Types of Benefits

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the payer of last resort, which means CICP covers what remains unpaid or unpayable by other third parties, e.g., health insurance.

If eligible, you may be compensated for:

Medical Expenses

The unreimbursed medical items or services used to treat a covered countermeasure injury may qualify for reimbursement.

Please Note:
These items and services must be reasonable and necessary, and not fully paid or reimbursed by insurance or government programs such as Medicaid or Veterans Benefits.

Lost Employment Income

If you were unable to work because of a covered countermeasure injury, you may qualify for lost employment income.

Please Note:
You must have been unable to work for more than 5 days to receive benefits.

Benefits to the Estate

If an individual injured as a result of a covered countermeasure dies (regardless of cause of death) before CICP has paid all medical and/or lost employment income benefits due, the individual’s estate (through its representative) may be eligible to receive those benefits.

Survivor Death Benefits

If the person who was administered or used the covered countermeasure dies as a result of his/her injuries, then certain survivors may be eligible for death benefits.

Seasonal Flu

Seasonal influenza vaccines are not covered countermeasures under the CICP. If you received the seasonal influenza vaccine or other vaccines covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) such as tetanus or the human papillomavirus vaccine and think that you had an adverse reaction from one or a combination of these covered vaccines, see the VICP.

CICP Fact Sheet

Download the CICP fact sheet (PDF - 156 KB)

Countermeasures Injury Tables

Smallpox Countermeasures Injury Table

Smallpox Countermeasures Injury Table Final Rule

Pandemic Influenza Countermeasure Injury Table (XML)

Pandemic Influenza Countermeasure Injury Table Final Rule (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

FAQs for Individual Requesters/Recipients

FAQs for Representatives

FAQs for Administrators or Executors of Estates

FAQs for Survivors

Contact Us

1-855-266-2427 (1-855-266-CICP)

For your security, please do not send any personal information (Social Security Number, medical, legal, or financial documents, etc.) by email to the Program.

Please call the above number and you will receive information on sending emails safely and securely.

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