Integrated Behavioral Health Resource Library

Integrated behavioral health results when a team of providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, behavioral health clinicians, community health workers, home visitors, and other health care providers, work together to address patient needs to achieve quality outcomes for every individual in care.

HRSA-funded primary care safety net providers use a wide range of models to achieve integration, including care manager models, behavioral health clinician brief interventions, and models that support fully integrated behavioral/primary care health staff.

Patients receive high quality primary care with behavioral health services to help them cope with issues such as stress, depression, substance use disorders, and problems resulting from living with a chronic physical health condition.

Featured Resources

Advancing Behavioral Health Integration within NCQA Recognized Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PDF - 2.62 MB)
SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions

A resource to promote the development of integrated primary and behavioral health services to better address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance use conditions.

Health Centers
IMPACT Model of Depression Care HRSA Exit Disclaimer
Jurgen Unutzer at the University of Washington

A model of care for treating depression in primary care and improving physical and social functioning and patients’ quality of life while reducing overall healthcare costs; includes online training and clinical toolkits for implementing the model.

About Integration, Team-based Care
The ECHO Project HRSA Exit Disclaimer
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Project Echo

A telehealth project that allows providers from all over the country to get assistance for difficult pain management cases through virtual consultation with a pain management team at the University of New Mexico.

Telebehavioral Health
Pain Management

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