III. Types of Information Disseminated by the Agency to the Public

HRSA disseminates a range of information to the public via the HRSA website. Posts on social media channels link users to latest news and resources on HRSA programs. The HRSA website provides information, data, and reports on community health resources, health professionals training, HIV/AIDS, managed care, maternal and child health, minority health, oral health, primary health care, rural health, organ donation and transplantation.

Within the HRSA website there is a wealth of public information. Web users may review information online or download it for future use.

Examples of Program, Policy, and Administrative Data:

  1. The HRSA Data Warehouse provides maps, data, reports, and dashboards to the public about HRSA's health care programs. The data integrates with external sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau, providing information about HRSA’s grants, loan and scholarship programs, health centers, and other public health programs and services.

  2. HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program State Profiles is an online resource that provides users with a national and state-by-state look at client-level Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR) data. The data visualization tool allows users to compare states, compare states to the U.S. overall, or compare data by year.

  3. The Title V Information System (TVIS) collects State Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program annual applications and reports from the 59 states and jurisdictions, and provides information on key measures and indicators of maternal and child health in the United States. The data are available on the public TVIS site that graphically displays the TVIS data (financial, program and performance data) using a dashboard-like look and feel. The site consists of:

    • interactive charts and maps;
    • data downloads, including images and Excel spreadsheets;
    • a narrative search to perform word searches within narrative content submitted by the 59 states and jurisdictions;
    • State Snapshots, where data from different forms in TVIS and the state provided executive summary narrative content are available to download as a PDF to provide an overview of a state’s MCH program; and
    • a new National Snapshot, where national data from different forms in TVIS is available to download as a PDF
  4. The Grants.gov Grant Forecast contains a description of competitive programs scheduled for awards each Fiscal Year. Specific information in the Grants.gov Grant Forecast includes:

    • program title;
    • notice of funding opportunity number;
    • applicant eligibility;
    • program purpose;
    • estimated application due date;
    • estimated award amount for the competition; and
    • a program contact person with telephone and email address
  5. HRSA's Bureau of Health Workforce Area Health Resources Files (AHRF) include data on health care professions, health facilities, population characteristics, economics, health professions training, hospital utilization, hospital expenditures, and geographic environment at the county, state and national levels, from over 50 data sources. These data include county-level estimates for the entire U.S. of the number of physicians (including specialties and limited demographic information), dentists, dental hygienists, optometrists, pharmacists, podiatrists, nurses, physician assistants, and other health professionals. Information is available on hospitals, nursing homes, HMOs, inpatient days and other utilization measures, hospital and Medicare expenditures, and various selected variables containing information on the resident population and environmental characteristics. The AHRF utilizes secondary data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau, the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, the National Center for Health Statistics, and other sources.

    The AHRF also contains variables that describe the geographical characteristics of a county. These characteristics include fields that identify metropolitan/micropolitan/ non–Core-Based Statistical Area indicators, population density; land area; and typology codes developed in the mid-2000s by the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicating such property characteristics as the rural-urban continuum, urban influence, farming dependence, mining dependence, manufacturing dependence, or persistent poverty. Analyses can be performed at the county level or aggregated to the state or national level. County and state identification variables (e.g., Federal Information Processing Standard [FIPS] state and county codes) enable linking AHRF data to other data sets.

  6. HRSA's Bureau of Primary Health Care Uniform Data System (UDS) is an annual reporting requirement of all participants in the Health Center Program. UDS data are reviewed to ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements, improve health center performance and operations, and report overall program accomplishments. These data help to identify trends over time, to establish or expand targeted programs, and to identify effective services and interventions to improve the health of underserved communities and vulnerable populations. The UDS includes information on patient demographics, services provided, staffing, clinical indicators, utilization rates, costs, and revenues. Data are available at the health center, state, and national levels.

  7. The National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) is an annual, cross-sectional, address-based survey that collects information on the health and well-being of children ages 0-17 years, and related health care, family, and community-level factors that can influence health. The NSCH is funded and directed by HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and is fielded by the U.S. Census Bureau using both web-based and paper and pencil methodologies. NSCH data reflect information collected from parents/caregivers and are the only source of both national- and state-level estimates on key measures of child health. Data are weighted to represent all non-institutionalized children in the United States and serve as the source for 19 National Performance and Outcome Measures for the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program and 15 Healthy People Objectives. The NSCH was re-designed in 2016, combining two previously separate HRSA MCHB quadrennial surveys, the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs and the National Survey of Children's Health.

  8. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, Annual Client-Level Data Report is an annual report, first published by HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau in 2014, featuring Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Services Report (RSR) data about all clients served by the RWHAP. The most recent 2017 Annual Client-level Data Report features RSR data about all clients served by the RWHAP during calendar years 2013 through 2017. The publication provides an in-depth look at demographics and socio-economic factors among clients served. This includes age, race/ethnicity, transmission risk category, federal poverty level, health care coverage, and housing status. In addition, the report provides focused analyses to measure RWHAP's progress toward achieving HIV-related health outcomes.

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Date Last Reviewed:  September 2019