HRSA awards over $12M for maternal & child mental health programs

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Tuesday, September 25

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) today awarded $12.4 million through two programs designed to support the mental health of women and children across the United States.

"HRSA is the primary federal agency connecting people to quality, affordable health care," said HRSA Administrator George Sigounas, MS, Ph.D. "Today's awards illustrate our firm commitment to the mental health and well-being of our nation's mothers, children, and families."

Approximately $7.9 million of the funding will support 18 states to integrate behavioral health into pediatric primary care using telehealth through the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program. State or regional networks of pediatric mental health teams will provide tele-consultation, training, technical assistance and care coordination for pediatric primary care providers to diagnose, treat and refer children with behavioral health conditions.

An additional $4.5 million will support seven states to implement the Screening and Treatment for Maternal Depression and Related Behavioral Disorders Program. Real-time psychiatric consultation, care coordination, and training will help front-line providers screen, assess, refer and treat pregnant and postpartum women for depression and other behavioral health conditions such as anxiety and substance misuse – including in rural and medically underserved areas.

"Access to mental health care is a critical component to ensuring overall health," said Laura Kavanagh, Acting Associate Administrator of HRSA's Maternal and Child Health Bureau. "HRSA's awards will employ telehealth, local provider training, and other evidence-based and culturally competent strategies to meet the diverse mental health needs of mothers and children throughout the United States."

To learn more about how HRSA is addressing behavioral and mental health, visit

Below please see a list of awardees.

Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program

Total Award: $7,913,850 to 18 grantee organizations

Grantee Organization



Award Amount

Department of Mental Health Montgomery Alabama $378,794
Department of Health and Social Services Juneau Alaska $436,212
Department of Public Health and Environment Denver Colorado $445,000
Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Families Wilmington Delaware $445,000
Department of Public Health Des Moines Iowa $445,000
Department of Health and Human Services Silver Spring Michigan $445,000
Department of Mental Health Jackson Mississippi $445,000
Department of Mental Health Jefferson City Missouri $425,000
Department of Public Health and Human Services Helena Montana $444,794
Department of Health and Human Services Lincoln Nebraska $445,000
Division of Children and Family Services Las Vegas Nevada $444,050
Department of Health and Human Services Concord New Hampshire $445,000
Department of Health Trenton New Jersey $445,000
Department of Health and Human Services Raleigh North Carolina $445,000
Department of Health Bismarck North Dakota $445,000
Department of Health Providence Rhode Island $445,000
Department of Health Richmond Virginia $445,000
Department of Health Services Madison Wisconsin $445,000

Screening and Treatment for Maternal Depression and Related Behavioral Disorders Program

Total Award: $4,517,096 to 7 grantee organizations

Grantee Organization



Award Amount

Department of Health Tallahasse Florida $650,000
Department of Health and Environment Topeka Kansas $649,341
Department Of Health New Orleans Louisiana $640,230
Department of Public Health and Human Services Helena Montana $650,000
Department Of Health & Human Services Raleigh North Carolina $650,000
Department of Health Providence Rhode Island $650,000
Agency Of Human Services Waterbury Vermont $627,525

*In FY2019, HRSA conducted a second competition and funded an additional three cooperative agreements for the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program.

Grantee Organization



Award Amount

Kansas Department of Health and Environment Topeka Kansas $444,577
Maryland Department of Health Baltimore Maryland $444,950
Maine Department of Health and Human Services Augusta Maine $445,000
Date Last Reviewed:  January 2020