Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances

Providers who did not submit a Reporting Period 1 (RP1) report by the deadline and returned funds prior to HRSA announcing the Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances process have a one-time opportunity to have their RP1 PRF payment(s) reissued. The projected window for report submissions is August 22 to September 9, 2022.

Providers who wish to have their payments reissued should follow the following process:

  • Register in the PRF Reporting Portal.
  • Submit your request to participate via the DocuSign form. HRSA Exit Disclaimer Providers may submit their requests between July 18 and July 29, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
  • Requests will be reviewed and providers will be notified when they may submit an RP1 report via the PRF Reporting Portal.
  • Providers will have approximately ten business days to complete the report. To prepare to report, please refer to the How to Report webpage for guidance on completing and submitting your report.


The Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances process is intended for providers who were required to report in an applicable reporting period, but extenuating circumstances prevented them from submitting a report by the required deadline.

  • Providers are strongly encouraged to complete their report in the PRF Reporting Portal by the deadlines indicated in the Post-Payment Notice of Reporting Requirements (PDF - 232 KB) in order to remain in compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the PRF payments.
  • Providers will have an opportunity to submit a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances if one or more of the extenuating circumstances described below apply.
  • Providers whose Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances is approved will have the opportunity to complete their report in the PRF Reporting Portal.
  • Providers whose Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances is denied will remain non-compliant with the Terms and Conditions until they return all funds to HRSA that were not reported on in the applicable reporting period. Review the Returning Funds webpage for additional details.
  • Providers may not utilize the Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances process to request an opportunity to make edits or adjustments to an already submitted report. Contact the Provider Support Line at 866-569-3522 for assistance regarding revising a submitted report.

Please note that submission of a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances does not guarantee the request will be approved or that a provider will be allowed to enter the PRF Reporting Portal to complete and submit a report. Approval or denial of requests are subject to determination by HRSA.

Extenuating Circumstances

For each PRF Reporting Period, a provider may request an opportunity to complete their report after the reporting period deadline based on attestation that one of the following allowable extenuating circumstances applies at the time of the deadline:

  • Severe illness or death – a severe medical condition or death of a provider or key staff member responsible for reporting hindered the organization’s ability to complete the report during the Reporting Period.
  • Impacted by natural disaster – a natural disaster occurred during or in close proximity of the end of the Reporting Period damaging the organization’s records or information technology. 
  • Lack of receipt of reporting communications – an incorrect email or mailing address on file with HRSA prevented the organization from receiving instructions prior to the Reporting Period deadline.
  • Failure to click “Submit” – the organization registered and prepared a report in the PRF Reporting Portal, but failed to take the final step to click “Submit” prior to deadline.
  • Internal miscommunication or error – internal miscommunication or error regarding the individual who was authorized and expected to submit the report on behalf of the organization and/or the registered point of contact in the PRF Reporting Portal.
  • Incomplete Targeted Distribution payments – the organization’s parent entity completed all General Distribution payments, but a Targeted Distribution(s) was not reported on by the subsidiary.

Process for Submitting a Late Report Request

  1. All providers who are considered non-compliant will be notified by HRSA after the conclusion of the Reporting Period and be given details on how to submit a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances.
  2. Providers who plan to submit a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances, but have not registered in the PRF Reporting Portal, should complete registration prior to submitting their request. Registration instructions are on the PRF Reporting webpage.
  3. Providers will submit a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances Form indicating the extenuating circumstance. Provider must indicate and attest to a clear and concise explanation related to the applicable extenuating circumstance; however, supporting documentation will not be required.
  4. Providers must attest to the truthfulness and accuracy of their extenuating circumstance(s) within the Form.
  5. Providers who submit a Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances will be notified by HRSA if their request is approved or denied.
  6. Providers whose request is approved will receive a notification to proceed with completing the report. Providers will have ten business days from the date the notification is received to submit a report in the PRF Reporting Portal.

Late Reporting Timeframes

Reporting Periods 1 and 2

  • The deadlines to submit a request for RP1 and RP2 have now passed. All RP1 requests must have been received by April 22, 2022, and all RP2 requests must have been received by May 18, 2022 to have been considered.

Non-Compliant Providers

HRSA will not require non-compliant providers to return funds until after the Request to Report Late Due to Extenuating Circumstances process for a Reporting Period has closed. Providers who submit a request will be notified by HRSA if their request is approved or denied. Providers whose request is approved will receive a notification to proceed with completing the report. Providers whose request is denied will need to return their funds to become compliant with their PRF reporting requirement.

  • Non-compliant providers will be excluded from receiving and/or retaining future PRF payments – including any applicable Phase 4 payments.
  • For more details on non-compliance, review the Reporting Non-Compliance Fact Sheet (PDF - 158 KB).
Date Last Reviewed:  July 2022