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¡Vote en el certamen de video de!

Youth from around the country and those overseas in U.S. Department of Defense schools, aged 13 to 18 years, took our challenge and submitted almost 900 entries for the 2012 Video Challenge!

Los Socios Federales para la Prevención de Acoso Escolar han analizado todos estos creativos videos y han verificado su elegibilidad en base a las reglas del certamen. We ranked each of the eligible videos according to the published criteria, and considered feedback from our technical advisors:

  • Filmmaker Lee Hirsch;
  • Alice Cahn from Cartoon Network’s Stop Bullying, Speak Up! Campaign;
  • Deborah Leiter de Ad Council; y
  • Scott Hannah and Tyler Gregory, previous finalists of The Great American NO BULL Challenge.

We are ready to share the SEVEN finalists for YOU to vote on!

The theme of this year's contest is "how youth can be more than a bystander and help kids who are involved in bullying." Se pidió a los participantes que integraran esta idea en sus inscripciones y que mostraran cómo marcan la diferencia en sus comunidades a través de medidas contra el acoso escolar.

The goal of the contest is to create an impact through accepting videos that demonstrate:

  1. una comunicación entre compañeros;
  2. Positive messaging
  3. Promotion of the website

These youth are competing for big cash prizes — $2,000 will be awarded to the winning video and $500 for each of the two runners up. Voting will continue until December 10th.

We encourage you to look over the entries and vote for the video that does the best job of showing how youth can be more than a bystander and truly make a difference in their communities by standing up against bullying.

  • Vote in the video contest!

Cuando termine, puede ir a Twitter o Facebook y decirle a sus amigos que voten también.