Goal 3: Achieve Health Equity and Enhance Population Health

In 2019 – 2022, HRSA will focus efforts to increase access to health care and improve health outcomes for vulnerable populations by enhancing community partnerships with entities from diverse geographic areas, groups needing or offering particular health care services, professional organizations, and others that support the populations HRSA serves.

HRSA efforts will include activities such as leveraging advisory councils to better understand community requirements, integrating public health and primary care services, using evidence-based decision-making to guide efforts to address health disparities, and promoting illness prevention and healthy behaviors.

OBJECTIVE 3.1: Leverage community partnerships and stakeholder collaboration to achieve health equity and enhance population health


3.1.1 Increase linkages of people to services and resources that improve population health through the development and support of community-based partnerships.

3.1.2 Support community actions that address social determinants of health and improve health-related infrastructure.

3.1.3 Improve health outcomes by supporting integration and coordination of health services, primary care providers, and the public health sector.

3.1.4 Expand outreach and communication, and develop stakeholder partnerships that lead to sustainable initiatives that eliminate health disparities.

OBJECTIVE 3.2: Promote health and disease prevention across populations, providers, and communities


3.2.1 Increase community-based disease prevention efforts.

3.2.2 Address emerging community health needs, including public health emergencies, by supporting adaptable, innovative, outcome-focused, sustainable programs.

Date Last Reviewed:  October 2019