Phase 4 General Distribution Payments - Batch 5 (April 2022)

Each row represents the number of providers qualified to receive a payment in each state/territory and the total payments distributed in this round of payments. The dataset will be updated as additional payments are released. The data does not reflect recipients' attestation status, returned payments, or unclaimed funds. Due to rounding, dollar amounts presented in this table for individual states/territories may not add up precisely to the overall total.

State/Territory Batch 5 Providers (#) Batch 5 Payments ($)
TOTAL 3,676 $1,752,684,173
Alabama 32 $15,914,974
Alaska 22 $2,956,177
American Samoa - -
Arizona 67 $46,521,608
Arkansas 17 $1,018,539
California 630 $298,242,999
Colorado 50 $28,951,082
Connecticut 32 $5,383,915
Delaware 6 $252,262
District of Columbia 13 $873,832
Florida 234 $49,306,550
Georgia 87 $32,049,114
Guam 2 $41,208,666
Hawaii 14 $41,637,454
Idaho 3 $1,772,396
Illinois 156 $50,562,246
Indiana 21 $15,487,656
Iowa 19 $35,839,944
Kansas 23 $3,613,341
Kentucky 49 $37,224,663
Louisiana 56 $83,448,500
Maine 13 $7,748,220
Maryland 91 $9,963,555
Massachusetts 65 $67,722,704
Michigan 112 $30,832,305
Minnesota 62 $19,133,859
Mississippi 33 $2,068,965
Missouri 40 $34,863,549
Montana 19 $16,061,107
Nebraska 19 $2,137,404
Nevada 37 $23,508,432
New Hampshire 12 $12,417,525
New Jersey 133 $59,729,438
New Mexico 9 $654,331
New York 312 $127,747,386
North Carolina 74 $20,986,728
North Dakota 9 $347,234
Northern Mariana Islands 1 $68,531
Ohio 128 $47,674,468
Oklahoma 45 $5,937,869
Oregon 37 $12,274,255
Pennsylvania 116 $31,915,620
Puerto Rico 40 $2,643,245
Rhode Island 8 $514,340
South Carolina 38 $77,329,695
South Dakota 7 $191,160
Tennessee 95 $46,560,769
Texas 333 $154,097,664
Utah 18 $1,215,514
Vermont 6 $20,312,842
Virgin Islands 2 $1,499,576
Virginia 80 $47,995,188
Washington 79 $27,858,881
West Virginia 12 $8,275,627
Wisconsin 50 $37,517,226
Wyoming 8 $613,043

See Phase 4 Payment Methodology.

Date Last Reviewed:  June 2022