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Llegar a los adolescentes a través de las redes sociales

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El acoso no permite que los adolescentes sean quienes quieren ser, les impide expresarse de forma libre, y hasta puede hacerlos sentirse inseguros. El acoso puede ocurrir en cualquier lugar, tanto en persona como en internet. En esta era de conectividad permanente, y entendiendo el valor que los adolescentes ponen en las redes sociales, sería lógico intentar acceder a ellos desde el mundo digital.

No es una sorpresa que los adolescentes prefieran los medios visuales y sociales y siempre estén "conectados". They're constantly on their phones and social networks sharing photos, providing encouragement to their friends, and communicating in a variety of ways. We saw this as an area where could grow and help reach teens where they are.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Tumblr page for This site will be used as a way to engage youth from across the country to take a stand against bullying in their schools. In bringing to Tumblr, we hope to start a conversation and encourage teens to be more than a bystander.

La página de Tumblr ofrecerá mensajes de aliento para motivar a los adolescentes a relacionarse de forma positiva, con el objetivo de detener el acoso escolar. Messages will focus on:

  • Being a good friend
  • Embracing differences
  • Individuality
  • Filling your time with positive activities
  • Recognizing that you’re not alone. Ever.

As the site evolves, we will include user-generated content to tap into the creativity of teens across the country. This will be a great tool to solicit ideas from teens and make them a part of this national conversation on bullying.

We hope you “stumble” upon our Tumblr page and share not only with your social networks, but with the teen in your life.