Goal 1: Improve Access to Quality Health Services

HRSA achieves its mission through a range of programs and initiatives designed to improve health equity, increase the number of health care access points, enhance the quality and breadth of health services, and safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s most vulnerable populations.

In 2019 – 2022, HRSA will focus efforts to advance evidence-based, coordinated, comprehensive, and outcome-oriented patient- and family-centered primary and preventive health care services.

OBJECTIVE 1.1:  Increase and improve the capacity of health care services, systems, and infrastructure


1.1.1 Improve and expand the availability of comprehensive health services.

1.1.2 Expand access to health care services in underserved and rural areas.

1.1.3 Foster and encourage the use of health care delivery models that utilize team-based approaches where each member practices at the full scope of their training.

OBJECTIVE 1.2:  Improve the quality and effectiveness of health care services and systems


1.2.1 Strengthen health care providers’ ability to plan, coordinate, and manage services across the continuum of care.

1.2.2 Increase access to quality patient care through the use of telehealth and innovative technology solutions.

1.2.3 Enhance the knowledge and use of evidence-based primary care and preventive services, treatment guidelines, promising practices, and models of care within communities and by health care providers at HRSA-supported organizations.

OBJECTIVE 1.3:  Connect HRSA patient populations to primary care and preventive services


1.3.1 Advance outreach, education, and enrollment activities of HRSA grantees, partners, and other stakeholders.

1.3.2 Expand and improve access to preventive services, home and community-based services, social supports, and care management.

Date Last Reviewed:  October 2019