Goal 2: Foster a Health Care Workforce Able to Address Current and Emerging Needs

HRSA seeks to ensure that underserved communities have well-trained, diverse health care providers to deliver and facilitate needed care. HRSA programs support providers with direct patient care responsibilities, as well as public health and allied health professionals and paraprofessionals who support the health and well-being of the population.

In 2019 – 2022, HRSA will focus efforts to equip and retain the health care workforce in underserved and rural communities to meet critical needs and achieve improved access to health care.

OBJECTIVE 2.1:  Advance the competencies of the health workforce


2.1.1 Expand the number and types of training and technical assistance opportunities educating students and providers.

2.1.2 Ensure HRSA-trained providers can address the social determinants of health and emerging health care needs.

2.1.3 Increase cultural competency among health care workers.

OBJECTIVE 2.2:  Improve the distribution and diversity of the health care workforce


2.2.1 Identify and prioritize areas of current and future health care workforce needs and workforce training requirements through data-informed analysis and modeling.

2.2.2 Address shortages by aligning training, recruitment, distribution, and retention of the health workforce to serve in the areas where the need is greatest.

2.2.3 Increase the diversity of the workforce and number of individuals from under-represented groups participating in health professions.

2.2.4 Inform strategic decision-making to educate policy makers, researchers, and the public about health care workforce trends, supply, demand, and policy issues.

Date Last Reviewed:  October 2019