Phase 4 General Distribution Payments – Batch 3 (February 2022)

Each row represents the number of providers qualified to receive a payment in each state/territory and the total payments distributed in this round of payments. The dataset will be updated as additional payments are released. The data does not reflect recipients’ attestation status, returned payments, or unclaimed funds. Due to rounding, dollar amounts presented in this table for individual states/territories may not add up precisely to the overall total.

State/Territory Batch 3 Providers (#) Batch 3 Payments ($)
TOTAL 4,162 $558,313,558
Alabama 52 $6,613,174
Alaska 13 $3,667,690
American Samoa - -
Arizona 61 $12,763,772
Arkansas 24 $2,477,749
California 757 $65,960,327
Colorado 60 $3,996,357
Connecticut 43 $8,027,786
Delaware 10 $451,546
District of Columbia 20 $2,936,923
Florida 198 $20,547,818
Georgia 103 $13,569,275
Guam - -
Hawaii 25 $1,798,293
Idaho 12 $573,511
Illinois 151 $17,294,647
Indiana 44 $10,713,234
Iowa 23 $3,121,841
Kansas 39 $3,303,672
Kentucky 49 $13,565,198
Louisiana 55 $7,314,266
Maine 16 $6,300,433
Maryland 78 $7,749,869
Massachusetts 106 $14,318,955
Michigan 132 $11,893,396
Minnesota 97 $18,395,602
Mississippi 27 $3,957,712
Missouri 52 $7,429,758
Montana 17 $4,421,037
Nebraska 33 $6,126,702
Nevada 39 $2,862,101
New Hampshire 17 $3,878,290
New Jersey 150 $19,837,019
New Mexico 22 $6,091,992
New York 371 $50,799,078
North Carolina 91 $8,531,775
North Dakota 5 $127,856
Northern Mariana Islands 1 $18,086
Ohio 151 $9,508,742
Oklahoma 34 $2,987,283
Oregon 46 $8,859,028
Pennsylvania 156 $36,757,036
Puerto Rico 57 $2,607,043
Rhode Island 8 $431,257
South Carolina 42 $6,622,542
South Dakota 10 $2,258,796
Tennessee 62 $14,752,986
Texas 340 $64,756,471
Utah 14 $973,215
Vermont 9 $773,762
Virgin Islands - -
Virginia 102 $12,227,662
Washington 68 $11,428,573
West Virginia 13 $1,462,713
Wisconsin 48 $10,041,994
Wyoming 9 $427,717

See Phase 4 Payment Methodology.

Date Last Reviewed:  June 2022