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Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) Data

Aggregate Data as of June 1, 2022

The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) provides compensation for covered serious injuries or deaths that, based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence, are found to be directly caused by the administration or use of a covered countermeasure or are determined to meet the requirements of a countermeasure injury table. Temporal association between administration or use of the covered countermeasure and onset of the injury (i.e., the injury occurs a certain time after the administration or use) is not sufficient, by itself, to prove that an injury is the direct result of a covered countermeasure.

It is important to note that the CICP data only captures the alleged countermeasure(s) and the alleged injuries that CICP requesters list on their Request for Benefits forms (RFB) or claim. The countermeasure or injury listed by the requester on the RFB may or may not be consistent with the requester’s medical documentation or the injury resulting in compensation. While requesters are required to identify the alleged countermeasure on their RFB form, they are not required to list the specific manufacturer or trade name on their RFB form.

Furthermore, while requesters must submit their RFB form within 1 year from the administration or use of the covered countermeasure, requesters are permitted to submit the necessary medical records and other documentation, such as a copy of a requester’s COVID-19 vaccination record, after the RFB is filed. For the majority of COVID-19 countermeasure claims, including COVID-19 vaccine claims, the CICP is still waiting for records and documentation to be submitted.

When was the first CICP claim filed?

The first CICP claim was filed in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010; there are no CICP claims to report on prior to FY 2010.

Is the CICP data available by specific manufacturer or trade name?

The CICP does not maintain its aggregated data concerning alleged countermeasures, including vaccines, by specific manufacturer.

How many claims has the CICP compensated?

The CICP is the payer of last resort and can only reimburse or pay for medical expenses or lost employment income that are not covered by other third-party payers. To date, the CICP has paid compensation for 29 CICP claims, totaling more than $6 million. An additional 10 CICP claims were eligible for compensation after a review of the required medical records and documentation; however, in these cases there were no eligible reported medical expenses or lost employment income for the CICP to compensate.

Has the CICP made any decisions regarding COVID-19 Claims?

As of June 1, 2022, the CICP has not compensated any COVID-19 countermeasures claims. Thirty-one COVID-19 countermeasure claims have been denied compensation because the standard of proof for causation was not met and/or a covered injury was not sustained. One COVID-19 countermeasure claim, a COVID-19 vaccine claim due to an anaphylactic reaction, has been determined eligible for compensation and is pending a review of eligible expenses.

CICP Data for Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022 (As of June 1, 2022)

Total CICP Claims Filed: 8,935

  • Claims Eligible for Medical Review: 8,839
    • Eligible for Compensation: 41
      • Compensated: 29
      • No Eligible Reported Expenses: 10
      • Pending: 2
    • Pending Review or In Review: 8,409
    • Denied: 389
      • Requested Medical Records Not Submitted: 135
      • Standard of Proof Not Met and/or Covered Injury Not Sustained: 254
  • Claims Ineligible for Medical Review: 96
    • Missed Filing Deadline: 38
    • Not CICP Covered Product/Not Specified: 58

CICP claims data is provided below in categories pertaining to their status.

Table 1. Alleged COVID-19 Countermeasure Claims Filed as of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury/death for each COVID-19 countermeasure claim filed as of June 1, 2022. Of the 8,439 COVID-19 countermeasure claims, 5,449 allege injuries/deaths from COVID-19 vaccines and 2,990 allege injuries/deaths from other COVID-19 countermeasures.

The CICP does not maintain its aggregated data concerning alleged countermeasures, including vaccines, by specific manufacturer or trade name.

Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury/Death Number of Claims
Failure to have infection control programs in place, the failure to have adequate infection control in place, the failure to properly train staff, the failure to provide sufficient staff, the failure to cohort infected and uninfected individuals, the failure to provide PPE to staff and residents, the failure to train on the proper use of PPE, the failure to have adequate procedures in place to deal with infection, the failure to adequately monitor residents for signs of infection, the failure to transfer residents to a higher level of care when needed, the failure to adequately treat residents with COVID, the failure to provide appropriate distancing among residents, the failure to properly report the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths to authorities, and others. Death 294
Anakinra Death 1
Antiviral Death 1
Apixaban / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Zithromax Death 1
Aspirin / Hydroxychloroquine / Oxygen / Zithromax Death 1
Auxora Death 1
Azithromycin Death 17
Azithromycin / BiPap / Cefepime / Codeine / Flagyl / Guaifenesin / Lovenox / Phosphate / Procalcitohin / Remdesivir / Transdermal Nitro Paste / Vancomycin Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPAP / Ivermectin / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / SPO2 / Convalescent Plasma Acute Respiratory Failure 1
Azithromycin / Cefdinir / G-Tube Death 1
Azithromycin / Cefdinir / Ibuprofen Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Plaquenil Death 1
Azithromycin / CiPAP Death 1
Azithromycin / CiPAP / BiPAP Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Hydroxychloroquine / Ivermectin Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir Death 2
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 2
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Steroid Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine Death 12
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / BiPAP / Heparin Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Bolus / Ceftriaxone / Zosyn Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Dexamethasone Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Dialysis Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Fentanyl / Intubation Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Intubation Death 5
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 7
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Respirator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Rocephin Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Steroids Death 1
Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 33
Azithromycin / Metoprolol Death 1
Azithromycin / Ondansetron / Cefdinir Death 1
Azithromycin / Remdesivir Death 12
Azithromycin / Remdesivir Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
BiPap Death 1
BiPap / Ceftriaxone / Doxycycline / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine Death 1
BiPap / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 2
BiPap / COVID-19 Medications / Nebulizer Death 1
BiPAP / CPAP / COVID-19 Medications Death 1
BiPap / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPAP / High Flow Oxygen / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPAP / Hydroxychloroquine / Ivermectin Death 1
BiPap / Hydroxychloroquine / Ivermectin / Remdesivir Death 3
BiPap / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPAP / Ivermectin / Remdesivir / Vapotherm Death 1
BiPap / Remdesivir Death 4
BiPap / Convalescent Plasma Death 1
Chest Compression / Epinephrine / Intubation Death 1
Chest Compressions / Epinephrine Death 1
Contrast Kidney Injury 1
Convalescent Plasma Death 4
Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Lovenox / Remdesivir Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 4
Convalescent Plasma / Tocilizumab / Zithromax Death 1
COVID-19 Antivirals / Antibiotics / Anti-inflammatory Medications / Oxygen Therapy Death 1
COVID-19 Infection Death 3
COVID-19 Infection Not Specified 1
COVID-19 Infection Post COVID-19 Disease Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Infection Shingles Virus / Post-Herpetic Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Medications Death 13
COVID-19 Medications / Intubation Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Remdesivir Death 1
COVID-19 Test Death 2
COVID-19 Test Perforated Ethmoidal Artery 1
COVID-19 Test Punctured Brain / CSF 1
COVID-19 test / Heparin / Supplemental Oxygen / Ultrasound (Duplex) Brain Injury / Quadriplegia 1
COVID-19 Test / Oxygen Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdomen Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Aorta/ Rare Aorta Thrombus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Gait / Conversion Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Body Aches / Chills / Diarrhea / Headaches / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Chills / Lightheadedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Diarrhea / Nausea / Vomiting / Bloating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Diarrhea / Severe Nerve Pain / Nerve Tightening / Weight Loss / Lower Back Pain / Tachycardia / Eye Floaters / Electrical Shocks Around Body / Altered Sensations on Skin 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Muscle and Joint Pain / Chills / Vision Distortion / Retina Puckering 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EGK / Chest Pain / Elevated Blood Pressure / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal Heart Rhythm / Inability to Walk / Rashes / Brain Fog / Headaches / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Achalasia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Dehydration / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Appendicitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Appendicitis / Peritonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Appendicitis with Rupture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Brain Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Cerebritis / Hyperactive Delirium / Intractable Aura 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Cerebrovascular 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Congestive Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Congestive Heart Failure / Kidney Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute CVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Hyponatremia/ Thrombocytopenia/ Leukopenia/ Full body rash/ Fever / Adverse effect 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Immune Thrombocytopenia With Bleeding Or ITP 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Ischemic Stroke / Seizure / Neuropathic Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Isolated Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute ITP 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury / Muscle Weakness / Nerve Pain / Hallucinations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Lacunar Infraction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Myeloid Leukemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Myocardial Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Myocarditis / Severe Global Hyperkinesia / Neurological Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Nausea / Abdominal Pain / Body Aches / Lethargy / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Non-traumatic Kidney Injury / Pericardial Effusion / Elevated AST 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Pancreatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Pericarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Pulmonary Embolism / Cardiomyopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Renal Failure / Rhabdomyolysis / Myositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Retina Necrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Saddle Pulmonary Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Shoulder Impingement 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Sigmoid Sinus Venous Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Stroke / Left Side Neurological Impairment / Loss of Balance / Speech Disorder / Short Term Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Subacute Right Inferomedial Cerebellar Corresponding To PICA Distribution / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Suppurativa Thyroiditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Systolic Heart Failure / Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy / Left Bundle Branch Block / Congestive Heart Failure / Hyperlipidemia / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Transverse Myelitis / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Uveitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Addison's Disease Crisis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Additive Asymmetric Oligo Arthritis / Arm Pain / Immobility/ Inflammation / Migrating Arthritis / Reactive Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine ADEM / Multiple Sclerosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adenomyosis / Fibroids 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis / Subacromial Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis / Tendinopathy / Radiculopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis / Tendonitis / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis/ Frozen Shoulder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Advancement of Hereditary Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effect on Taste and Smell 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Tinnitus / Extreme Fatigue / Brain Fog / Inability to Sleep / Muscle Tremors / Twitches / Hair Loss / Multiple Autonomic Dysfunctions / Dizziness / Blurry Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Afib Heartbeat / Elevated Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine AIDP / GBS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction 64
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Burns on Skin 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / High Blood Pressure / Hives / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hypersensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Muscle Cramps / Spasms / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Myopericarditis / Pulmonary Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Panic Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Almost Blinded 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Areata 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Areata / Rheumatoid Arthritis / Bleeding Ulcer/ Shingles / Sprained Ankles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Totals 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation / Blood Clot / Brain Clot / CHF / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction 18
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock 17
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Face Swelling / Angioedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Neurological Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis 35
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Acute Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Clammy Skin / Rash / Swelling / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Vasovagal Syncope / AIDP / AMAN 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Wheezing / Insomnia / Red Spots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Heart Problems / Respiratory Problems / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Jaundice 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angina / Rapid Heart Rate / Malaise / Palpitations / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Heart Palpitations / Heart Pain / Shortness of Breath / Extreme Exhaustion / Confusion / Brain Fog/ 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Lack of Sleep / Agitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Ongoing Confusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Rapid Heartbeat / Depression / Chest Pain / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Rushing Sound in Head / Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Shortness of Breath / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Functional Neurologic Disorder / Transient Ischemic Attack / Weakness on Right Side / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aplastic Anemia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Apnea Spells / Bradycardia / HR Variability / Loss of Consciousness / Stroke Symptoms / Syncope / Tachycardia / Various Nerve Related Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendectomy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis 12
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Abdominal Abscess 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Internal Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Septic 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Transient Ischemic Attack / Damaged Vision / Immunologic Changes / Encephalopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Neck and Wrist Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury 18
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm and Facial Paralysis / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm and Hand Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm and Leg Tingling / Heartburn / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm and Neck Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm and Shoulder Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury 31
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Numbness and Tingling in Fingers 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Fatigue / Unsteady When Walking / Speech is Unclear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Leg and Breast Pain / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Numbness and Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain 17
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Arm Numbness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Emotional Distress 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Spasm / Limited Mobility 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Weakness / Iitching / Swelling / Dent in Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain and Numbness / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Loss of Sleep 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pit and Chest Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pit Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Rashes / Hot Flashes / Night Sweats / Mouth Sores / Irregular Heart Beat / Fatigue / Loss of Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Severe Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Stroke / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritic Arm Pain / High Blood Pressure / Lipoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Blood Spotting / Chills / Diarrhea / Exhaustion / Fever / Fatigue / Headaches / Insomnia / Lack of Appetite / Loss of Smell / Loss of Taste / Nail Splitting and Peeling / Nausea / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aseptic Meningitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma and Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma Attack / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atopic Dermatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation 16
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation / Blood Clot in Lungs / Chronic Fatigue / SOB 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation / Graves Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation / Rash / Asthma / Fever / Body Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Flutter 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Flutter / Atrial Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Auto Immune Disorder / ANA Titer / Fatigue / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Auto Immune Flare / Rheumatoid Arthritis / Swollen Legs And Feet / Skin Ulcers On Right Leg / Tinnitus / Constant Runny Nose 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Auto Immune System Disorder / Muscle Myopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Vasculitis / Aortitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Encephalitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis / Liver Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Response 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune response/ Massive headaches/ extreme vascular inflammation/ Uncontrollable body cramps/ Lighted Headedness/ Fever/ Vomiting/ Night Sweats/ Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tinnitus / Skin Sensitivity / Loss of Body Hair / Blurred Vision / Insomnia / Anxiety / Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine AV Block 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Axillary Nerve Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back And Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Inflammation / Arm Immolbility / Nose Swelling / Swelling Of Right Foot / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Pain / Hip Pain / Headaches / Tremors / Panic Attacks / Body Aches / Cold Sweats / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Pain / Leg Pain / Leg and Foot Numbness / Depression / Anxiety / Hip Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Pain / Soreness / Coughing Excessively / Vomitting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Pain / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back Pain and Lumps 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bacterial Infection / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bacterial Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Vision / Tremors / Panic Attack / Feel Drunk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Reduced Stamina 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bardycardia / Second Degree Heart Block / Pericarditis / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Autoimmune Hepatitis / Epstein Barr Virus Reactivation / Dysautonomia / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy 47
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Bilateral Facial Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Corneal Abrasions / Loss Of Taste / Nerve Pain / Swelling And Disfigurement / Facial Paralysis / Tongue Numb 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / GBS 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Gillian Barre Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Vertigo / Migraines / Insomnia / Tinnitus / Trigeminal Neuralgia / Short Term Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Berger's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Biapical Fibrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bicipital Endonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bi-fascicular Heart Block / Chronic Fatigue / Generalized Weakness and Pain / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Inability to ConcentRate and Focus / Frequent Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bilateral Leg Weakness / Dysphagia / Pulsatile Tinnitus / Ataxia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bilateral Nerve Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bilateral Pleural Effusions / DKA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bilateral Pulmonary Embolism 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Bilateral Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Black Eye Floaters / Chronic Pancreatitis / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bladder Issues / Arm Soreness / Angiolipomas Growth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding Ulcers 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blindness 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Fluid in Lungs / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Uncontrolled Blood Pressure / Rash / Diastolic Heart Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot 35
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Amputation Left Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Blindness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Bleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Fluid in Heart and Lungs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Attack 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Leg Swelling / Diarrhea with Blood / Abdominal Pain / Bruising 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Sepsis / Orthostatic Hypotension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Shortness Of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Stroke 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Trouble Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot/ Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots 72
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Stroke / Lung Failure / Double Pneumonia / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Blood Clotting Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Brain Fog / Tinnitus / Blurred Vision / Fatigue / Numbness / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Chest Pain / Hypoxemia / Myalgia / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Chest Plain / Shortness of Breath / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Collapsed Lung 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / DVT / Pulmonary Embolism / Saddle Pulmonary Embolism / Scaring / Reduced Use of Leg 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Heart Murmur 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Leg Cramps / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Mucus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Nose Bleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / OVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Septic Gallbladder / Inflamed Kidneys 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Sore Chest Muscles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clots / Tachycardia /Edema / Brain Fog / Fatigue / DUT 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clotting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood in Urine / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure / Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Drop / Low Heart Rate / Vomiting / Fainting / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Vessel Break in Brain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Cramping / Left Arm Pain / Nausea / Vomiting / Abdominal Pain / Back Pain / Poor Appetite / High Fever / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Eye Irritation / Eye Strain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Hives / Itching / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurry Vision/ Tinnitus/ Nerve Pain/ Joint Pain/ Muscle Fatigue/ Levido Reticularis Type Rash/ Numbness In Limbs/ Tingling in Limbs/ Swollen Arm/ Shortness Of Breath/ Tachycardia/ POTS-like symptoms/ Exaggerated Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Ache / Chills / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Fever / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Ache / Chills / Fever / Intractable Headache / Pneumonia / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Ache / Diarrhea / Difficulty Sleeping / Fatigue / Headache / Loss of Taste / Ringing in Ears / Stomach Ache / Pain / Tingling / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Ache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Aches / Chills / Dizziness / Fever / Loss of Appetite / Stomach Pain / Ticks 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Aches / Chills / Eyes Swelling / Fever / Sweats / Tongue Swelling / Throat Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Pain / Heart Issues / Insomnia / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Pain / Inability to Walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Pain / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Pain / Rash / Blisters / Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Pain / Tingling Hands and Feet / Diarrhea / Fever / Chills / Slurred Speech 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Rash 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Tremors / Seizure Like Activity / Joint Pain / Muscle Pain / Muscle Cramping 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Body Tremors / Tachycardia / Dizziness / Internal Vibrations / Paresthesias 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bone Pain / Nausea / Trouble Thinking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bowel Obstruction / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Neuritis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Neuritis / Parsonage Turner Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Plexopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Plexopathy / Parsonage Turner Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Aneurysm 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Bleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Bleeding / Blood Clots / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Mental Breakdown / Loss of Mental Capacity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Sharp Pain In Gastrointestinal Area / Inflammation Pain in Reproductive Area / Dizziness / Vertigo / Heart Palpitations / Food Sensitivities / Fatigue / Ankle Swelling / Insomnia / Irritability / Transient Visual Distortions / POTS / Heart Arrhythmias / Alopecia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Vertigo / Peripheral Neuropathy / Myalgia / Parenthesis / Increased Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Hemorrhage 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Hemorrhage / Two Strokes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Inflammation / Candidiasis / Mitochondrial Deficiencies / Fatigue / Petechial Rash / Lesions in Mouth and Throat / Muscle Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Inflammation / Encephalitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Stem Bleed Stroke / Pneumonia / Stroke / Unable To Walk And Talk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Stem Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Stroke / Blood Clot / Sequela of Cerebral Infarctions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Tingling / Numbness / Vestibular Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breakdown of Vital Organs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Cancer Recurrence 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breathing Problems / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breathing Problems / Chest Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breathing Problems / Memory Problems / Slurred Speech 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Ankle / Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bullous Pemphigoid 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Burkett's Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Tightness / Shortness Of Breath / High Blood Pressure / Severe Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning Mouth 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning Pain / Paralyzed From Waist Down 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning Pain / Rash / Metallic Taste 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursa Sac / Frozen Shoulder / Torn Bicep / Neck Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Synovitis / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis/ Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursting Blood Vessels / Constricted Arteries 1
COVID-19 Vaccine CAD 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Calf Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Capgras 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Heart Inflammation/Myocarditis/Permanent Defibrillator Implant/Scarring/Cardiac Rehab 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia / Supraventricular Tachycardia / Chest Pain / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issues / Fatigue / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiogenic Shock / Pericardial Effusion / Atrial Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy / Interstitial Fibrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiovascular Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Catastrophic Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Intracranial Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cellulitis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Central and Peripheral Demyelinating Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Artery Occlusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Vein Occlusion 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Venous Sinus Thrombosis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Venus Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cephalic Vein Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebellar Hemorrhage / Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebellar Hemorrhages / Stroke / Ataxia / Right Side Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chemically Induced Meningitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest and Neck Pain / Sweating / Blurred Vision / Spike Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Back Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Cavity Inflammation Around Heart 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Cramping / Irregular Vaginal Bleeding / Loss of Sensation / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Elevated Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Elevated Heart Rate / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fever / Headache / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fever / Headache / Muscle Ache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Attacks / Congestive Heart Failure / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Muscle Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Pain / Burning and Stinging / Headaches / Shortness of Breath / Blurry Vision / Tingling and Numbness / Dizziness / Brain Fog / Weird Brain Sensations / Heart Palpitations / Abnormal HeartRate / Tachycardia / Neuropathy / Hard to Swallow / Hair Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Joint Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Large Pericardial Effusion / Cardiac Arrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Low Oxygen / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Pressure / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Rib Pain / Hypotension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Burning and Itching Hands 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Exhaustion / Arm Pain / Headache / Bad Pain / Brain Fog / Right Arm Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness Of Breath / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Popping of the Skin / Headache / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shoulder Pain / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Spots on Left Lung / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Stomach Pain / Leg Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain/ Lung pain/ Bacterial Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain/ Nausea/ Fever/ Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pains 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pains / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath / Palpitations / Protein in Urine / Severe Leg Pain / Night Sweats / Hyper Adrenaline / Bronchitis / Side Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pains / Exhaustion / Heavy Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pains / Fever / Chills / Sore Knees / Insomnia / Loss of Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pains / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pains / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pressure / Heart Fluttering / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pressure / Increased Heart Rate / Chest Heaviness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pressure / Rapid Heart Beat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Body Ache / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fever / Coughing / Breathing Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fever / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Shaking / Inability to Breathe and Walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Calcified Granulomas 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Cough / Headache / Chest Tightness / Chest and Throat Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Headache / Strokes / Blood Clots / Atrial Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Hip Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammation in Upper Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic ITP 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Migraines / Chronic Fatigue / Dizziness / Tingling / Tinnitus / Overstimulation of Senses / Brain Fog / Sensitivity to Sound 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Tinnitus / Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Tinnitus / POTS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Upper Back and Shoulder Stiffness / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Urticaria / Vasculitis / Numbness / Nerve Pain / Tremors / Chest Pain / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Urticaria / Angioedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Urticaria / Angioedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Urticaria / Cushing's Syndrome / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Urticaria / Dermatographia / Gastrointestinal Symptoms / Diarrhea / Nausea / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Vascular Inflammation / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine CN IV Palsy / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive And Mental Disabilities / Facial Paralysis Problems / Migraine Headaches / Brain Lesions / Blurred Vision / Onset Of New Dyslexia Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Loss / Inflammation in Legs / Irregular Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cold Sweats / Sore Muscles / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Colitis / Crohn's 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Seizures / Chipped Teeth / Head and Neck Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Lack of Concentration / Loss of Balance / Pain / Trembling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Possible Stroke / Possible Heart Issues / Inability to Write or Speak 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure / Enlarged Heart / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure / Kidney Failure / Pulmonary Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure/ Enlarged Heart/ Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Connective Tissue Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Constant Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Constipation / Indigestion / Abdominal Pain / Fatigue / Dizziness / Headache / Nausea / Vomiting / Chest Pains 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Conversion / Depression / Miscarriages / Hallucination / Insomnia / Paranoia / Tremors / Neurological Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cord Compression Myelopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cornea Transplant 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Costochondritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Costochondritis / Angina / Tachycardia / Arrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Costochrondritis / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Acute Appendicitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Cold Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Difficulty Walking / Loss of Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Nerve Palsy / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Rash / Itching / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coughing / Ear Infections / Sinus / Facial Swelling /Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coughing / Headaches / Nausea / Nose Bleeds 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coughing Blood / Severe Chest Pain / Severe Burning Sensation / Blood Clots / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID Arm / Extreme Fatigue / Joint and Muscle Pain / High Blood Pressure / Heart Irregularities 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID Pneumonia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Infection 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramping / Stomach Pain / Swelling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Creutzfeld-Jacobs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Crohn's Disease / Arthritis / Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cryptogenic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cysts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dark Facial Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deafness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Death 220
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / GBS 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Debilitating Fatigue / Body Aches/ Muscle Stiffness / Weakness / Lymph Nodes swollen / Gained Weight / Brain Fog / Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decline in Cardio Health / Angina / Shortness of Breath / Dizziness / Inability to Maintain Pre-vaccine Activities 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Heart Rate / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis / Pulmonary Embolism 14
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Metabolic Acidosis / Rhabdomyolysis / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Severe Pain / Fainting / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dementia / Inability to Walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dental Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Severe Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatomyositis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatomyositis / Blood Clots / Muscle Stiffness / General Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Developed New Tumors/ High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Disorientation / Hot Flashes / Jumpy Heart Beat / Lack of Concentration / Loss of Appetite / Migraines / Nausea / Night Sweats / Sensitivity to Salt / Sores / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Chest Pains 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Chest Pressure / Pain / Muscle Stiffness / Pain / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Coughing Blood / Swollen Legs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Heart Issues / Gloucoma Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Migraine / Chills / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Muscle Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Nausea / Dizziness / Weakness / Loss of Appetite Rash / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Nausea / Paralysis / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Pneumonia / Body Aches / Headaches / Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Sharp Pain In Chest / Myocarditis / Inflammation Of The Heart Muscle 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing and Speaking / Disorientation / Muscle Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Swallowing / Nausea / Headache / Gas / Bloated / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Discoloration of Skin / Eye Pressure / Skin Numbness / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Disoriented / Unresponsive 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dissection of Vertebral and Internal Carotid Artery with Thrombus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diverticulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Balance issues / Brain fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Broken Leg and Ankle 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Difficulty Breathing / Foggy Thinking / Dehydration / Numbness / Faintness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Elevated Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fever / Aches Stiffness / Spasms / Cramping 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Forgetfulness / Headaches / Tremors / Speech Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Head Body Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Lethargic / Pressure in Head and Brain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Light Auras in Left Eye / Tingling Face / Feet / Legs / Arm and Hands / Fatigue / Brain Fog / Nausea / Muscle Weakness / Electric Shocks in Body 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headaches / Facial Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headaches / Loss of Balance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headaches / Vestibular 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Lightheadedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Loss of Sensation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Numbness / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Shortness of Breath / Burning Sensation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Skull Fracture / Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Stomach Pain / Rash / Eye Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Tachycardia / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Tinnitus / Tingling in Arms and Legs / Headaches / Migraines / Nausea / Heart Palpitations / Brain Fog / Pins and Needles in Arms and Legs / Fatigue / Racing Heartbeat / Increased Blood Pressure / Taste of Metal / Ear Fullness / Chills and Hot Sweats / Sinus Pressure / Blurred Vision / Loss of Color in Skin / Chest Pain / Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Trembling / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Unsteady Gait / Garbled Speech / Visual Disturbance / Headache / Nausea / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vertigo / Blurry Vision / Migraine / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vertigo / Pyelonephritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vomiting / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vomiting / Weakness / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Weakness / Trembling / Difficulty Breathing / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Double Vision / Bell's Palsy / Trigeminal Nerve Pain / Head Pain / Anisocoric / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Double Vision / Fatigue / Balance Issues / Low Energy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dry Eye / Dry Mouth / Numbness / Burning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine DVT / Pulmonary Embolism / Drug Induced ITP 1
COVID-19 Vaccine DVT / Serum Reaction / Paresthesia / Calculus of Kidney / Gross Hematuria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Neuroinflammation / POTS / MCAS / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Asthma / Vasculitis / Blood Clotting / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / POTS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dyspnea / Debilitating Lethargy / Brain Fog / Tingling in Hand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dystonic Reaction / Neurological Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Slurred Speech / Blurred Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Popping / Confusion / Incoherent / Hard to concentRate and Focus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Numbness / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Blood Pressure 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Blood Pressure / Tremors / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Heart Rate / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Heart Rate / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Heart Rate / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Heart Rate / Nausea / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Heart Rate and Blood Pressure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Troponin 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Troponin / Decreased Platelet Levels 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Emotional Distress / Psychiatric Breakdown 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Endocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Heart 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Fainted / Dizziness / Nausea / Fatigue / Muscle Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enteropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eosinophil / Hypoalbuminemia / Thrombocytosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eosinophilia / Systemic Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epilepsy / Depression / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epilepsy / Status Epilepticus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epstein Barr 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erectile Dysfunction / Myocarditis / Irregular Heart beat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythema 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythema Multiforme Major 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythema Nodosum 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exacerbated MS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exacerbation of Pre-Existing Condition 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Excessive Coagulation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Excessive Urination / Dry Cough / Burning / Tearing Chest and Abdominal Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Excessive Vaginal Bleeding / Massive Blood Clots / Severe Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exhaustion / Inability to Breathe 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exhaustion / Shortness Of Breath / Severe Pains / Immune System Began To Viciously Attack Healthy Muscle And Tissue / Burning Shoulder Pain / Parsonage Syndrome / Rare Neurological Inflammatory Condition 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Arm / Upper Torso and Head Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Arm and Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Dehydration / Acute Parotitis / Face Swelling / Head Pressure / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Dizziness / Fatigue / Broken Back 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / Heart Irregularities 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / Heart Palpitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / Nausea / Dizziness / Nerve Pain / Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / Shortness of Breath / Elevated Blood Pressure / Left Ventricular Cardiomalogy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / SOB / Dizziness / Hand Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Fatigue / Swelling and Pain in Lower Extremities 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Head Pain / Bell's Palsy / Eye Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Headache / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Joint Pain / Swelling / Stiffness / Fatigue / Headache / Fever / Chills / Sore Throat / Chest Congestion / Inflammatory Polyarthropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Joint Pain and Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Leg Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Extreme Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Damage / Eye Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Inflammation / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Pain / Bilateral Visual Blurring / Facial Drooping / Headache / Dizziness Pressure on Brain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Stroke 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Stroke / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Swelling / Blurred Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Swelling / Inflammation / Spine Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Face and Arm Numbness / Burning Sensation in Head 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Face Drooping / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Face Spasms / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Face Swelling / Inflammation / Leg Bruising / Numbness on Neck / Head / Face and Left Hand Fingers / Severe Kidney Pain / Breast Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Droop / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Filler Adverse Reaction with Vaccine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Numbness / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Numbness / Neck and Shoulder Pain / Dizziness / Left Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Rapid Heart Rate / Near Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Numbness / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Numbness / Tightness In Chest / High Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Numbness / Tingling / Nerve Flares / Brain Fog / Cognitive Impairment / Migraines / Lethargy / Chest Pains / Abnormal EGK / Rash / Eye Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Palsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis / GBS / Hypersensitivity / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis / Vertigo / Dizziness / Eye and Mouth Weakness / Headache / Imbalance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paresthesias / Trigeminal Distribution 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Spasms and Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Swelling / Weakness / Dizziness / Vision Problems / Severe Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Swelling and Burning / Skin Peeling / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Faint / Lightheaded / Nauseous 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted 30
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Allergic Reaction / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Arm Pain / Chills / Fever / Headache / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Broken Nose 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Broken Ribs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Broken Teeth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Chills / Joint Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Concussion 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Convulsions / Confusion / Throat Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Dizziness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Elbow Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Fever / Low Blood Pressure / Muscle Spasms / Vomiting / Headache / Dehydration / Blurred Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Head and Leg Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Head Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Head Injury / Facial Laceration 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Headache / Chest Pain / Muscle Spasms / Shortness of Breathe / Weakness / Anxiety / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Hematoma / Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Loss of Consciousness / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Seizure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Seizure / Lost Control of Bladder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Subdural Hematoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Vomiting / Convulsions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Vomiting / Seizure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting 12
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Brain Fog / Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Broken Ankle 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Chin Laceration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Concussion / Broken Nose and Teeth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Concussion / Headaches / Dizziness / Vertigo / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Fatigue / Dizziness / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Head and Ankle Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Head Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Head Injury / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Headaches 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / High Blood Pressure / Low Blood Sugar / Severe Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Injury to Face 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Mouth Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Vomiting / Convulsions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Back Pain / Chest Pain / Severe Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Blood Clot in Leg and Lungs / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Body Ache / Headache / Uncontrollable Blood Pressure and Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Brain Fog 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Brain Fog / Headaches / Allergic Reactions to Most Foods / Worsening Asthma / Improper Immune Function 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Brain Fog / Tinnitus / Headaches / Vertigo / Numbness / Heart Arrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Brain Fog / Vision Issues / Neurological Issues / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Diarrhea / Headache / Body Aches / Vomiting / Muscle Pain Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Dizziness / Nausea / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Dizziness / Nausea / Hallucinations / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Dizziness / Severe Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Fever / Malaise / Dehydration / Acute Kidney Injury / Loss of Appetite / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Memory Loss / Migraines / Osteoarthritis / Pain / Sleep Issues / Swelling / Rheumatoid Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Flu-Like Symptoms / Mouth Lesions / Thrush 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Inflammation Armpit 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Lightheaded / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Loss of Appetite / Confusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Nausea / Abdominal Pain / Leg Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Nausea / Change in Behavior 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Nausea / Headache / Fever / Body Ache / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Ocular HSV Outbreak / Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Nausea / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Rash / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Shoulder Pain / Hip and Back Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Sore Armpit / Headache / Elevated Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Weakness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fecal Impaction / Atypical Pneumonia / Chloecystitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Feeling Faint / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Feeling Ill / Blood Pressure Spikes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fell Ill / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Aches / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Arm Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Difficulty Breathing / Minor Chest Pain / Coughing / Congestion / Loss Of Appetite / Poor Sleep Patterns / Constipation / Nausea / Heart Failure / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Nausea / Dizziness / Fatigue / Dark Stools 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Nausea / Vomiting / Difficulty Breathe / Diarrhea / Throat Pain / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Severe Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Confusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Shaking / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Chills / Shortness of Breath / Rash / Loss of Appetite / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Congestion 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Delusions / Organ Failure / Extreme Weight Loss / Inability to walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Difficulty Walking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Fatigue / Headache / Anxiety / Chest Pain / Sweats 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Fluctuating Temperature / Cold Sweats / Dehydration / Diarrhea / Upset Stomach / Loss of Appetite / Nausea / Weakness Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Body Pains / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Heart Palpitations / Chest Pains 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / High Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Low Potassium / Muscle Aches / Swollen Eyes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Migraine / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nausea / Chills / Blood Clots Enlarged Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nausea / Difficulty Breathing / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nausea / Fainted / Tiredness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Septic / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Severe Bone and Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Severe Head and Neck Pain / Body Aches / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Shaking / Broken Teeth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Sore Throat / Dizziness / Fatigue / Respiratory Issues / Abnormal Nasal and Throat Growth / Tachycardia / Breathing Issue / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Stiff Neck / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Swelling / Vomiting / Tonsil Edema / Dehydration / Heart Irregularities / Muscle Fatigue / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Syncope / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Vomiting / Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Vomiting / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Weakness / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fevers / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fingers And Hand Numbness / Trouble Holding Objects/Forearm and Upper Arm Pain/Burning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fired Shoulder and Leg Muscles / Swollen Hands / Ankle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flare up and Triggered MS Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flare Up of Ankylosing Spondylitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flare Up of Rheumatoid Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms / Back Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms / Diarrhea / Dizziness / Fainting / Low Blood Pressure / Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Symptoms / Loss Use Of Right Leg / Ischemic Infarction / Stroke / Multiple Sclerosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fluid Retention / Fatigue / Swollen 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Foot Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fraying of Bursa / Bone Spur / Calcification of Tendons / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Frozen Shoulder 23
COVID-19 Vaccine Frozen Shoulder / Arm numbness / Arm pain / Lost of Range of Motion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Frozen Shoulder / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Frozen Shoulder / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Full Body Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Functional Dyspepsia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Functional Neurologic Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gallbladder Dyskinesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ganglion Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GBS / CIDP 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GBS / Neurologic Nerve Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GBS / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GI Hemorrhages / Cardiac Issues / PSVT / SOB / Angina / PTSD / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GI Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GI Issues / Parethsia / Muscle Twitching / Tingling / Thrush / Burning Feet / Internal Vibrations / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Giant Cell Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Grand Mal Seizure 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Granuloma Annulare 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Graves Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Graves Disease / Hypothyroid 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome 116
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome / AIDP / Cramping / Tingling / Thumb Triggering / Pectoralis Major Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome / Reduction in Eyesight / Reduction in Mobility / Chronic Fatigue / Partial Paralysis / Pain / Tooth Decay 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome / Tachycardia / High Blood Pressure / Muscle / Joint Pain / Walking Difficulties / Oral Dysphagia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillian-Barre Syndrome / Myasthenia Gravis Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Heart Pain / Tremor 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hand and Arm Numbness / Knots Under Skin / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hand and Arm Numbness and Tingling / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hand Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hand Swelling / Limb Weakness / Prickling Stinging of Skin / Fatigue / Facial Numbness / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hands Crippled / Growing Cysts / Severe Arthritis in Neck and Hands / Thyroids 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Aches / Swollen Face / Eye Drooping / Hair Loss / Facial Redness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head and Neck Pressure / Chest Pain / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Pressure / Eye Pain / Headaches / Tingling / Numbness / Ringing in Ears / Ear Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Pressure / Muscle Spasms / Heart Palpitations / Joint and Muscle Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Anaphylaxis / Numbness and Burning in Lower Limb / Blisters in Mouth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Bilateral Neuropathy / Skin Discoloration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Blindness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Blood Pressure Drop / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Burning Sensation / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Dizziness / Nausea / Burning Eyes / Elevated Heart Rate / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Stomach Ache / Back Ache / Side Pain / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Face Numbness / High Blood Pressure / Leg Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Fatigue / Back Ache / Chronic Physical Pain / Sleep Disturbances / Sore Throat / Elevated Temperature 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Fatigue / Chest Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Joint Pain / Chills / Fogginess / Sore Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Fever / Body Ache / Leg Pain / Cold Sweats / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Fever / Shoulder Pain / Body Aches / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Itching / Burning / Stabbing Pain / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Left Ear Pain / Bell's Palsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Leg Swelling / Pain / Blood Clots / Rare Blood Disease / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Lethargic / Altered Equilibrium / Loss of Appetite / Enflamed Esophagus / Fever / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Loss of Sight / Pain / Unconsciousness / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Lump In Head 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Migraine / Dizziness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Muscle Ache / Rash / Rapid Heartbeat / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Vomiting / Difficulty Breathing / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Neck Pain / Legs / Lip and Finger Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Neck Pain / Rash / Petechiae 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Rapid Heartbeat / Tingling in Arms and Legs / Minor Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Stiffness / Dizziness / Confusion / Numbness In Hands / Restless / Headache / Fatigue / Trouble Getting Thoughts In Sync With Daily Tasks 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Swollen Eye / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Vomiting / Ketoacidosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Weakness / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache/ Arm Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache/ Brain Fog/ Night Sweats/ Bilateral Arm Pain/ 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Bleeding / Other Illness Not Specified 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Body Aches / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Chest Pains / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Flare Ups 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Diarrhea / Fast Hearbeat / Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Fever / Neck Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Dizziness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Dizziness / Lightheadedness / Facial Pain / Spasms / Eye Socket Pain / Mouth Nerve Twitches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Dizziness / Reduced Ability to ConcentRate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Dizziness / Right Ear Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Dizziness / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Lipoma / Numbness / Swelling / Sore Throat / Pain / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Extreme Leg Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Fatigue / Tinnitus / Ecchymosis / EBV / Otisis Media / Back Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Fever / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Head Pressure / Brain Fog / Muscle Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Lost / Impaired Motor Control / Lost Strength in Erections / Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Muscle Cramps 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Nausea / Weakness / Arm / Hip and Leg Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Nerve Damage / MS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Rashes / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Tinnitus / Extreme Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Tinnitus / Lightheadedness / Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches / Vertigo / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headaches/ Abdominal Pain/ Ischemic bowel 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vocal Cord Paralysis / Fatigue / Neck Pain / Numbness / Head Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss 30
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Head Pain / Dizziness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Hearing Nerve Inflammation / Chronic Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Rash / Vertigo / Dizziness / Blurred Vision / Brain Fog / Headaches / Autoimmune Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Ringing in Ear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Sinus Pressure / Pain / Difficulty Walking / Loss Of Strength / Coughing Up Blood / Urinating Blood / Autoimmune Disease called GPA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vertigo / Vomiting / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vision Loss / Fainting / Dizziness / Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack 20
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Arterial Dissection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Brain Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Death 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Two Strokes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack Symptoms / Autonomic Disorder / POTS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attacks 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Englargement / Heart Failure / Edema on Heart 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Atrial Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Pulmonary Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Flutters/ Tachycardia/ Passing out 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Inflammation 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Lining Tissue Severe Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Pain / Chest Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Headaches / Nausea / Stomach Ache / Clammy Hands 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Heartburn / Buzzing / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / High Blood Pressure/ Arrhythmias 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / High Heart Rate / Malaise / Brain Fog / Insomnia / Vision Issues / Night Sweats / Muscle Twitching / POTS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Increased Heart Rate / Dizziness / Loss of Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Light Headedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Shaking / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Weakness / Numbness / Fatigue / Hearing Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart palpitations /excessive breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Pressure / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Problem / Rheumatoid Arthritis / Joint Pain / Fluid Retention / Fatigue / Narcolepsy / Multi System Inflammation / Myelitis / Polyneuropathy / MS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Problems 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Problems / Brain Problems / Autoimmune Problems / Pain / Fatigue / Weakness / Nausea / Vomiting / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Racing / High Blood Pressure / Chest Pain / Headaches / Blood Clot in Lung 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Racing / Palpitations / Fluttering 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heavy Metal poisoning/Headache/Hypertension/leg cramp 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heavy Vaginal Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemiplegic Migraine / Ischemia / Migraine Stratus Aura 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemorrhagic Stroke 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemorrhagic Stroke / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemphagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis / Anemia / Cytokine Storm / Fever / Shortness of Breath / Arrhythmia / Chest Pain / Cytomegalovirus Infection / Iron Deficiency / Abnormal Liver Enzymes / Muscular Deconditioning / Hair Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hereditary Angioedema / Heart Palpitations / Swelling / Pain / Fatigue / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes / Hives / Itching / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster / Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hidradenitis Suppurativa 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure 7
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Chest Pain / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Chest Tightness / Headaches / Inability to Focus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Chronic Headaches / Vertigo / Chest Pains / Ear Pain and Pressure / Eye Pain / Changes in Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Dizziness / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Facial Swelling and Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Fever / Seizure / Short Term Memory Loss / Numbness and Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Head / Face and Eye Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Headache / Arm and Leg Weakness / Nerve Pain / Bone and Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Heart Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Heart Problems / Pain / Fever / Rash / Headaches / Mental Fog / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / High Blood Sugar / Pain / Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Pain Neck / Chest / Back and Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Severe Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Tachycardia / Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Tachycardia / Shortness of Breathe / Severe Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Vomiting / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Weakness / Muscle Aches / Fatigue / Reactivation of EBV 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Fever / Infected Central Nerves / Lost Control Of Right Side Of Facial Expressions And Eye Movement/ Loss Sense Of Taste 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Fever / Severe Joint And Muscle Pain / TOS / IIH /Thyroid Nodules /Raynaud's Disease /Neurological Symptoms / Skin Lesions /Oral Sores / Blurred Vision / Increased Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Heart Rate / Brain Fog / Chronic Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Heart Rate / Palpitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Heart Rate/ High Fever/ Headache/ Stroke/ Vomiting/ Loss Of Feeling/ Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Pitched Sound in Ears / Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High-Grade Partial Articular SurFace Tear of the Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tendons 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hip and Leg Pain / Eczema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hip Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hip Pain / Shingles / Respiratory Virus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Body Ache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Face Swelling / Throat Tightening / Difficulty Swallowing / Anaphylaxis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Fatigue / Headache / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Fatigue / Vomiting / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Fever / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Headache Swelling / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Heart Palpitations / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Joint Pain / Muscle Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Itching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Joint Pain / Numbness and Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Rash 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Severe Itching / Tingling Tongue and Lips / Dizziness / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Skin Discoloration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Swollen Lip / Swollen Throat / Bruising 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Urticaria / Angioedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Weakness / Pain / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperesthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperimmune Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypersensitivity Reaction / High Blood Pressure / Blisters / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Headache / Nauseas / Light Headedness / CP / Numbness in Limbs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Tingling / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertensive Crisis / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypokalemia / Tachycardia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypotension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypothyroidism / Weight Loss / Double Vision / Lymphadenopathy / Neurological Damage / Epilepsy with Focal Seizures / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine IBS / Myocarditis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension / Esotropia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura/Tachycardia/Elevated Heart Rate/ Exhaustion/Shortness if Breath/Bone and Joint Pain/Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine IGA Nephropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Autonomic Neuropathy/ SFN/ POTS/ Cardiovagal dysfunction/ Isolated Diastolic Hypertension/ Post-Ganglionic Sudomotor Dysfunction/ Anti-MAG Demyelinating Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Functional Neurologic Syndrome/Multiple Autonomic Responses To Vaccination/Dysesthesia Of Multiple Sites 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Necrotizing Myositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Neuropathy / Mono Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune mediated/ Small Fiber Neuropathy/ Leg Pain/ Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Response/ Shingles Flare 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) 17
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Impingement Syndrome / Tendinitis of Left Shoulder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Impingement Syndrome of Right Shoulder/Bursitis of Right Shoulder/Coracoid Impingement of Right Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Tear or Rupture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Breathe / Lost Consciousness / Inability to Move 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Produce Breast Milk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Stand / Walk / Do Daily Routines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Swallow 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Increase in Food Allergies 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Increased Heart Rate / Convulsions / Severe Headache / Unable to Walk or Stand / Light Sensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Increased Heart Rate / High Blood Pressure / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Infectious Cellulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflamed Heart / Pancreas Shut Down 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflamed Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflamed Rotator Cuff 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Allergy Triggers 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / High Blood Pressure and Heart Rate / Rash / Hives / Trouble Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Swelling / Extreme Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Tendon Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation Heart / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation in Hands and Wrists 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation of Colon Wall 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation of Lungs / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Lipomatosis Photophobia Tinnitus/ Gait Instability/ Severe Fatigue/ Headaches/ Acute Memory Loss/ Severe PTSD/ Anxiety/ Racing Heart/ Painfully Numb between elbow and shoulder/ Hive at vax location/ Shoulder pain/ Protruding Mass/ Painful pressure feeling on throat/ Nodule in Left Breast/ Full body inflammation/ Cervical and lumbar herniated discs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Inflammation / Supraspinatus / Subscapularis Tendons / Adhesive Capsulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Inflammation of Prostate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Intense Chest Pains 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Internal Bleeding / Mouth Blisters 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Internal Vibration / Tingling / Muscle Twitching / Weakness / Blood Pressure Spikes / Tachycardia / Heart Palpitations / Headaches / Brain Fog / Tinnitus / Blurred Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Interstitial Lung Disease / Chronic Respiratory Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Intracranial Hypertension / Papilledema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Invasive Carcinoma Breast Cancer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heart Beat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heart Beat / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heart Rhythm / Tachycardia / Severe Chest Pain / Left Side Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Loss of Voice / Headaches / Nausea / Stomach Pain and Abdominal / Pain Excessive Bloating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Tingling / Weakness / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Menstrual Cycle 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Pulse / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Cerebellar Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Colitis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Optic Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Posterior Circulation Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Stroke 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Stroke / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Stroke / Paralysis Left Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Stroke / Sinus Tachycardia / Headaches / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Change Menstrual Cycle / Nerve Pain / Sensitivity to Hot Cold / Inflammation Joints / Difficulty Sleeping 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Chest Tightening / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Hives / Redness / Urticaria / GERD / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Measles Like Rash / Sores 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Rash / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itchy Throat / Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Muscle Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itchy Throat / Shortness of Breath / Spasms / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine ITP / Chronic Bleeding Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Jaundice / Lethargy / Loss of Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Jaundice / Liver Enzymes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Jaw / Chest and Neck Pain / Chest Pressure / Shortness of Breath / Extreme Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Inflammation / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Inflammation / Nerve Agitation / Racing Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Chest Pain / Rapid Heart Beat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Muscle and Body Aches / Fatigue / Rash / Trouble Sleeping / Vertigo / High Blood Pressure / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Parvovirus 19 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Rashes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Swelling / Rash / Headaches / Insomnia / Inflamed Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Swelling / Redness / Stiffness / Decreased Range of Motion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain and Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Keratitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Damage 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure / Rhabdomyolysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Injury / Arm Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Stones 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Knee And Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Knee Pain and Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Knee Swelling and Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Knots in Hand / Pain / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Arm Damage / Heart Attacks / Pneumonia / Swelling / Joint Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Perilymphatic Fistula / Right Perilymphatic Fistula / Elevated Intracranial Pressure / Bilateral Eustachian Tube Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Peripheral Vestibulopathy / Otolith Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Pinky Finger Numbness / Left Forearm Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Side Weakness / Difficulty Breathing / Migraine / Heart Palpitations / Wheezing / Dizziness / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Side Weakness / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Left Thalamic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Pain / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Pain / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Pain / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Pain / Red Blotches / Blisters 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Pain / Shortness Of Breath / Blood Clots / Constricted Blood Flow / Swelling / Discoloration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg Ulcer/ Necrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Legs and Feet Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lesions 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lethargy / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Laryngitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leukopenia / Neutropenia / Malaise / Fatigue / Low White Blood Cell Count 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leukoycto Clastic Vasculitis with Dermal Neutrophil 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lichen Planus 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lichenoid Drug Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Light Headedness / Extreme Fatigue / Faintness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheaded / Cold Sweat / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheaded / Dizziness / Nausea 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheaded / Throat Swelling / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheaded / Tingling in Legs / Fatigue / Loss of Appetite / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lip Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipoma of Subcutaneous Tissue (Left Arm) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipschutz Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipshutz Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver Damage 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver enzymes/ Jaundiced 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine LLE / LUE Weakness / Facial Numbness / Difficulty Speaking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Long Covid / Chronic Tendonitis / Chronic Pleurisy / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Balance / Pain / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Bladder Control / Erectile Dysfunction / Paralysis / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Body Functions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Consciousness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Eye Sight 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Hearing / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Mobility 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Sensation in Extremities / Tinnitus / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Smell / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Vision / Low Blood Pressure / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Consciousness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Consciousness / Broken Wrist / Chipped Front Teeth / Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Consciousness / Eye Injury / Fractured Molar 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Feeling in Legs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Use of Left Hand / Soreness in Left Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Fluid In Lungs / Pancreatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Sugar / Low Blood Pressure / Low Energy / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Hemoglobin 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low O2 Saturation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Oxygen / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Platelet Count 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Lumbar Puncture / CIDP 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Lesions / Spot on Brain / Loss of Balance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Nodules / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lupus 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Lupus / Hemolytic Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lupus / Stage Three Mucinous Adenocarcinoma Of The Duodenum 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymph Node Mass 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymph Nodes / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Sarcoidosis / Acute Decompensated Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphadenitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphedema Flare-Up / Pain / Swelling / Limited Movement in Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Macular Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Major Manic Episode 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Major Neurocognitive Disorder / Psychosis And Major Depressive Disorder / Dementia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Malignant Neoplasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Malignant Transformation of Marginal Zone Lymphoma to Stage IV Double Expressing Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mass and Blood Clot on Lung / Shortness of Breath / Chronic Fatigue / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Massive Heart Attack / Stroke / Cataracts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mast Cell Activation / Anaphylaxis / Myocarditis / Vasculitis / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mast Cell Activation Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mast Cell Activation Syndrome / POTS / Reactivated Epstein Barr Virus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mast Cell Attacks / Watery Eyes / Anxiety / Severe Nausea / Runny Nose / Pressure Headaches / Fatigue / Breathlessness / Dizziness / Ear Pain / Tinnitus / Swollen / Red and Sore Tongue / Blisters / Tingling / Numbness / Sore Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine MCTD / Hallux Rigidus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Membranous Nephropathy / Proteinuria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Hallucinating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Inability to Think 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Spasms / Stroke / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Vision Issues / Nose Bleed / Headache / Numbness / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Meniere's Disease 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Meningitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Meningitis / Stroke / Three Lumbar Punctures / Brain Biopsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Meningitis / Syringomyelia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis / Septic Thrombophlebitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine MI Stent 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Microscopic Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Body Ache / No sense of Taste or Smell 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Body Pain / Nausea / Weakness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Chronic Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Difficulty Breathing / Lost Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Distorted Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Fluctuating Blood Pressure / Body Aches / Chronic Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Joint Pain / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Aura / Swollen knee 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Headaches / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Headaches / Loss of Balance / Vertigo / Tinnitus / Fatigue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Headaches/Occasional Nausea/Dulled Cognition/Extreme Sensitivity To Bright Lights And Loud Sounds/Headache Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraines / Brain Leisions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraines / Neuropathy / Reduced Motor Function / Reduced Sensation / Seizure Disorder / Temporary Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraines / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraines/Nausea/Back Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mild Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mild Supraspinatus / Mild Subacromial Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Miller Fisher Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Minimal Change Disease / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Miscarriage 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Miscarriage / Migraines / Painful Menstrual Cycle / Intolerance to Vitamins 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Motor Neuron Disease/ALS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine MRSA Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multi-Inflammatory System / Stretch Marks / Scaring on Back 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Multithrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Aches / High Blood Pressure / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Aches / Swelling / Cough / Chills / Night Sweats / Dizziness / Elevated WBC / Stomach Ache / Fatigue / Difficulty Ambulating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle and Joint Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Arm Injury / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Back Pain / Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Joint Pain / Flu Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Weakness / Joint Pain / Burning Sensation / Brain Fog/ Aphasia / Confusion / Tachycardia / Peripheral Neuropathy / Raynaud's Syndrome/ Blurred Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pains 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Spasms / Breathing Abnormality / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Spasms / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Spasms / Paralysis / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Stiffness / Difficulty Breathing / Fast Heart Rate / Dizziness / Hallucinations / Elevated White Blood Cell Count / Fatigue / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Coordination Problems / Cognitive Impairment / Speech Impairment / Blurred and Double Vision / Ataxia / Dysphasia / Balance Problems / Bladder Retention / Neuropathy / Insomnia / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Double Vision / Difficulty Swallowing and Chewing / Impaired Speaking / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Loss of Range of Motion / Temporary Paralysis / Kidney Failure / Elevated Blood Pressure / Numbness and Tingling / Painful Muscle Cramps / Loss of Strength 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Paralysis / Paresthesia / Severe Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Peripheral Neuropathy / Inflammation-Damage To Optic Nerve 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscles Bulging 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myalgia / Malaise / Fatigue / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myasthenia Gravis 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Myasthenia Gravis Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myelitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocardial Infarction 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis 82
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Acute Heart failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Atrial Fibrillation / Congenital Heart Failure / Post-menopause issue/ Significant amounts of LGE at the LV apical aneurysm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Cardiac Arrest / Elevated Troponin / Irregular ECG / Severely Depressed LV Function 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Heart Attack 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Inflammation and Scars on Heart / Abnormal Liver Labs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pericarditis 20
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Abdominal Pain / Chest Pain / Back Pain / Headaches / Brain Fog / Gastric Accommodation Abnormality 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Rash / Genital Discomfort 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Swollen Arm / Facial Pressure and Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocardium / Immune Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myoclonus Seizures / Uncontrollable Laughter / Fatigue / Headaches / Loss of Taste/ Appetite/ Weight / High Blood Pressure / Tinnitus / Ingrown Nails / Blurry Vision / Constipation / Dehydration / Confusion / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myxofibrosarcoma Cancer / Endometrial Cancer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Abdominal Pain / Fatigue / Headache / Acid Reflux 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Chest Pains / Migraines / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Chills / Hands Sweating / Headache / Numbness / Pain / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Diarrhea / Headache / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Dizziness / Difficulty Breathing / Fever / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Facial Pain / Trouble Thinking / Pain in Shoulders and Knees / Heart Fluttering 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Fatigue / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath / Dry Moth / Dizziness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Fatigue / Tongue Swelling / Neck and Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Fever / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Headache / Syncope / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Headaches / Body Aches / Brain Fog / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Hives / Shaking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Right Limb Weakness / Vomiting / Memory Loss / Confusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhea / Leg and Knee Pain / Encephalopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhea / Loss of Appetite / Weight Loss / Malnutrition 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vomiting / Headache / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vomiting / Lethargy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nauseous / Vomiting / Shaking / Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck / Shoulder and Back Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck And Head Pain/High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck Pain / Headache / Vertigo / Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck Pain / Paralysis / Weakness / Numbness / Muscle Spasms / Nerve Pain / Tingling / Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Needle Stick Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nephrotic Kidney Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Bi-lateral Carpal Tunnel 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Frozen Shoulder / Chronic Pain / Reduced Range Of Motion / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Muscle Atrophy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Inflammation / Sensitivity / Joint Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Pain / Inflammation / Extreme Muscle And Nerve Injury / Weakness / Heart Arrhythmia / Premature Ventricular Complexes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Pain / Vision Weakness / Muscle Fatigue / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Pains / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuro-Inflammation / Muscle Spasms / Muscle Weakness / Neuropathy / Dysautonomia / Mast Cell Activation / Paresthesia / Loss of Bladder Control / Visual Disturbances / Heart Palpitations / Lymphadenopathy / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurologic / Cardiovascular / Gynecologic issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurologic Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurologic Dysfunction / Loss of Consciousness / Disorientation / Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attack / Handshakes / Palpitations / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurologic Symptoms 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Disorder / Facial / Cervical / Vocal Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Disorders / Allodynia / Hyperalgesia / Polyneuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Injury / Guillain-Barre Syndrome / Brain Fog / Nerve Issues / Numbness / Balance And Walking Difficulty 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues / Headaches / Numbness / Tingling / Pain in Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues / Numbness / Tingling / Burning Sensations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Problems / Breathing Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Reaction / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Symptoms / Muscle Weakness / High Blood Pressure / Heart Palpitations / Vein Issues / Seizures / Brain Fog / Blurry Vision / Tremors / Chronic Inflammation / Facial Weakness / Burning Sensation / Joint Pain / Joint Swelling / Gastro Intestinal Issues / Menstrual Cycle Issues / Lactation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuro-Muscular Pain / Hip and Leg Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathic Pain / Numb Sensation / Fatigue / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Chronic / Fatigue / Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Joint Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Numbness / POTS / PVCs / Excessive Thirst / Brain Fog / Occipital Head Pressure / Headaches / Disequilibrium / Blurred Vision / Pulsatile Tinnitus / Histamine Intolerance / Difficulty Walking /Raynaud's Disease / Light Sensitivity / Neck Pain / Internal Vibrations / Bounding Heart Beat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy in Hands and Feet / Severe Pain / Breathing Problems / Memory Problems / Brain Fog / Vision Problems / Anxiety / Tremors / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy Inflammation Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Night Sweats / Fatigue / Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Arteritis Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Axial Spondyloarthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non-Diabetic Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nonocclusive Filling Defect at the Right Transverse Sinus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non-Specific Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non-ST Elevation Myocardial 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified 1685
COVID-19 Vaccine Numb Right Side Of Face/Pain In Left Arm/Trouble Lifting And Holding Things/ Difficulty Talking And Reading Things Out Loud 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbing/ Tingling/ Blurred vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Atrial Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Back Pain / Ear Pain / Drooling / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Blood Clot / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Bruising 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Bruising / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Drop Foot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Fainted 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Knee and Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Loss of Bladder Control / Leg Spasms / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Migraine / Brain Fog / Sinus Pressure / Imbalance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Neck Pain / Tingling / Small Fiber Neuropathy / MCAS / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Inflammation / Arterial Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Tingling / Inability to Stand or Walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Paralysis / Muscle Weakness / Shortness Of Breath / Burning Sensation / Small Fiber Neuropathy / MGUS Diagnosis / Cognitive Decline 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Paresthesia / Fever / Cough / Chills / Shortness of Breath / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Swelling / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Swollen Throat / Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Inability to Walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Pain / Aching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Pain / Brain Fog / Muscle Pain / Bone Pain / Fatigue / Depression / Hip Pain / Back Pain / Raspy Voice / Skin Lesions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Weakness in Legs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness of Tongue / Sensations All Over Body / Pins and Needles / Numbness / Heavy Right of Head and Neck / Vision and Speaking Difficulties / Increase Urinating / Dizziness / Cold Temperature-Like Feeling / Palpitations / Feeling of Been Inside of an Elevator / Tight-like Band Sensation on Left Arm / Difficulty Swallowing and Breathing / Left Side Chest Pain / Extreme Thirstiness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness/ Nerve Pain/ Loss Of Feeling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nystagmus / Ear Weakness / Double Vision / Vestibular Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Occlusion of Leg Artery / Right Foot Nerve Pain / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Open Wound / COVID Pneumonia / Enlarged Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Nerve Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Neuritis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Neuritis / Optic Capillitia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Neuritis / Partial Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Neuritis / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Orthostatic Hypotension / Atrial Fibrillation / Tachycardia / Instability / Dizziness / Night Sweats / Fatigue / Body Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Out of breath / Tightness in Chest / Severe Cough/ Exhaustion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ovarian Torsion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Overactive Thyroid 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Brain Fog / Psychotic Episodes / Suicidal Ideation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Coldness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Dizziness / Breathing Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Headache / Facial Distortion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Large Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Limited Range of Motion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Mouth Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Nausea / Dizziness / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Numbness / Weakness in arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Rash / Severe Headache/ Rheumatoid Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Skin Lesions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Swelling / Arm Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Weakness 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Weakness / Loss of Balance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain and Swelling in Foot and Leg 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitation / Chest Pain / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitation/ SOB/ Decrease energy. Low Blood Oxygen levels/ Plaletat count low/ Decreased muscle strenth/ poor circulation/ numbness in legs/ Brain fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Tachycardia / Sweating / Numbness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pancolitis / C. Diff. Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pancreatitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pancytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Disorientation / Muscle Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Immunological Adverse Response 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Memory Loss / Confusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Pain / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralyzed / Weakness / Heart Palpitation / Dizziness / Lung Pain / Heart Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralyzed Vocal Cord 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paraplegia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia / Nerve Pain / Muscle and Joint Pain / Weakness / Tongue Tingling / Eye Irritation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia / Sharp Pains 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria/Ultomiris Infusions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Partial Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Partially Paraplegic / Loss of Sensation in Hands and Feet / Loss of Appetite / Double Vision / Loss of Bladder Control / Constipation / General Muscle Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Passed Out/ Mouth Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Patella-femoral syndrome PTSD / Early Menopause / Restless L egs / Scoliosis / Sleep Apnea / Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) / Whole Body Pain / Venous Insufficiency / I Syndrome Lung Nodules / Cervical Pain / Sinus Arrhythmia / Osteoarthritis of Ankle / Parasomnia / ADHD / Bradycardia / Osteoarthritis of Neck / Interstitial Cystitis / Compartment Syndrome of Lower Extremity / Degenerative Disc Disease / Cervical DOD (degenerative disc disease) / Lumbar Osteoarthritis of Hand (Confined Depression Dysautonomia / Hereditary Alpha ptasemia / l Factor V Leiden / Gastritis / Generalized Anxiety Disorder / COMT Gene Mutation / Thyroid Goiter / MTHFR Mutation / Hiatal Hemia / Hypercholesterolemia / Hypermobility Syndrome / Hypertension / JBS / Brain Lesion / Memory Deficit Mitral regurgitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Patricia and Large Blood Blisters in Mouth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pemphigus Foliaceus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pemphigus Vulgaris Flare Up 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Perforated Appendix / Bowel 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Effusion 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Effusion / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Enhancement 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Infusion / Arrhythmias / Exhaustion / Dizziness / Brain Fog / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Tamponade 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis 40
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Asthma Attack / Back Pain / Swelling / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Atrial Fibrillation / SMA Blood Clot / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Bilateral Pleurisy / Systemic Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Chest Pain / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Heart Murmur 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Myocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardium Cyst 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Perimyocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy / Hypertentension / Postural Orthostastic Tachycardia Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Permanent Dystonic Contracture of Musculature of Left Upper Extremity/ Affection Function In Lft Neck and Upper back/ Tolerance of Postures/ dysfunction of Neck and shoulder/ Weakness/ Tension Headaches/ 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Petchiae / Low Platelets / Splenectomy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Petechiae 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Petechiae / Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Petechiae / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Phantosmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Plaque Psoriasis / Pustular Psoriasis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pleurisy / Pulmonary Embolisms / Deep Vein Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine PLEVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Bronchitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Decreased Potassium 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Kidney Failure / Heart Failure / Lung Disease / Granulomatosis / Polyangiitis / Intra-Alveolar Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia Abscess 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Poisoning by Vaccine and Biological Substances 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyalgia Rheumatica 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyositis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyositis / Bilateral Carpal Tunnel 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyositis / Interstitial Lung Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polyneuropathy / Critical Illness Myopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polyps / Burning Snesation / Tingling / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Vertigo / Vision Loss / Fatigue / Heart Palpitation/ Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pontine Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Portal Vein Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Possible Blood Clot / Mini Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Post Stroke Recudence 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Posterior Leukoencephalopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 8
COVID-19 Vaccine POTS / Dysautonomia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine POTS / Dyspnea / Severely Reduced MIP / MEP / Severely Reduced Functional Aerobic Capacity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine POTS / Occipital Neuralgia / Cervicogenic Headache / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Premature Ventricular Contraction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine PRES 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Progressive Sclerosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Prolonged Menstrual / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriasis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriasis / Moderate Osteoarthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriasis / Onycholysis / Edema / Xerosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriatic Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psychosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psychosis / Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psychosomatic Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ptosis / Palsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Puffy Eyelids / Elevated Heartbeat / SOB / Winded / Weight Loss / Loss of Appetite 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Blood Clot / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Emboli 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism 30
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism / Blood Clot / Acute Injury of Kidney 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism / Blood Clots / Heart Strain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism / Hypothyroidism / Generalized Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism / Lung Infarction / Hypercoagulability 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism / PVC 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolus / Pleural Effusion / Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Saddle Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis Blood Clot / Ischemic Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Queasy Feeling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Quincke Edema / Injection Site Injury / Fever / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Racing Pulse / Heart Palpitation / Dizziness / Chest Pain / Muscle Pain / Tremors / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Radial Artery Thrombus / Angina 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Beat / Atrial Fibrillation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Beat / Atrial Fibrillation / Cheat Pressure / Heart Palpitations / Dizziness / Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Beat / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Rate / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Rate/ Elevated Blood Pressure/ Weakness/ Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat / Micro Valve Prolapse / Dizziness / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Allergic Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Elevated Heart Rate / Chest Pain / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Fever / Vomiting / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Headache / Stomach Cramps / Fatigue / Mind Fog / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Hives 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Myocarditis / Diarrhea / Vomiting / Tachycardia / Fever / Hypotension / Fatigue / Abdominal Pain / Pallor / Confusion / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Nerve Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Numbness / Pain / Paralyzed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Redness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Shortness of Breath / Rapid Heartbeat / Dizziness / Fainted / Joint Pain / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Swelling / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash/ Loss of breath/ Swollen face/ Migraines/ High pitched ringing in bilateral ears/ Blurry vision/ Visual and auditory disturbances/ Joint pain/ Nausea/ Vomiting/ Diarrhea/ Abdominal pain/ Chest pain/ Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash/Bullous Pemphigoid 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rashes 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Rashes / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Raynaud's Syndrome / Heart Pain / Tightness / Tingling / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Reactive Arthritis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Rear Scalp Pain / Shoulder Pain / Left Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Recurring Epistaxis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Red Spots / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Redness / Itching / Rash / Redness / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Reduced Range of Motion and Strength in Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Reflex Hypotension / Black Stools / Edema / Rash / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Large Fiber Neuropathy / Tinnitus / Ataxia / Brain Fog / Memory Problems / Vaginal Bleeding / Rectal Bleeding / Fatty Liver / Double Liver Enzymes / Vestibular System Stopped / High Sympathetic Tone / Tachycardia / Left Atrial Inflammation / Sensory Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Respiratory Failure / Influenza A / Necrotizing Pneumonia / Acute Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Respiratory Failure / Pneumonitis / Pneumonia / Pancreatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Retina Detachment 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Retinal Detachment / Total Blindness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Retinal Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rhabdomyolysis / Dizziness / Chest Pain / Right Bundled Branch Block 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare Up 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rib Pain / Internal Bleeding / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Bundle Branch Block 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Dural Venus Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Hand Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Side Numbness / Loss of Voice / Bowel Movement Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Side Numbness / Nausea / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Side Pain / Pins and Needle Sensation / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Right Side Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ringing in Ear / Headaches / Head Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Robust Reactions 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff / Bursitis / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear / Advanced Tendinopathy / Left Shoulder Capsulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ruptured Small Intestine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ruptured Tendon 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Saddle Embolus of Pulmonary Artery 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sceritis / Uveitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scleroderma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure / Dysphagia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure / Incoherent / Unable To Walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure Like Symptoms / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Hallucinations / Fatigue / Memory Loss / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Headache / Neck Ache / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Headache / Vomiting / Bad Metallic Taste / Body Pain / Lost Use of Right Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Impaired Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures/ Epilepsy/ Broken Shoulder/ Various other muscle/ Bone injuries 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sensitivity to Sun and Heat / Itching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sensory / Motor Polyneuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Serositis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Serum Sickness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Serum Sickness / Psoriatic Arthritis / Reactive Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Abdominal Pain / Chills / Sweating / Fever / Nausea / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Abdominal Pain and Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Allergic Reaction 19
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Anaphylaxis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Aplastic Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Arm and left breast Pain/ Nerve damage/ sever left chest pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Arm Pain / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Arm Pain / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Back / Neck and Head Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Biventricular Dysfunction Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Bleeding / Abdominal Cramping 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Bruising / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chest and Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chest and Head Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chest Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Migraine like Pain / Seizure / Dizziness / Light Sensitivity / Dry Mouth / Hoarse Throat / Tingling / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chills / Fever / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chills / Pain / Fever / Vomiting / Fainted 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Chronic Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Cough / Inability to Breathe 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Dehydration / Numbness / Extreme Muscle Cramps / Migraine / Nausea / Confusion / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Depression / Anxiety / Mood Disorder / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Fatigue / Fever / Chills / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Groin / Knee / Elbow and Hand Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headache / Body Aches / Difficulty Concentrating / Photo Sensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headache / Chills / Nausea / Vomiting / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headache / Elevated Blood Pressure and Pulse / Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headache and Migraine / Inability to Ambulate and Communicate / Slurred Speech / Visual Disturbance / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headaches / Lethargy / Body Aches / Clammy Skin 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headaches / Sore / Achy / Fever / Hydrocephalus Brain Shunt / Mobility Issues / Cognitive Issues / Complicated Eye Deficit 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Headaches / Tingling / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Heart Palpitations / Weakness / Tinnitus / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Inflammatory Response / Elevated CRP / Elevated Platelets / Anemia / Low Albumin / Daily Fevers / Severe Night Sweats / Weight Loss / Severe Painful Edema / Bilateral Hydroceles / Tachycardia / Hypotension / Hormonal Imbalance with Gynecomastia / Muscle Cramping / Severe Fatigue / Cold Intolerance / Unregulated Temperatures / Abdominal Cramps / Persistent Dry Cough / Small Amount of Ascites / Intra-abdominal Lymphadenopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Itching / Allergic Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Itching / Blisters 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Joint Pain / Fever / Asthma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Leg / Thigh / Buttock Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Leg and Back Pain / Extreme Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Leg Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Leg Pain / Heart Palpitations / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Lower Back Pain / Dizziness / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Migraines / Pain / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Muscle Pain / Internal Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Nausea / Dizziness / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Pain / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Pain / Joint Inflammation / Fatigue / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Pain To Dormant Congenital Vascular Malformation In Left Leg / Severe Acid Reflux / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Rash / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Rashes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Reaction / Fainted 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Reaction / Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Shoulder Pain / Calcification 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Sickness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Swollen Nose and Face/ Infection in Nose/ High Fever/ Rash/ Blood Clotting in legs and thigh/ Weakness/ Mood Swings/ Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Tinnitus / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Vaginal Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Vertigo / Leg Cramps / Exhaustion / Night Sweats / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Vertigo / Nausea / Dizziness / Vomiting / Loss of Balance / Lightheadedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Severely Jaundiced / High Liver Enzymes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shaking / Muscle Weakness / Nerve Pain / GBS Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shaking / Numbness / Swelling / Severe Chest Pressure and Pressure / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shaking / Sweating / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shaking / Swelling / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sharp Pain / Numbness in Upper Shoulder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles / COVID-19 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles / Heart Attack / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles / Hypertension / Palpitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shocking Sensation in Arteries or Veins / Fatigue / Flu Like Symptoms / Pain in Stomach and Legs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Abnormal EKG / Elevated Troponin Level / Acute Pulmonary Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Arm Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Chest and Neck Pain / Vision Changes / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Chest Pains / Extreme Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Chest Pressure / Tingling in Hands and Feet 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Confusion / Severe Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Dizziness / Palpitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Fast Heartbeat / Panic Attack / Shoulder Pain / Anxiety / Frozen Extremities / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Fatigue / COVID Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Body Ache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Fatigue / Heavy Limbs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Fatigue / Upper Respiratory, Pulmnary Distress 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Fever / Chills / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / GI / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Headaches / Rapid Heart Beat Arm Pain / Swelling // Body Aches / Vomiting / Diarrhea / Chills 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Heart Palpitations / Leg Pain / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / High Heart Rate / Low Blood Oxygen 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness Of Breath / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Hyperventilating / Heart Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Lack Of Energy / Extreme Stomach Bloat / Slight Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Migraine / Memory Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Nausea / Lightheadedness / Dizziness / Increased Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Numbness / Hand Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Pericarditis / Tachycardia / Chest Pains / Dizziness / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Racing Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Rapid Heartbeat / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Rash / Facial Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Rash / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Shivering / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Sinus Issues / Red Spots on Scrotum / Eye Burning / Nausea / Vomiting / Arm Pain / Muscle Aches / Elevated Heart Rate / Dizziness / Chills / Leg Pain / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Skin Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Sore Muscles / Chest Pains / Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Swelling / High Blood Pressure / Heart Problems / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Wheezing / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder / Arm Injury 25
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder / Neck and Toe Pain / Tingling in Fingers / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder and Arm Pain and Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder and Bicep Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Inflammation/ Arm Soreness/ Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury 49
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury / Loss Of Mobility 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / Nerve Damage / Impingement Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain and Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shy Draggers Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sick for a Long Time 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sickness / Headache / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sinus Bradycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sinus Tachycardia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Sinusitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine SIRS / Pleuritic / Pneumonia / Tachycardia / Pleural Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA 42
COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA / Double Crush Syndrome / CFS / Extreme Fatigue / Numbness / Tingling / Tremors / Respiratory Alkalosis / Muscle Spasms / Neuropathy / Peripheral Nerve Damage / Brain Fog / Weakness / Subcutaneous Nodule / Discolored Lump in Arm / Mental Breakdown / Poor Circulation / Bulging Vein in Left Arm / Depression / Anxiety / Loss of Sensation in Left Arm / Impaired Balance and Motor Skills / Tightness in Arm / Vertigo / Fever / Joint Stiffness/ Pain and Cracking / Debilitating Lethargy / Worsened Tinnitus / Severe Arm Tenderness / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA / Frozen Shoulder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sixth Nerve Palsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin and Gum Sensitivity / Anal Fistulas 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Rash 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Rash / Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Rash / Leg Edema / COVID Feet / Swollen Testicles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Rash / Muscle Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Spots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Turned Dark / Itchy / Rashes on Back and Ears 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sleep Disturbance / Tinnitus / Seizures / Brain Fog / Memory Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Slurred Speech / Face Drooping / Tingling in Face 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Slurring of Words / Uncontrollable Loud Outburst / Loss of Memory / Confusion / Seizures / Internal Spasms / Can not walk for a Short Period of Time / Uncontrollable Arm and hand movements/Unable to focus for a short period of time/ Repeating of words/ Loss of Weight 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy / Hand Paresthesia / Eye Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy / Heart Palpitations / Swelling / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy / Hyperadrenergic Postural Tachycardia Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy / Psoriatic Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy / Stiff Person Syndrome / Vision Disturbances 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sore Arm / Lethargic / Constant Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sore Shoulder / Pain / Arthritis / Bursitis / Torn Tendon 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sore Shoulder/ Sharp Pain in Shoulder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Soreness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sores 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Spasms / Cramps / Swollen Tongue / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Speech Impairment / Left Side Numbness / Severe Headaches / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Spinal Cord Injury / Complete Paralysis / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Spinal Meningitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis / Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia / Deep Vein Thrombosis / Hepatic (liver) Vein 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Splenic Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Splenic Infarction/ Blood Clots/ Hematoma/ Fasciotomy/ Loss of Mobility/ Unable to walk 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Spongiotic Dermatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stephens Johnson Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Stevens Johnson Syndrome / Guillain Barre Syndrome Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stiff Neck / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stiffness / Numbness / Pain at Injection Site 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stinging, Burning, and numbness pain in arm legs and hip 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stomach Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stretch Marks / Scaring Left Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke 63
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Aneurysm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke Aphasia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke In Optic Nerve Causing Blindness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke Like Symptoms 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke Like Symptoms / Collapsed Lung 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke-like Symptoms / Slurred Speech / Racing Heart / Seizures / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Strokes 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Subacromial / Subdeltoid Bursitis / Supraspinatus / Infraspinatus / Subscapularis Tendinopathy with Superimposed Partial-thickness Tearing / Bursal Sided Tearing / Focal Articular Sided Tearing of the Junctional Cuff 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Subacromial Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Subarachnoid Hemorrhage / Seizure / Traumatic Brain Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Subcutaneous Sarcoidosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Subdural Hematoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sudden Hearing Loss (SSHL) / Sudden Deafness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sudden Hearing Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sudden Inflammation Of The Shoulder/ Left Foot/ Left And Right Knee/ Neck And Back/Osteoarthritis/Possible Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sulphur Taste and Smell 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Superficial Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Superficial Blood Clot / Shortness of Breath / Chest Pain / Heart Palpitations / Loss of Consciousness / Loss of Vision / Memory Loss / Confusion / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Supraventricular Tachycardia 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Sweating / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sweating / Nausea / Chest Pounding / Passing Out 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sweet Syndrome / Pyoderma Granulosa 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Burning / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Groin Area Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Headaches / Bad Dreams / Drowsiness / Stroke / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Numbness / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Pain / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Rash / Skin Peeling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Rash / Trouble Breathing / SOB 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Trouble Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen and Inflamed Lymph Nodes / Cystic Nodule 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Ankle 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Breast 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Breast and Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Ears / Ringing in Ears 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Feet / Arms and Tongue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Feet And Legs / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Finger 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Hands / Tingling / Nerve Pain / Eczema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Joints 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Node 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes / Asthma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes / Ear Ringing / Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Dizziness / Hearing Loss / Eye Blurriness / Internal Nose Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes / Fatigue / Joint Pain / Sore Throat / Hair Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes / Fatigue / Shortness Of Breath / Rash / Swollen Eyes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes / Headache / Fever / Night Sweats / Joint Pain / Mouth Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Concussion / Cheek Bone & Teeth Fractures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Confusion / Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / COVID-19 Virus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Face Head and Nose Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Hypertension / Ischemic Tachycardia / Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy / Non Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia / Atrial Fibrillation / Pulmonary Interstitial Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Third Degree Burn / Partial Thickness Burn 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Systemic Adverse Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Systemic Inflammation / Acute Kidney Injury / Hearing Loss / Stroke / Pericardial Effusion / Atrial Fibrillation / Esophagitis / Capillary Leak Syndrome / malnutrition / Cataract / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Systemic Lupus Erythrocytosis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Chest Pain and Tightness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Diaphoretic 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Dizziness / Fever / Vomiting / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Hypertension / Palpitation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Palpitations / Breathlessness / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Pre-syncope / Dizziness / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Shortness of Breath / Tremors / Hot Flashes / Paresthesia / Blurred Vision / Near Syncope / Muscle Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia/ Palpitations/ Difficulty regulating blood pressure/ Shaking and trembling in arms, hands, and legs/ Dizziness/ Pain, weakness, numbness and tingling down neck, across shoulders and down both arms and in both feet/ Headaches/ Hard to focus/ Hypersensitivity to all stimuli/ Sensitivity to temperature/ Always freezing/ o Constant nausea/ Acid reflux/ Diarrhea/ Stomach pain/ Hair Loss/ Skin rashes on face, neck, chest, arms and torso/ Extreme fatigue/ Swelling of throat and neck/ Inflammation in thyroid gland/ Vasculitis/ Overactive allergic immune response to various foods and drugs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tear in Bursa 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Temporary Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tendinitis / Elevated Sedimentation Rate / Cervical Radiculopathy / Polymyalgia Rheumatica / Autoimmune Disease / Dysphagia / Stress / Anxiety / Depression / Eczema / Neck Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tendinopathy / Subacromial Sub-deltoid Bursitis / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tendinosis / Subacromial Sub-deltoid Bursitis / Adhesive Capsulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thoracic Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Closing / Headache / Short Term Memory Loss / High Blood Pressure / Vertigo / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Closing / Lips Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Inflammation / Muscle Pain / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Swelling / Coughing Up Blood / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Swelling / Itching / Redness / Heavy Menstrual Flow / Headache / Fatigue / Numbness / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Swelling / Tachycardia / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Throat Tongue Hand and Arm Swelling / Lesions / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombocytopenia 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombocytopenia / Cellulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombocytopenia / Pancytopenia / Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis / Intracranial Hemorrhage / Sagittal Sinus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis / Thrombocytopenia Syndrome / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis Venous Sinus / Sigmoid and Internal Jugular 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrush / Swollen Tongue / Plate and Gums 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrush / Symptoms of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thyroid Eye Disease / Permanent Vision Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thyroid Storm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine TIA / Hepatic Toxicity / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine TIA / Tachycardia / Bradycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine TIA In Left Eye 1
COVID-19 Vaccine TIA Stroke 4
COVID-19 Vaccine TIA Stroke / Tachycardia / Epileptic Seizures / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Peripheral Neuropathy / Temporary Paralysis / Temporary Blindness / Anaphylaxis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Diabetes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Heart Attack Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Numbness / Brain Fog / Vision Difficulty 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Numbness / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Numbness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Numbness in both feet and legs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Rash / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Sciatic Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Weakness / Shingles / Inflammation / Vaginal Bleeding / PMR 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus 33
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Immunologic Dysfunction / Vascular Inflammation / Neurologic Side Effects / Menstrual Changes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Dry Cough / Lung Cancer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Ear Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Extreme Fatigue / Brain Fog / Inability to Sleep 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Fatigue / Chest Pain / Brain Fog / Muscle Pain / Heart Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / GERD / Gluten Allergy / Anxiety / Other Neuro Issues / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Headache / Brain Fog / Impaired Memory and Hand / Eye Coordination 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Hearing Loss 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Heart Problems / Migraines / Neurological Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Insomnia / Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Patchy Spots Across Mid-section 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tonic Clonic Seizure / Convulsions / Unconsciousness / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tonsillitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Torn Rotator / Muscle and Tendon Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Torn Rotator Cuff 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Torn Rotator Cuff / Possible Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Total Hair Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Totally Blind 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Transient Global Amnesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Transient Ischemic Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis 25
COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis / Guillain-Barre Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Tremors / Angina / Heart Palpitations / Lack Of Concentration / Weakness / Possible Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tremors / Anxiety / Insomnia / Night Sweats / Internal Tremors / Muscle Pain / Joint Pains / Hypertension / Increased Heart Rate / CP / SOB 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tremors / Muscle Twitching / Cramping / Weakness / Numbness / Burning Sensation / Fatigue / Hypnic Jerks 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trigeminal Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trigger Finger 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Triple Negative Breast Cancer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trouble Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trouble Concentrating / Trouble Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine TTS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ulcerative Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ulcerative Colitis Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ulcerative Colitis/ Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unable Move Limbs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unable to Breathe / Unresponsive 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unable to Speak or Swallow 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unable to Walk 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Uncontrolable Shaking and Wiggling Left Arm/ Numbness/ Decrease Mobility 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Undiagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unresponsive / Foaming at Mouth / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unresponsive / Tachycardia / Low Heart Rate / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unusual Large Amounts Of Hair Loss On The Body/ Head/ Eyelashes/ Eyebrows 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Urinary Retention 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Urticaria / Angioedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Urticaria / Maculopapular Rash / Arthralgia / Epstein-barr Virus / Chest Tightness / Serum Sickness-Like Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine UTI 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Uveitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Uveitis / Asthma / Hair Loss / Severe Allergy Development / Neuropathy / Chronic Headaches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Uveitis / Tinnitus / Cognitive Impairment 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Induced Axillary Lymphadenopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Induced Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Injury / Long Covid PASC 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction / Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vagina Sores 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaginal Bleeding / Blood Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaginal Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaginal Yeast Infection / Vaginitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vague Frontal Headache / Blurred Vision / Joint Pain / Nausea / Weight Loss / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vascular Inflammation / Nerve Pain / Increased Blood Pressure / Chest Pain / Cytokine Storm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasculitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasculitis / Bruises 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasculitis / Trouble Swallowing Food / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasovagal Syncope 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Vegtio Attacks / Brain Fog / Cranial Pressure / Eye Disturbance / Dizziness / Post Tacycadia / Hypotension / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ventilator / COVID-19 Medications 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ventilator / Plasma / Remdesivir 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ventricular Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Blocked Carotid Artery / Blocked Coronary Arteries 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Brain Fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Dizziness / Lightheadedness / Low Energy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Dizziness / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Dizziness / Numbness and Tingling Fingers 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Dizziness / Vomiting / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Headaches / Blurred Vision / Tremors / Ataxia / Difficulty With Balance / Falls / Personality And Behavioral Changes / Declining Fine Motor Skill Abilities / CJD / Ataxic Gait / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Hearing Loss / Heart Racing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Nausea / Vision Changes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Neuro Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Permanent Sensorineural Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Neuritis 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Neuritis / Blurred Vision / Hearing Loss / Tachycardia / Elevated Blood Pressure / Joint Pain / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Neuritis / Migraines / Severe Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Neuritis / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Symptoms / Migraines / Heart Palpitations / EarAche / Ear Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vian Cell Arteritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Changes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss / Balance Issues / Headaches / Fatigue / Vertigo / Chest Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss / Eye Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss / Fainted 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss / Muscle Spasms / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss / Tachycardia / Cardiovascular Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss / Temporal Arteritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vitreous Detachment 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vocal Cord Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Diarrhea / Abdominal Pain / Low Platelets 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Diarrhea / Dehydration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Dizziness / Diarrhea / Abdominal Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Fever / Chills / Fatigue / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Fever / Dehydration / Rapid Heart Beat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine V-Tach 1
COVID-19 Vaccine VTE / DVT 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakened Heart / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Arm Pain / Arm Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Breathing Difficulty / Difficulty Swallowing and Chewing / Double Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Chest Pain / Vertigo / Blurred Vision / Face Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Difficulty Walking 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Difficulty Walking / Extreme Body Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Dysarthria / Fatigue / Choking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Fatigue / Fever / Muscle Pain / Headaches / Chills / Cold Sweats / Cognitive Issues / Chest Tightness / Shortness of Breathe / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Fatigue / Heart and Blood Pressure Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Numbness / Pain / Cysts on Finger and Wrist 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Possible GBS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Sluggishness / Chest Pain / Poor Circulation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Tingling / Numbness / Loss Of Balance / Loss Of Muscle Mass 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness / Tiredness / Elevated Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness in Legs and Hands / Daily Headaches / High Blood Pressure / Extreme Fatigue / shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Welts / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Wheezing / Coughing / Shortness of Breath / Blurred Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Wheezing / Lightheadedness / Dizziness / Metal Taste in Mouth 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Wheezing / Muscle Weakness / Migraine / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Winged Scapula/ Brachial Plexus breakage/ Unable To Raise Arms Above Head/ Limited ROM/ Nerve Pain/ Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Wrist Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Yellow Sclera / Jaundice 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Remdesivir Death 1
Decadron / Intubation / Remdesivir Pneumonia / Abscess 1
Decadron / Remdesivir Death 2
Delay or Failure to provide proper medication and treatment Death 1
Dexamethasone Death 1
Dexamethasone / Doxycycline / Piperacillin-Tazobactam Death 1
Dexamethasone / Ivermectin / Prednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 2
Enoxaparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Nitazoxanide / Vitamin / Zinc Death 1
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Machine Death 1
Failure to abide by COVID-19 regulations Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine Death 21
Hydroxychloroquine / Dexamethasone / Dialysis Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Fentanyl / Intubation Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Ondansetron Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 6
Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Convalescent Plasma Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Sarilumab Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 2
Intubation Death 4
Intubation / Ramipril Kidney Failure 1
Levaquin / Plaquenil / Vitamin C and D / Zinc Death 1
Mechanical Respirator Death 1
Mefloquine Dizziness / Hearing Loss / PTSD / Tinnitus / Temperature Sensitivity 1
Monoclonal Antibodies Not Specified 1
N-95 Shoulder Injury 1
N-95 Mask / PPE COVID 1
N-95 Mask / Ventilator Death 1
Not Specified Bell's Palsy 1
Not Specified Death 351
Not Specified DVT / Chest Pain / Neurologic Symptoms 1
Not Specified Not Specified 148
Not Specified Pancreatitis 1
Not Specified Pneumonia/ Covid/ Stroke 1
Not Specified Renal Failure 1
Not Specified TIA Stroke 1
Not Specified Ulcer / Myopathy 1
Not Specified Weakness / Difficulty Walking 1
Oxygen / Prednisone Death 1
Oxygen / Remdesivir Death 1
Permavir / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Plaquenil / Vitamin C / Zinc / Zithromax Death 1
Refusal of COVID-19 Vaccination w/ a Prescription Death 1
Remdesivir Death 36
Remdesivir Renal Failure / Pulmonary Embolism / Pneumonia 1
Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Stay At Home Order / Masks / No Elective Surgeries Attempted Murder / Assault / Damage to Multiple Body Parts 1
Tylenol Death 1
Ventilator Collapsed Lung 1
Ventilator Death 227
Ventilator / Acute Blood Loss / Blood Transfusion Death 1
Ventilator / Anakinra / Ceftriaxone / Convalescent Plasma / Heparin / Medrol / Steroids / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Anakinra / Dialysis / Plaquenil / Solu-Medrol / Thiamine / Vitamin C Death 1
Ventilator / Antibiotics / Hydroxychloroquine / Intubation / PIC Line / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Antibiotics / Intubation / Sedation Death 1
Ventilator / Anticoagulants / ECHMO Death 1
Ventilator / Antiviral Medications Death 2
Ventilator / Antivirals / Convalescent Plasma / Neglect / Pneumonia Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin Death 20
Ventilator / Azithromycin Respiratory Failure / Kidney Failure 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / BiPap / Dialysis / Plaquenil / Tocilizumab Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / BiPap / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Dialysis / Heparin / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Dialysis / Heparin / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / CRRT / Decadron / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Medrol / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 3
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / CRRT / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / CRRT / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Decadron Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Decadron / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone Death 6
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Convalescent Plasma Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol Death 2
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Medrol / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 5
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 7
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Heparin Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Remdesivir Death 31
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Sedation Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Azithromycin / Decadron / Dexamethasone / Lovenox / Remdesivir Difficulty Walking / Memory Loss / Slurred Speech / Poor Vision / Seizures 1
Ventilator / BiPap Death 3
Ventilator / BiPAP / COVID-19 Medications Death 2
Ventilator / BiPAP / COVID-19 Medications / Oxygen Death 1
Ventilator / BiPap / Remdesivir Death 4
Ventilator / Bronchoscopy / Remdesivir / Steroids / Zithromax Death 1
Ventilator / Ceftriaxone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma Death 10
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / COVID-19 Medications Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Intubation / Lorazepam Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Intubation Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Proning Position Death 1
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 6
Ventilator / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / COVID-19 Medications Death 1130
Ventilator / COVID-19 Medications / COVID-19 Test Death 1
Ventilator / COVID-19 Medications / Oxygen Death 1
Ventilator / COVID-19 Medications / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / COVID-19 Medications / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / COVID-19 Vaccine Death 8
Ventilator / CPAP Death 1
Ventilator / CRRT / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Dexamethasone Death 1
Ventilator / Dexamethasone / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 6
Ventilator / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Dialysis / Enoxaparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Ventilator / Echmo Death 1
Ventilator / Endotracheal Tube Death 1
Ventilator / Fentanyl / Heparin Death 1
Ventilator / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Oxygen / Zithromax Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquin / Azithromycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine Death 21
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Antibiotics / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin Death 52
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Aztreonam / Dexamethasone / linezolid Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / BiPap / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / BiPap / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Convalescent Plasma / Doxycycline / Heparin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Dialysis / Heparin / Tocilizumab / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Heparin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Medrol / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Medrol / Steroids / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / CPAP / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol / Steroids / Tocilizumab Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis Death 12
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Heparin / Vasopressin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Medrol Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol/ Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Steroids / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Dialysis / Tocilizumab Death 3
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Heparin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Heparin / Medrol / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Medrol / Vancomycin Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Methylprednisolone Death 5
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab Death 3
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Plaquenil Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Plaquenil / Zithromax Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Remdesivir Death 94
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Solu-Medrol Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Steroids / Medrol / Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Steroids / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Tocilizumab Death 5
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Azithromycin / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Ceftriaxone / Convalescent Plasma / Heparin / Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Ceftriaxone / Heparin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Medrol / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Convalescent Plasma Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / COVID-19 Test Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Dexamethasone / Dialysis Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Dexamethasone / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Dialysis / Heparin / vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Heparin / Medrol / Steroids / Vancomycin Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Lovenox / Zithromax Death 3
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Oseltamivir / Zithromax Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 8
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Steroids / Tocilizumab Death 2
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroquine / Z-Pac Death 1
Ventilator / Hydroxychloroqyine / Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Intubation Death 3
Ventilator / Intubation / Convalescent Plasma / Vasopressin Death 1
Ventilator / Lovenox Death 1
Ventilator / Lovenox / Plaquenil Death 1
Ventilator / Lovenox / Plaquenil / Vancomycin / Vitamin D2 / Zozyn Death 1
Ventilator / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Ventilator / Midazolam / Remdesivir / Seasonal Flu Vaccine Death 1
Ventilator / Permavir / Relenza Death 1
Ventilator / Plaquenil Death 1
Ventilator / Relenza Death 1
Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 44
Ventilator / Remdesivir Kidney Failure / Lungs Filled With Fluid / Organs Shut Down 1
Ventilator / Remdesivir / Antibiotics Death 1
Ventilator / Remdesivir / Convalescent Plasma Death 3
Ventilator / Remdesivir / Solumedrol Death 1
Ventilator / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Ventilator / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Tocilizumab Death 1
Ventilator / Tranquilizer Death 1

Table 2. Non-COVID-19 Countermeasure Claims Filed As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury/death for each non-COVID-19 countermeasure claims filed as of June 1, 2022.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 Anthrax Vaccine Severe Allergic Reaction

Table 3. CICP Claims Compensated (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure, alleged injury, and amount of compensation paid for each compensated CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury Compensation Amount
1 H1N1 Vaccine Guillain-Barrè Syndrome (GBS) $2,309.94
2 H1N1 Vaccine Bursitis $385.00
3 H1N1 Vaccine Anaphylaxis $1,885.44
4 Smallpox Vaccine Myocarditis $323,035.75
5 H1N1 Vaccine Anaphylaxis $2,995.23
6 H1N1 Vaccine Shoulder Pain $182.20
7 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $1,762,920.56
8 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $185,479.52
9 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $15,662.07
10 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $106,723.54
11 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $210.75
12 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $2,360.84
13 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $2,364.55
14 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $3,534.00
15 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $6,966.40
16 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $553,945.53
17 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $7,623.45
18 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $2,295,929.61
19 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $13,581.93
20 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $27,378.82
21 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $5,677.77
22 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $127,435.39
23 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $30.93
24 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $3,500.00
25 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $2,316.00
26 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $571,635.25
27 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $49,759.00
28 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $220.00
29 H1N1 Vaccine GBS $1,921.75
Total     $6,077,971.22

Table 4. CICP Claims Eligible for Compensation, but No Eligible Reported Losses or Expenses (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022 that was eligible for compensation, but did not have eligible reported losses or expenses.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 H1N1 Vaccine GBS
2 H1N1 Vaccine GBS
3 Smallpox Vaccine Myocarditis
4 H1N1 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
5 H1N1 Vaccine GBS
6 Smallpox Vaccine Serum sickness
7 H1N1 Vaccine Herpes Zoster Outbreak
8 H1N1 Vaccine GBS
9 H1N1 Vaccine GBS
10 H1N1 Vaccine GBS

Table 5. CICP Claims Denied Compensation Because Required Medical Records Were Not Submitted (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022 that was denied compensation because the requester did not submit any required medical records, which may include not submitting any of the medical records specified in their Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Health Information Form(s) submitted to the Program. When this occurs, CICP staff notify the requester and provide them an opportunity to submit the appropriate medical records. However, if the appropriate medical records are not received, CICP staff are unable to conduct a medical review of the claim. If medical records documenting the alleged injury are received, the claim will proceed to a medical review even if incomplete after the requester has had an opportunity to submit the additional appropriate medical records.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylaxis
2 H1N1 vaccine Rash (Arm/Shoulder)
3 H1N1 vaccine Rash (Upper Torso/Scalp)
4 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
5 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
6 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
7 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
8 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
9 H1N1 vaccine Fever/ Difficulty Breathing
10 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylaxis
11 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
12 H1N1 vaccine Fever / Vomiting / Shortness of Breath
13 H1N1 vaccine GBS
14 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
15 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
16 H1N1 vaccine Polyarthritis
17 H1N1 vaccine Gastroenteritis
18 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
19 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
20 H1N1 vaccine Bell’s Palsy
21 H1N1 vaccine Weakness/ Elevated Blood Pressure
22 H1N1 vaccine Arm Pain
23 H1N1 vaccine Hematoma
24 H1N1 vaccine Rapid Heartbeat / Dizziness
25 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
26 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
27 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
28 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
29 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
30 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
31 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
32 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
33 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
34 H1N1 vaccine GBS
35 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
36 H1N1 vaccine Lymph Node Enlargement
37 H1N1 vaccine Myalgias
38 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
39 H1N1 vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
40 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
41 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
42 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
43 H1N1 vaccine Weakness/ Neurologic Issues
44 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
45 H1N1 vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear
46 H1N1 vaccine Numbness/ Swelling
47 H1N1 vaccine GBS
48 H1N1 vaccine Edema/ Itching/ Rash/ Skin Lesions/ Weight loss
49 H1N1 vaccine Autoimmune Encephalopathy
50 H1N1 vaccine Cyst
51 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
52 H1N1 vaccine Wheezing / Fever
53 H1N1 vaccine Fever/ Headache/ Severe Pain
54 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
55 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
56 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
57 H1N1 vaccine Bell’s Palsy
58 H1N1 vaccine GBS
59 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
60 H1N1 vaccine GBS
61 H1N1 vaccine Obsessive Behavior/ Depression
62 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
63 H1N1 vaccine GBS
64 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
65 H1N1 vaccine Diabetes
66 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
67 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
68 H1N1 vaccine Pain at Injection Site
69 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
70 H1N1 vaccine Fatigue / Spasms
71 H1N1 vaccine + Tamiflu + Relenza Severe Cough
72 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Weakness
73 H1N1 vaccine Severe Cough
74 H1N1 vaccine Autoimmune Reaction
75 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
76 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
77 H1N1 vaccine Headaches / Severe Pain
78 H1N1 vaccine Headaches / Severe Pain
79 H1N1 vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy / Paresthesia
80 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
81 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Numbness
82 H1N1 vaccine Difficulty Breathing
83 H1N1 vaccine Rash
84 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
85 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
86 H1N1 vaccine Numbness / Pain
87 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
88 H1N1 vaccine Viral Illness
89 H1N1 vaccine Pneumonia
90 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
91 H1N1 vaccine Hives
92 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Severe Pain
93 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Pain
94 H1N1 vaccine Heart Arrhythmia / Syncope/ Seizures/ Stroke
95 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
96 H1N1 vaccine Polymyositis/ Fibromyalgia
97 H1N1 vaccine Breathing Issues
98 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
99 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
100 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Nausea / Numbness
101 H1N1 vaccine GBS
102 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy / Dizziness / Fatigue
103 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
104 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
105 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
106 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
107 H1N1 vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear / Tendonitis / Nerve Damage
108 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
109 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
110 H1N1 vaccine Death
111 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis
112 H1N1 vaccine Immobility / Shoulder pain
113 H1N1 vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis / Raynaud's Syndrome
114 H1N1 vaccine Breathing Issues / Coughing
115 H1N1 vaccine Pain at Injection Site
116 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Pain / Weakness
117 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Spasms
118 H1N1 vaccine Numbness / Soreness / Spasms
119 H1N1 vaccine GBS
120 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Numbness
121 Anthrax vaccine GBS
122 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis / Numbness / Pain
123 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis / Pain
124 H1N1 vaccine Chest Pain
125 H1N1 vaccine Bradycardia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Hypertension / Headache
126 Smallpox vaccine GBS
127 Smallpox vaccine Myocarditis
128 Smallpox vaccine Pain / Allergic Reaction
129 Anthrax Vaccine Encephalitis / Seizures
130 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
131 Smallpox vaccine Allergic Reaction
132 Anthrax vaccine Allergic Reaction / Nervous system Disorder / Thyroid Cancer
133 H1N1 vaccine GBS / Death
134 Anthrax vaccine Myocarditis
135 H7N9 Drug Trial Heart Palpitations

Table 6. CICP Claims Denied Compensation for Not Meeting the Standard of Proof and/or a Covered Injury Was Not Sustained (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022 that was denied compensation because the standard of proof for causation was not met and/or a covered injury was not sustained. To be eligible for CICP benefits, a requester must show that a covered serious physical injury was sustained as the direct result of the administration or use of a covered countermeasure. The CICP may only make such determinations based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence. A covered injury is a serious physical injury (which, as a general matter, is an injury that warranted hospitalization, whether or not the person was actually hospitalized, or that led to a significant loss of function or disability, whether or not hospitalization was warranted), or death, determined to be:

  1. An injury meeting the requirements of a covered countermeasures injury table, unless there is another more likely cause; or
  2. An injury (or its health complications) that is the direct result of the administration or use of a covered countermeasure. This includes serious aggravation caused by a covered countermeasure of a pre-existing condition.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 H1N1 vaccine Headaches/ Breathing Difficulty
2 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
3 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
4 H1N1 vaccine Muscle Pain
5 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
6 H1N1 vaccine Bell’s Palsy
7 H1N1 vaccine Pneumonia
8 H1N1 vaccine Headaches / Paresthesias
9 H1N1 vaccine Dizziness / Weakness
10 H1N1 vaccine Numbness / Hypertension/ Brachial Neuritis
11 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
12 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
13 H1N1 vaccine Abdominal Pain
14 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylaxis / Pneumonia
15 H1N1 vaccine ITP
16 H1N1 vaccine Multiple Sclerosis
17 H1N1 vaccine Asthma / Pneumonia
18 H1N1 vaccine Serum Sickness
19 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Weakness
20 H1N1 vaccine Tingling
21 H1N1 vaccine Indigestion
22 H1N1 vaccine Brachial Plexus
23 H1N1 vaccine Eye Problems
24 H1N1 vaccine Acute Cardiopulmonary Arrest
25 H1N1 vaccine Fibromyalgia
26 H1N1 vaccine Wheezing / Fatigue / Weakness
27 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis
28 H1N1 vaccine Conversion Disorder
29 H1N1 vaccine Flu-like Symptoms
30 H1N1 vaccine Brain Lesions
31 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
32 H1N1 vaccine Polyarthritis
33 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Pain/ Ovarian Cyst
34 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy
35 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy
36 H1N1 vaccine Delusions
37 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Nausea / Weakness / Numbness / Fatigue
38 H1N1 vaccine Myocarditis
39 H1N1 vaccine Vasculitis / Renal Failure
40 H1N1 vaccine GBS
41 H1N1 vaccine GBS
42 H1N1 vaccine GBS
43 H1N1 vaccine Boil
44 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
45 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
46 H1N1 vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
47 H1N1 vaccine Encephalitis / Seizures
48 H1N1 vaccine Tinnitus / Hearing Loss
49 H1N1 vaccine Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Meningitis
50 H1N1 vaccine Dyspnea / Severe Pain
51 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
52 H1N1 vaccine Myalgias
53 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
54 H1N1 vaccine Fever / Loss of Consciousness
55 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Severe Pain / Migraine
56 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
57 H1N1 vaccine GBS
58 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Neurologic Issues
59 H1N1 vaccine GBS
60 H1N1 vaccine GBS
61 H1N1 vaccine GBS
62 H1N1 vaccine Acute Kidney Injury
63 H1N1 vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
64 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
65 H1N1 vaccine Death
66 H1N1 vaccine Death
67 H1N1 vaccine Bronchitis
68 H1N1 vaccine Serum Sickness
69 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Numbness / Pain
70 H1N1 vaccine High Blood Pressure
71 H1N1 Vaccine Hearing Loss
72 H1N1 vaccine Seizures / Encephalopathy
73 H1N1 vaccine Numbness / Pain / Tremors/ Nausea
74 H1N1 vaccine Speech Loss
75 H1N1 vaccine Parethesias
76 H1N1 vaccine Numbness / Weakness / Fatigue
77 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Swelling
78 H1N1 vaccine Asthma
79 H1N1 vaccine Hearing Loss
80 H1N1 vaccine Severe Pain
81 H1N1 vaccine Rash / Swelling / Fever
82 H1N1 vaccine Swelling/ Miscarriage / Rash/ Swollen Lymph Nodes
83 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
84 H1N1 vaccine Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP)
85 H1N1 vaccine Autonomic Dysfunction
86 H1N1 vaccine Bell's Palsy
87 H1N1 vaccine Arm Pain / Edema / Blurry Vision
88 H1N1 vaccine Brain Elisions / Weakness / Paralysis
89 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
90 H1N1 vaccine Acquired Hemophilia A
91 H1N1 vaccine Acute Transverse Myelitis
92 H1N1 vaccine Seizures
93 H1N1 vaccine Seizures
94 H1N1 vaccine GBS
95 H1N1 vaccine GBS
96 H1N1 vaccine Seizures
97 H1N1 vaccine GBS
98 H1N1 vaccine GBS
99 H1N1 vaccine Headaches / Tremors / Nausea / Dizziness
100 H1N1 vaccine Connective Tissue Disease
101 H1N1 vaccine Serum Sickness
102 H1N1 vaccine Death
103 H1N1 vaccine Encephalopathy
104 H1N1 vaccine Pain
105 H1N1 vaccine Seizures
106 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
107 H1N1 vaccine Fever
108 H1N1 vaccine GBS
109 H1N1 vaccine GBS
110 H1N1 vaccine Brachial Neuritis
111 H1N1 vaccine Eosinophilic Esophagitis
112 H1N1 vaccine Premature Labor
113 H1N1 vaccine Bronchitis
114 H1N1 vaccine Cellulitis
115 H1N1 vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis
116 H1N1 vaccine Interstitial Cystitis / Celiac Sprue
117 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
118 H1N1 vaccine Fibromyalgia / Lyme Disease
119 H1N1 vaccine GBS
120 H1N1 vaccine Bell's Palsy
121 H1N1 vaccine Rash
122 H1N1 vaccine GBS
123 H1N1 vaccine Migraine Headaches
124 H1N1 vaccine Myositis
125 H1N1 vaccine Leg Pain / Weakness / Anxiety
126 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
127 H1N1 vaccine GBS
128 Anthrax vaccine Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease
129 Anthrax vaccine Headaches
130 H5N1 vaccine Esophagitis
131 H1N1 vaccine Seizures / Brain Damage
132 Anthrax vaccine Allergic Reaction
133 Smallpox vaccine / Anthrax vaccine Hypertension
134 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
135 Anthrax vaccine Serum Sickness
136 Smallpox vaccine Death
137 Smallpox vaccine Pain / Itching
138 Smallpox vaccine Hand Tingling, Headache, Chest Pain, Drowsiness, Disorientation
139 Anthrax vaccine Myalgia
140 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy
141 H1N1 vaccine Fibromyalgia / Groves Disease
142 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Hepatitis
143 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
144 H1N1 vaccine A-Fib / Difficulty Breathing
145 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Numbness
146 H1N1 vaccine GBS
147 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
148 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy
149 H1N1 vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
150 H1N1 vaccine GBS
151 H1N1 vaccine GBS
152 H1N1 vaccine Hyperthyroidism
153 H1N1 vaccine Upper Respiratory Infection
154 H1N1 vaccine Paresthesias
155 H1N1 vaccine GBS
156 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
157 H1N1 vaccine Movement Disorder
158 H1N1 vaccine Hearing Loss
159 H1N1 vaccine Migraine Headaches
160 H1N1 vaccine Death
161 H1N1 vaccine Muscle Strain
162 H1N1 vaccine Bell's Palsy
163 H1N1 vaccine Death
164 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
165 H1N1 vaccine Headaches / Shortness of Breath / Miscarriage
166 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
167 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
168 H1N1 vaccine GBS
169 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
170 H1N1 vaccine GBS
171 H1N1 vaccine Optic Neuritis
172 H1N1 vaccine GBS / Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)
173 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
174 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
175 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy
176 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
177 H1N1 vaccine Stroke
178 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Heart Palpitations
179 H1N1 vaccine Abdominal Pain
180 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis / Weakness
181 H1N1 vaccine Bronchitis / Pneumonia / Shoulder Pain/ Weakness
182 H1N1 vaccine Seizures / Fatigue
183 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
184 H1N1 vaccine Idiopathic Polyneuropathy
185 H1N1 vaccine Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP)
186 H1N1 vaccine Ocular Migraine
187 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
188 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
189 H1N1 vaccine Myocarditis
190 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
191 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
192 H1N1 vaccine Rash
193 H1N1 vaccine Pneumonia
194 H1N1 vaccine Rash / Hives
195 H1N1 vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis / Fatigue / Pain/ Headaches
196 H1N1 vaccine GBS Symptoms / Nausea
197 H1N1 vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy
198 H1N1 vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy
199 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Low Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat
200 H1N1 vaccine Seizures
201 H1N1 vaccine GBS
202 H1N1 vaccine ITP
203 H1N1 vaccine Hives / Brain Swelling
204 H1N1 vaccine GBS
205 H1N1 vaccine Nerve Damage
206 H1N1 vaccine Peripheral neuropathy
207 H1N1 vaccine Gastroparesis
208 H1N1 vaccine Chronic Pain
209 H1N1 vaccine Fever / Pain / Weakness / Swelling/ Fatigue
210 H1N1 vaccine Death
211 H1N1 vaccine Vertigo
212 H1N1 vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis
213 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
214 H1N1 vaccine Flu
215 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
216 H1N1 vaccine GBS
217 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
218 H1N1 vaccine Tachycardia
219 H1N1 vaccine GBS
220 H1N1 vaccine Weakness/ Swelling
221 H1N1 vaccine GBS Symptoms
222 H1N1 vaccine Damage to Auto-Immune System
223 H1N1 vaccine Pharyngitis / Tachycardia

Alleged COVID-19 Countermeasures

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
224 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Bleed
225 COVID-19 Vaccine Severe Allergic Reaction
226 Ventilator Death
227 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
228 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
229 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
230 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Head Injury
231 COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA
232 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
233 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
234 COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Rash / Nausea / Vomiting
235 COVID-19 Vaccine Face Spasms / Hypertension
236 COVID-19 Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS)
237 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
238 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest-Neck Pain / Sweating / Blurred Vision / Spike Blood Pressure
239 COVID-19 Vaccine Central Venous Sinus Thrombosis
240 COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis
241 COVID-19 Vaccine Cord Compression Myelopathy
242 COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Rash / Migraine
243 COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo / Migraine
244 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
245 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting
246 COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Aches / Swelling / Cough / Chills / Night Sweats / Dizziness / Elevated WBC / Stomach Ache / Fatigue / Difficulty Ambulating
247 COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack
248 COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Face Head and Nose Injury
249 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headaches / Loss of Balance
250 COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack
251 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
252 COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures
253 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
254 COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss

Table 7. CICP Ineligible Claims due to Missing the Filing Deadline (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022 that was ineligible because the Request for Benefits (claim) was not filed within the 1-year filing deadline. The claim must be filed within 1 year after the date of the administration or use of the covered countermeasure alleged to have caused the injury or within 1 year after the effective date of the establishment of, or amendment to, a countermeasure injury table.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 Anthrax vaccine Epilepsy/ Seizures
2 Anthrax vaccine Pain/ Blisters
3 H1N1 vaccine Anxiety Attack
4 H1N1 vaccine Bilateral Brachial plexus
5 H1N1 vaccine Bradycardia
6 H1N1 vaccine CIDP
7 H1N1 vaccine Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Brachial Neuritis
8 H1N1 vaccine GBS
9 H1N1 vaccine GBS
10 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
11 H1N1 vaccine Myopericarditis
12 H1N1 vaccine Narcolepsy
13 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
14 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
15 H1N1 Vaccine Numbness / Amputation
16 H1N1 vaccine Numbness / Metallic Taste
17 H1N1 vaccine Optic Neuritis
18 H1N1 vaccine Pain / Weakness
19 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis
20 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis / Severe Pain
21 H1N1 vaccine Pericarditis
22 H1N1 vaccine Pneumonia / Edema/ Paralysis/ Confusion
23 H1N1 vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
24 H1N1 vaccine Rash
25 H1N1 vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis
26 H1N1 vaccine Seizures
27 H1N1 vaccine Severe Arm Pain
28 H1N1 vaccine Severe Pain
29 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Pain
30 H1N1 vaccine Vision Problems / Paralysis
31 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Severe Pain
32 H1N1 vaccine Weakness / Neurologic Issues
33 H1N1 vaccine Vasculitis / Tendonitis / Polymyalgia Rheumatica
34 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
35 Smallpox vaccine Pericarditis
36 Smallpox vaccine Not Specified
37 Smallpox vaccine Heart Swelling / High Blood Pressure/ Paralysis
38 Smallpox Vaccine, Anthrax Vaccine Severe Ulcerative Colitis

Table 8. Ineligible Claims for Products Not Covered by the CICP (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022 that was ineligible because the Request for Benefits (claim) alleged an injury from a product that the CICP does not cover.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 1976 H1N1 vaccine GBS
2 1976 H1N1 vaccine GBS
3 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Fatigue/ Fibromyalgia/ Depression/ Lesions
4 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Migraine Headaches
5 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Migraine Headaches
6 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Migraine Headaches / Pain / Diarrhea
7 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Nerve Disorder / Sleep Disorder
8 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Neuropathy / Central Nervous System Demyelinating Disease / Inflammatory Joint Disease / Fatigue
9 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Not Specified
10 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Diarrhea / Fatigue / Asthma
11 Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Myofacial Pain Syndrome / SLE Lupus / Scoliosis / SI Joint Dysfunction / IBS Syndrome / Night Sweats / Psychosis
12 DTAP, MMR vaccines Minimal Change Disease
13 DTAP, Polio, and Haemoplilus Influenzae B vaccines Seizures / Infantile Spasms / Delayed Development
14 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes/ Spleen and Liver
15 HPV vaccine Neurologic Symptoms
16 Influenza / Pneumococcal Vaccines Allergic Reaction
17 Japanese Encephalitis vaccine Weakness/ Neurologic Issues
18 Meningococcal vaccine Double Vision
19 Meningococcal vaccine Shoulder Pain
20 Pneumococcal Vaccine Pain/ Fever/ Inflammation
21 Pneumococcal vaccine Fainting
22 Pneumococcal vaccine Not Specified
23 Seasonal Flu vaccine Arm Pain
24 Seasonal Flu vaccine Arm Swelling
25 Seasonal Flu vaccine Bipolar Disorder/ Depression
26 Seasonal Flu vaccine Birth Defects
27 Seasonal Flu vaccine Calcified Tendons/ Arthritis symptoms
28 Seasonal Flu vaccine CIDP
29 Seasonal Flu vaccine Death
30 Seasonal Flu vaccine Flu-like Symptoms
31 Seasonal Flu vaccine Flu-like Symptoms
32 Seasonal Flu vaccine Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
33 Seasonal Flu vaccine GBS
34 Seasonal Flu vaccine GBS
35 Seasonal Flu vaccine Headache / Tremors / Fever
36 Seasonal Flu vaccine Laryngitis
37 Seasonal Flu vaccine Neurologic symptoms
38 Seasonal Flu vaccine Not Specified
39 Seasonal Flu vaccine Numbness / Weakness / Headaches/ Double Vision
40 Seasonal Flu vaccine Paralysis
41 Seasonal Flu vaccine Paralysis / Pain
42 Seasonal Flu vaccine Paralysis / Pain
43 Seasonal Flu vaccine Paresthesia / Weakness / Tremors
44 Seasonal Flu vaccine Severe Arm Pain
45 Seasonal Flu vaccine Shoulder Pain
46 Seasonal Flu vaccine Shoulder Pain
47 Seasonal Flu vaccine Stevens Johnson Syndrome
48 Seasonal Flu vaccine GBS
49 Seasonal Flu vaccine GBS
50 Seasonal Flu vaccine Headaches / Nausea / Weakness / Pain / Shortness of Breath
51 Seasonal Flu vaccine GBS
52 Shingles vaccine Immobility / Fibromyalgia / Depression
53 Shingrix vaccine Pain
54 Pre-Prep Act Smallpox Vaccine / Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Boils / Stroke / High Blood Pressure / Arthritis
55 Pre-Prep Act Smallpox Vaccine / Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Not Specified
56 Pre-Prep Act Smallpox Vaccine / Pre-Prep Act Anthrax vaccine Organic Brain Syndrome / Neuropathy
57 Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis (TDAP) Vaccine Arm Pain
58 Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis (TDAP) Vaccine Neuropathy

Table 9. CICP Ineligible Claims Due to Not Alleging Any Countermeasure Administration or Use (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of June 1, 2022

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022 that is ineligible because the Request for Benefits did not allege the administration or use of any countermeasure.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 Not Specified Weakness/ Neurologic Issues


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