acquisition packages.

Note: The HHS Product Accessibility Template (PAT) is no longer valid. Record product conformance using ITI's Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).  Or relevant HHS conformance checklist(s) are allowable for OS acquisitions.  

Additional Resources

Contact the OS Accessibility Program

Direct feedback about the Department or OS to the OS Accessibility Program.

Content created by Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Content last reviewed