National Hansen's Disease Program Laboratory Research Program

Laboratory Research Branch group

The National Hansen's Disease Laboratory Research Branch, located at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, conducts and supports research in the diagnosis, transmission, prevention, and treatment of Hansen's Disease (Leprosy).

The causative agent of leprosy is Mycobacterium leprae, an acid-fast, Gram positive bacterium. M. leprae is non-cultivable on laboratory medium and must be grown in animal models. Recently, a second leprosy causing bacterium, M. lepromatosis, has been identified.

The Laboratory Research Branch has developed and implemented many of the newer sophisticated molecular biology tools used today to study leprosy. It plays an integral role in NHDP’s quest for a more complete understanding of Hansen's Disease and the translation of basic research findings into an internationally coordinated program designed to improve diagnosis and treatment.

The Laboratory Research Branch has unique expertise in the propagation of leprosy bacilli, including the only colony of M. leprae-infected armadillos in the world.


  • Molecular diagnostic testing for verification of the presence of M. leprae and M. lepromatosis DNA
  • Molecular viability testing of M. leprae
  • Drug susceptibility testing
  • Molecular epidemiology and strain typing
  • Global provision of M. leprae to qualified researchers worldwide
  • image of nude miceGlobal provision of leprosy research materials
  • Specialized Biological Repository for reference strains of M. leprae and M. lepromatosis
  • Animal models (i.e. conventional mice, athymic nude mice, genetically engineered mice, armadillos) for testing leprosy therapeutics and vaccines

For more information contact:

Linda B. Adams, Ph.D., Chief, Laboratory Research Branch:
Ramanuj Lahiri, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist:

Date Last Reviewed:  July 2020

Hansen's Disease

National Hansen's Disease Museum

Diagnosis & Management

Patient Information

Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention


National Hansen's Disease Clinical Center

Ambulatory Care Clinics

Training for Health Professionals

History of the Hansen's Disease Program

Frequently Asked Questions

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National Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) Program - Caring & Curing Since 1894


Biopsy Information

HD Surveillance*

*Note: If you use assistive technology, you may not be able to fully access information in this file. For help, please email or call 225-756-3761.

Related Links

Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)

Leprosy (National Institutes of Health)

Leprosy Elimination/Leprosy Today Exit Disclaimer (World Health Organization)