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Tomar medidas hoy: enfermeras escolares se esfuerzan por crear un clima escolar positivo

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En la siguiente publicación, Carolyn Duff, presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Enfermeras Escolares reflexiona sobre el incomparable papel que desempeñan los profesionales de la salud en las escuelas para la prevención del acoso.

Sue y Peggy trabajan muy cerca una de otra en la escuela primaria W.B. Simpson Elementary School y escuela secundaria Polytech High School, a las afueras de Dover, Delaware. Como enfermeras escolares, dirigen el área de salud escolar y se encargan de atender las necesidades de salud física y mental en constante evolución de los estudiantes. Today, much like their approximately 61,000 peers across the country, Sue and Peggy work with school teams promoting overall student health, well-being and a positive school climate that is safe and conducive to learning.

For Sue and Peggy, a series of student self-harm incidents within the community led to a paradigm shift in student and staff interactions, as well as response to bullying and other related challenges facing students in their schools.

The school knew it had to take action. First, they surveyed students and colleagues about bullying and other threats to well-being to set a benchmark for action. Then, they worked to develop an interdisciplinary support team of staff (including the school nurse, school resource officer, school social worker, teachers and principal) who met regularly and were committed to working with students and each other to identify at-risk students and to intervene before negative and aggressive behaviors escalated. Meanwhile, student-led efforts have helped encourage students who are bullied to seek help and have empowered bystanders to step in when a helping hand is needed.

Delaware’s state policies reflect a sincere commitment to school safety. Under Delaware law, all public schools have teams (which include administrators, staff, parents, students, and after-school staff) to develop and monitor bullying prevention efforts. The results are evident in the robust programming and critical training for students and staff — the effects of which are felt year long.

When asked how school nurses can help create an environment that is safe and welcoming for all students, both Sue and Peggy agreed on the importance of building trusting relationships and keeping the lines of communication open — not only with students — but with school staff, volunteers, families and community members.

There is important work to be done to ensure that all school nurses are properly trained and equipped to respond appropriately to bullying when it happens and to participate on school teams to prevent bullying so that students can thrive. That is why NASN recently partnered with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to host an in-depth webinar on how to move from awareness to action in bullying prevention.

Both organizations also strive to make critical resources available to the broader school nursing community, including a handy guide for Health & Safety Professionals - PDF from, as well as a School Violence policy brief and  round-up of best practices from the National Association of School Nurses. 

Bullying is a persistent public health concern that has a significant impact in our schools and communities. School nurses are often the first line of defense and a safety net for students who are feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.