IV. Types of Dissemination Methods

HRSA's website holds public data and program information for public use. HRSA's Office of Communications serves as the Agency point of contact for clearing HRSA information products. On the HRSA Data Warehouse website, users can:

  • Analyze, sort, and filter data on interactive dashboards
  • Locate HRSA's health centers and other HRSA-supported programs and services
  • View HRSA's data on maps
  • Query and explore data using query tools and reports
  • See what HRSA is doing in your state, county, region, and congressional district
  • View and compare data by geography, by topic, and by HRSA program area
  • Download data for research and analysis
  • Embed widgets on any website to provide access to HRSA data
  • Connect to HRSA data from third party applications through map services and web services
  • Create custom maps and reports

For each of the other examples given in the "Examples of Program, Policy, and Administrative Data" section above, the following dissemination methods are used:

  • HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program State Profiles and Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Services Reports (RSR) can be accessed at the HIV/AIDS Bureau website. The data visualization tool is available by standard web browser.
  • The Title V Information System is available on the HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau website. Program materials can be downloaded to obtain prepared tables and graphs, brochures, annual reports, and more. The web site also includes specific contact information for questions regarding the content of the site and questions, problems or comments regarding the functionality of the site
  • The Grants.gov Grant Forecast is available online. The Grant Forecasts are early announcements for potential funding opportunities each fiscal year.
  • The Area Health Resource File is available in electronic format only. Contact information is provided on the HRSA web site and includes an address, phone number, fax number, email, and web site specific to AHRF. Both the dashboard and a download link can be file on the Area Health Resource File website.
  • The UDS data are available on HRSAs public-facing web site. Data are available at the health center, state, and national levels. Additionally, Excel file formats of the UDS data are available for download from HRSA’s Freedom of Information Act Office Electronic Reading Room.
  • National Survey of Children’s Health supporting materials, including questionnaires and methodology reports, are publicly available.

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Date Last Reviewed:  September 2019