Phase 4 General Distribution Payments – Batch 2 (January 2022)

Each row represents the number of providers qualified to receive a payment in each state/territory and the total payments distributed in this round of payments. The dataset will be updated as additional payments are released. The data does not reflect recipients’ attestation status, returned payments, or unclaimed funds. Due to rounding, dollar amounts presented in this table for individual states/territories may not add up precisely to the overall total.

State/Territory Batch 2 Providers (#) Batch 2 Payments ($)
TOTAL 7,657 $2,028,470,170
Alabama 107 $12,572,652
Alaska 45 $1,356,833
American Samoa 1 $3,276
Arizona 109 $6,879,256
Arkansas 75 $23,041,952
California 864 $441,601,724
Colorado 142 $30,594,031
Connecticut 74 $32,110,767
Delaware 17 $4,692,314
District of Columbia 14 $184,176
Florida 406 $49,595,867
Georgia 215 $32,169,188
Guam 2 $18,024
Hawaii 34 $30,254,448
Idaho 39 $10,127,732
Illinois 286 $79,977,553
Indiana 96 $26,004,395
Iowa 70 $16,389,163
Kansas 82 $4,206,606
Kentucky 131 $52,321,524
Louisiana 196 $37,299,641
Maine 40 $30,890,991
Maryland 161 $16,527,413
Massachusetts 135 $21,152,058
Michigan 220 $25,087,458
Minnesota 153 $20,079,180
Mississippi 124 $25,441,245
Missouri 163 $30,663,256
Montana 35 $1,722,734
Nebraska 63 $2,738,080
Nevada 77 $3,871,847
New Hampshire 25 $11,317,034
New Jersey 314 $25,850,944
New Mexico 31 $1,242,929
New York 559 $299,552,390
North Carolina 175 $43,566,211
North Dakota 22 $4,390,348
Northern Mariana Islands - -
Ohio 292 $96,579,252
Oklahoma 130 $13,045,280
Oregon 86 $32,787,427
Pennsylvania 255 $105,547,375
Puerto Rico 48 $13,171,900
Rhode Island 21 $13,441,567
South Carolina 94 $13,323,631
South Dakota 39 $12,957,549
Tennessee 202 $61,273,489
Texas 648 $100,165,437
Utah 39 $22,391,165
Vermont 13 $1,160,618
Virgin Islands 4 $1,179,890
Virginia 189 $20,059,351
Washington 125 $37,575,231
West Virginia 32 $12,255,617
Wisconsin 123 $15,596,853
Wyoming 15 $463,299

See Phase 4 Payment Methodology.

Date Last Reviewed:  June 2022