February 9, 2017 Meeting

Agenda (PDF - 169 KB)

Transcript (PDF - 472 KB)


Opening Remarks and Committee Correspondence (PDF - 54 KB)
Joseph Bocchini, MD
Committee Chair

U.S. Government Accountability Office Report - Newborn Screening Timeliness (PDF - 199 KB)
Joseph Bocchini, MD
Committee Chair

Panel: Newborn Screening Cutoffs and Algorithms

Michele Caggana, Sc.D., FACMG (PDF - 404 KB)
Director, Newborn Screening Program
New York State Department of Health

John D. Thompson, PhD, MPH, MPA (PDF - 956 KB)
Director, Newborn Screening Program
Washington State Newborn Screening Program

Carol Johnson (PDF - 91 KB)
Iowa Newborn Screening Program
University of Iowa
Department of Pediatrics

National Contingency Plan for Newborn Screening (PDF - 349 KB)
Kate Taft, MPH
Associate Director for Child and Adolescent Health, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Medical Foods for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (PDF - 212 KB)
Sue Berry, MD
Director, Division of Genetics and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minneapolis

Education and Training Workgroup Update (PDF - 473 KB)
Cathy Wicklund, MS, CGC
Committee Member

Laboratory Standards and Procedures Workgroup Update (PDF - 36 KB)
Kellie Kelm, PhD Chair
Ex-Officio Committee Member - Food and Drug Administration
Chair, Laboratory Standards and Procedures Workgroup

Follow up and Treatment Workgroup Update (PDF - 150 KB)
Stephen McDonough, MD
Committee Member

Date Last Reviewed:  June 2021