Goal 4: Optimize HRSA Operations and Strengthen Program Management

HRSA is committed to sound stewardship and ensuring the transparency and accountability of the resources Congress and the taxpayers entrust to the agency.

In 2019 – 2022, HRSA will continue to hold itself to high standards by ensuring all programs are driven by data and evidence to maximize the investments and contribute to improved health outcomes. HRSA will use collaborative and innovative approaches to manage challenges with the goal of achieving operational efficiency and effectiveness to accomplish the agency’s work.

Objective 4.1: Improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations


4.1.1 Support evidence-driven decisions, guided by financial, programmatic, and other relevant data, to increase the efficiency within HRSA’s programs.

4.1.2 Empower the HRSA workforce to design, test, evaluate, and sustain innovative, promising models to improve operational processes and efficiencies.

4.1.3 Support the development, enhancement, and use of technology to assist the HRSA workforce in performing at the highest levels.

Objective 4.2: Optimize the HRSA workforce to support an accountable, performance-driven organization


4.2.1 Ensure HRSA can meet current and anticipated workforce requirements by establishing and implementing a strategic human capital operating plan that reinforces principles of Equal Opportunity Employment and leverages the talents of a diverse workforce.

4.2.2 Recruit, hire, and retain a talented and diverse HRSA workforce based on the needs of the organization and in alignment with workforce planning principles.

4.2.3 Conduct training and expand other opportunities for team and individual competency development to support a skilled workforce at all levels of the organization.

4.2.4 Hold the HRSA workforce accountable by implementing meaningful and timely appraisal processes, and recognize employee contributions toward achieving HRSA goals.

Objective 4.3: Enhance program oversight and integrity


4.3.1 Promote program compliance and integrity through technical assistance and training for HRSA staff and funding recipients.

4.3.2 Implement performance management processes that identify and use meaningful program outcome measures to optimize resource allocation and improve health outcomes.

4.3.3 Identify and assess internal and external risks to program performance and activity to proactively address and mitigate vulnerabilities and integrate HRSA-wide enterprise risk management techniques as an integral part of program oversight to drive strategic decision-making.

4.3.4 Promote the submission of and fund high-quality grant applications to better meet the needs of the populations HRSA serves.

4.3.5 Extend the reach of HRSA programs through clear communication of priorities and desired outcomes to partner and stakeholder organizations.

Date Last Reviewed:  October 2019