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Milton's Page

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All About Milton

Birthday: July 19
Age: 10
Activities: jamming with my friends, watching cartoons
Interests: tuba lessons, school band, summer music camp, archery



Hey music lovers, today is my first day at music camp. I had a chance to try out a new 5-valve tuba and I’m still rocking. The day started on a low note when I ran into Brick, his muscle man Snoog, and Koz. This year the day camp combined music and sports.

Brick started with his name-calling. I thought I was over his teasing and that I could blow it off. But Brick’s putdown was in front of the entire brass section. If I’d been at school with my friends, Brick wouldn’t have bullied me. I was about to say something to Brick when I realized that my new musician friends were helping me.

They blocked his path and helped me out. It was awesome! I felt safe and powerful enough to sit back and play my music.



Way to go Milton! Too many of us know how it feels to be bullied.



You’re right, Hal. By sharing stories about how to help when someone is bullied, we can spread the stop bullying message.

My Videos


Milton’s Dreams

Being bullied by the "torture patrol" affects Milton’s tuba lesson.

webisode 11 power in numbers

Power in Numbers

Josh and Raven stand up to Brick when he bullies Milton in the cafeteria.

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