FY 2013 Ryan White Part B Grant Awards

Part B Grantee FY 2013 Final Base Award FY 2013 Final ADAP Award Total FY13 Part B Supplemental Award Total FY13 Part B Award*
Alabama $7,550,206 $9,747,521 $ 155,153 $ 18,704,666
Alaska $500,000 $562,869 $ 8,871 $ 1,117,724
Arizona $3,735,341 $10,543,186 $ 194,284 $ 15,427,692
Arkansas $3,306,039 $4,173,720 $ 64,621 $ 7,917,268
California $32,083,455 $98,380,203 $ 1,738,531 $ 141,338,429
Colorado $3,381,421 $9,509,736 $ 176,709 $ 13,913,145
Connecticut $3,237,675 $10,149,812 $ 314,808 $ 13,825,158
Delaware $2,226,604 $2,910,559   $ 5,385,265
District of Columbia $4,199,932 $14,092,127   $ 18,512,139
Florida $29,369,435 $83,986,318 $ 2,920,207 $ 124,824,459
Georgia $12,007,138 $31,611,268 $ 566,494 $ 47,452,685
Hawaii $1,520,474 $1,962,973   $ 3,501,483
Idaho $534,516 $690,075   $ 1,280,968
Illinois $8,863,963 $27,692,804   $ 39,206,152
Indiana $3,269,469 $7,545,100 $ 144,250 $ 11,575,228
Iowa $1,251,928 $1,616,273 $ 28,913 $ 3,029,158
Kansas $1,071,006 $2,415,263   $ 3,486,269
Kentucky $3,641,796 $4,701,657   $ 9,026,322
Louisiana $5,859,282 $15,699,628 $ 541,649 $ 23,615,695
Maine $766,355 $989,385   $ 1,755,740
Maryland $8,525,280 $27,565,018   $ 36,539,248
Massachusetts $4,879,516 $13,917,303 $ 467,966 $ 19,424,007
Michigan $4,701,176 $12,420,524 $ 193,249 $ 17,480,380
Minnesota $1,862,148 $5,800,789 $ 109,271 $ 7,828,325
Mississippi $5,753,198 $7,481,081   $ 13,638,586
Missouri $3,523,498 $9,673,525   $ 13,197,023
Montana $500,000 $341,712   $ 869,629
Nebraska $1,160,480 $1,498,212   $ 2,794,909
Nevada $2,025,526 $5,990,352   $ 8,075,858
New Hampshire $500,000 $966,937   $ 1,466,937
New Jersey $10,810,177 $29,978,367 $ 1,033,447 $ 44,885,294
New Mexico $1,716,249 $2,215,724   $ 3,931,973
New York $36,458,005 $110,870,226 $ 3,789,690 $ 153,752,041
North Carolina $10,620,710 $21,617,647 $ 378,372 $ 34,996,635
North Dakota $500,000 $169,609   $ 683,465
Ohio $7,276,118 $15,303,043   $ 23,037,985
Oklahoma $3,347,142 $4,244,379   $ 8,152,748
Oregon $1,630,669 $4,524,566 $ 85,580 $ 6,261,821
Pennsylvania $11,444,980 $27,855,846   $ 39,948,944
Puerto Rico $8,808,134 $18,326,048 $ 535,819 $ 29,523,518
Rhode Island $1,159,278 $2,194,058   $ 3,691,054
South Carolina $10,383,057 $12,640,017 $ 234,875 $ 25,036,722
South Dakota $500,000 $377,463   $ 908,300
Tennessee $5,096,140 $14,054,256 $ 269,140 $ 20,746,294
Texas $20,003,411 $57,395,140 $ 1,024,013 $ 83,890,652
Utah $1,590,669 $2,053,598 $ 37,904 $ 3,849,943
Vermont $500,000 $362,929   $ 862,929
Virginia $6,973,843 $17,377,426 $ 323,524 $ 26,718,049
Washington $3,419,972 $9,527,196   $ 13,788,356
West Virginia $982,126 $1,343,568   $ 2,325,694
Wisconsin $3,446,896 $4,459,715 $ 84,494 $ 8,662,447
Wyoming $500,000 $228,639   $ 747,318
Guam $178,590 $80,040   $ 258,630
Virgin Islands $500,000 $567,037 $ 9,569 $ 1,126,996
American Samoa $45,927 $2,463   $ 48,390
Marshall Islands $43,631 $2,609   $ 46,240
Mariana Island $38,597 $8,314   $ 46,911
Republic of Palau $39,274 $3,326   $ 42,600
Federated States of Micronesia $30,916 $7,572   $ 38,488
TOTALS $309,851,368 $782,426,751 $ 15,431,403 $ 1,164,220,984

*Total FY13 Part B award includes funding for Part B Base, Emerging Communities, Minority AIDS Initiative, ADAP Earmark, ADAP Supplemental, and Part B Supplemental. Does not include ADAP Emergency Relief Awards.

Date Last Reviewed:  March 2016