Phase 4 General Distribution Payments - Batch 6 (May 2022)

Each row represents the number of providers qualified to receive a payment in each state/territory and the total payments distributed in this round of payments. The dataset will be updated as additional payments are released. The data does not reflect recipients' attestation status, returned payments, or unclaimed funds. Due to rounding, dollar amounts presented in this table for individual states/territories may not add up precisely to the overall total.

State/Territory Batch 6 Providers (#) Batch 6 Payments ($)
TOTAL 2,293 $482,149,590
Alabama 19 $1,967,802
Alaska 5 $335,437
American Samoa - -
Arizona 21 $26,828,366
Arkansas 19 $7,118,815
California 378 $45,734,762
Colorado 24 $900,439
Connecticut 23 $10,107,888
Delaware 3 $133,700
District of Columbia 8 $1,832,010
Florida 167 $18,754,834
Georgia 69 $8,839,006
Guam 1 $10,886
Hawaii 19 $434,815
Idaho 9 $308,761
Illinois 93 $41,405,841
Indiana 26 $3,275,613
Iowa 12 $194,322
Kansas 18 $1,573,054
Kentucky 34 $9,025,397
Louisiana 41 $3,065,010
Maine 7 $289,161
Maryland 50 $1,954,104
Massachusetts 44 $4,527,629
Michigan 68 $13,441,067
Minnesota 22 $913,388
Mississippi 17 $2,273,566
Missouri 68 $2,500,434
Montana 4 $558,266
Nebraska 9 $1,084,085
Nevada 21 $613,915
New Hampshire 8 $1,696,565
New Jersey 85 $6,692,314
New Mexico 8 $770,651
New York 221 $23,333,026
North Carolina 37 $4,612,982
North Dakota 9 $1,587,020
Northern Mariana Islands - -
Ohio 93 $27,692,112
Oklahoma 26 $1,321,091
Oregon 13 $243,250
Pennsylvania 79 $29,643,477
Puerto Rico 30 $1,200,245
Rhode Island 2 $75,098
South Carolina 21 $3,212,815
South Dakota - -
Tennessee 46 $39,185,891
Texas 184 $61,743,801
Utah 8 $12,256,225
Vermont 5 $274,793
Virgin Islands - -
Virginia 43 $4,776,058
Washington 37 $44,926,671
West Virginia 9 $5,416,872
Wisconsin 29 $1,406,258
Wyoming 1 $80,005

See Phase 4 Payment Methodology

Date Last Reviewed:  June 2022