National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice


Seeking Nominations

The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) seeks nominations for new members. This includes:

  • Leading authorities in the fields of nursing, higher and secondary education, and associate degree schools of nursing
  • Representatives of advanced education nursing groups
  • Individuals from diverse backgrounds, and from populations with minority representation in the nursing workforce
  • Practicing professional and advanced practice nurses
  • Leaders from hospitals and other institutions and organizations that provide nursing services
  • Full-time students enrolled in schools of nursing
  • Members of the general public with an interest in improving health care

Contact us for more information about eligibility and application requirements.

The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Congress, on policy issues related to Title VIII programs.

The Secretary of Health and Human Services and, by delegation, the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), are charged under Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, with responsibility for a wide range of issues related to the nurse workforce, nursing education, and nursing practice improvement, including:

  • Enhancement of the composition of the nursing workforce
  • Improvement of the distribution and utilization of nurses to meet the health needs of the nation
  • Expansion of the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of nurses to enhance the quality of nursing practice
  • Development and dissemination of improved models of organization
  • Financing and delivery of nursing services
  • Promotion of interdisciplinary approaches to the delivery of health services particularly in the context of public health and primary care

Contact Us

Designated Federal Officer - email Camillus Ezeike

Date Last Reviewed:  November 2021