HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund Claims Submission Deadline FAQs

Date Last Updated: April 2022

Why has the HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund stopped accepting claims?

The HRSA COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund (CAF) stopped accepting claims for vaccine administration at 11:59 p.m. on April 5, 2022 due to a lack of sufficient funds. 

Any vaccine administration claims submitted in the Portal after April 5, 2022 will not be adjudicated for payment.

When was the final deadline to submit claims for reimbursement?

April 5, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Any vaccine administration claims submitted in the Portal after April 5, 2022 will not be adjudicated for payment.

Will eligible claims submitted by the deadline be reimbursed?

Claims submitted by the deadline will be adjudicated and paid subject to their eligibility and the availability of funds.

What other resources are available to providers and/or underinsured individuals after the Coverage Assistance Fund winds down?

Alternative resources for underinsured individuals who need COVID-19 services or other health care coverage include:

Note: per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Requirements for COVID-19 Vaccination Program Providers, providers must continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines at no out-of-pocket cost to recipients.

I submitted claims before the submission deadline was announced on March 15, 2022. Will those claims be paid?

Claims submitted by the deadline will be adjudicated and paid subject to their eligibility and the availability of funds.

Will eligible claims submitted by the deadline be processed and reimbursed within the typical 30 business days?

HRSA anticipates that claims submitted by the deadline may take longer than the typical 30 business day timeframe to process as HRSA works to adjudicate and pay claims subject to their eligibility and the availability of funds.

How does exhaustion of funding for the Uninsured Program and Coverage Assistance Fund affect providers participating in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program?

On April 5, 2022, CDC issued the following statement:

Due to the lack of supplemental funding from Congress, HRSA stopped accepting claims for reimbursement of costs associated with administering COVID-19 vaccines to uninsured and underinsured individuals as of 11:59 PM ET on April 5, 2022. CDC strongly encourages providers to stay in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program and CDC expects participating providers will continue to administer these lifesaving vaccines at no cost to patients to ensure equitable access for all individuals. Where CDC becomes aware of a provider engaging in any of the following, CDC will consider taking any and all appropriate measures, including the possibility of rescinding the CDC provider agreement:

  • Administering COVID-19 Vaccine at any out-of-pocket cost to the recipient
  • Denying anyone vaccination, or differentially reducing appointment access, based on the vaccine recipient’s coverage status or network status
  • Charging an office visit or other fee if COVID-19 vaccination is the sole medical service provided
  • Requiring additional medical services to receive COVID-19 vaccination
  • Seeking any reimbursement, including through balance billing, from the vaccine recipient

For further information please see CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Requirements and Support.

Date Last Reviewed:  April 2022