Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality (ACIMM)

Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality (ACIMM) Meeting

Next ACIMM meeting will be September 13, 14, and 15, 2022.

Additional information will be forthcoming.

2021-2023 Charter (PDF - 178 KB)

Members List (PDF - 26 KB)

The Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality (ACIMM) was formed in 1991 to advise the Secretary on Department of Health and Human Services’ programs that are directed at reducing infant mortality and improving the health status of pregnant women and infants.

The Committee represents a public and private partnership at the highest level to provide guidance and to focus attention on the policies and resources required to address the reduction of infant and maternal mortality. The Committee provides advice on how best to coordinate the variety of federal, state, local and private programs and efforts that are designed to deal with the health and social problems impacting  infant and maternal mortality.

ACIMM advises the Secretary and the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration on Department programs, including implementation of the Healthy Start Initiative and relevant objectives from Healthy People 2020: Keeping the Nation Healthy.

Date Last Reviewed:  June 2022