Rural Health Research Dissemination Program

Announcement Number:

Federal Office of Rural Health Policy

Date(s) to Apply:
09/15/2020 to 11/17/2020

Estimated Award Date:

What is the program?

This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Rural Health Research Dissemination Program. The purpose of this program is to disseminate and promote rural health services research funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) to diverse audiences, such as decision makers and rural stakeholders at national, state, and community levels, with the goal of informing and raising awareness of key policy issues important to rural communities. FORHP funds health services research through the Rural Health Research Center (RHRC) Program and other cooperative agreements. The successful applicant for this program will develop and maintain a website that catalogues the entire body of research funded by FORHP and allows that research to be easily and freely accessible to the public. The successful applicant will also develop and maintain strategies to effectively disseminate this research through a variety of innovative mechanisms including (but not limited to) a listserv, social media accounts, presentations, and exhibits at national conferences and webinars.

Are you eligible?

Eligible applicants include domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit organizations. Eligible organizations may include state, local, and tribal governments; institutions of higher education; other non-profit organizations (including faith-based, community-based, and tribal organizations); and hospitals.

Contact Us

Jennifer Burges

Phone: (301) 945-3985

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