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How HRSA Addresses Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

In 2017, we began our first agency-wide three-year plan to address intimate partner violence (IPV) called The HRSA Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence (PDF - 428 KB).

This Strategy identified actions for our agency to address IPV as an important public health issue.

In 2021, we began work on an updated HRSA-wide Strategy with an expected release date in early 2023. This updated Strategy will renew HRSA's all-of-agency approach to preventing and responding to IPV.

What Is IPV?

IPV is any form of violence by a current or former intimate partner. It includes emotional and verbal violence, physical violence, sexual violence, and stalking.1

How Common Is IPV?

IPV affects millions of women, men and children. In the United States, approximately one in four women and one in ten men experience IPV within their lifetime.1

IPV disproportionately affects many populations served by HRSA’s programs, particularly:

  • Pregnant women
  • Adolescents
  • Marginalized racial and ethnic groups
  • People with HIV
  • LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Individuals living with disabilities
  • Individuals with substance use disorders
  • Individuals living in rural areas

How Have We Carried out Our Vision?

The 2017-2020 Strategy focused on four priorities to address IPV:

  1. Train the public health workforce at the community level and organizational level.
  2. Develop partnerships to raise awareness of IPV within HRSA and HHS.
  3. Increase access to IPV-informed health care services for everyone.
  4. Address gaps in knowledge about IPV risks, impacts, and interventions.

OWH expects to release an updated Strategy in early 2023. This updated Strategy will renew HRSA’s all-of-agency approach to preventing and responding to IPV.

What Are the Results of Our Efforts?

Accomplishments during 2017-2020 included:

All 27 activities described in the Strategy were fully implemented by December 2020 with many recurring beyond then. The final summary report (PDF - 388 KB) describes key accomplishments by Strategy priority, implications and sustainability of Strategy successes, and potential opportunities and next steps. You can also read the HRSA Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence 2017-2018 Progress Report (PDF - 3 MB) for further Strategy tracking information. OWH continues to encourage a focus on preventing and addressing IPV across HRSA activities.

What Efforts Do We Lead at the Community Level?

We address IPV and human trafficking in community health care centers and domestic violence programs. We do this using our IPV toolkit and implementing lessons learned from Project Catalyst.

Get Help

Are you or someone you know experiencing human trafficking or IPV?

National Human Trafficking Hotline(link is external)
Free | 24/7 | Confidential
Call: 888-373-7888
Text: 233733 (BEFREE) or use TTY: 711

National Domestic Violence Hotline(link is external)
Free | 24/7 | Confidential
Call or Text: 800-799-7233 or
800-787-3224 (TTY)
Spanish chat 1-7 p.m. ET

Note: Providers can also call this hotline for treatment guidance



1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2019). Preventing Intimate Partner Violence (PDF - 512 KB)

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