New Enhancements to 340B OPAIS Pricing Component for Manufacturers

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) is providing an update on enhancements to the pricing component of the 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (340B OPAIS).

These new enhancements are now effective and will be operational during the next quarterly pricing data upload period in November 2020.

New 340B OPAIS Enhancement Description of Change
OPA send back function for pricing reconciliation Once reconciled prices are sent to OPA, OPA will have the ability to send an NDC back to the manufacturer within the pricing component for more information and an additional opportunity to provide an explanation of mismatched data.  Currently, these requests happen outside of OPAIS via email.  When an NDC is returned for more information, a manufacturer will receive an email notification that is system generated to notify them of pending tasks.  The back and forth functions will be available until the time of publication of the quarter’s data.
Inactive NDCs will not appear in workload Previously, when the upload period opened, manufacturers would see any inactive NDCs on their dashboard as completed.  To avoid confusion, NDCs that are terminated or inactive will be excluded from a manufacturer’s process status.
Visibility to adjudication notes Previously on the product details page of OPAIS Pricing Component manufacturers could see data points accepted to calculate the ceiling prices.  This enhancement will now include the reconciliation notes provided by the manufacturer and the adjudication notes provided by the OPA reviewer on the product detail page and on the reconciliation task page.  Notes for previous quarters are also available and are listed with most recent notes at the top of the list.
340B Prime Vendor registration screen visibility Similar to the Prime Vendor’s view in OPAIS for covered entity registrations and change requests, the prime vendor will have the ability to impersonate a manufacturer user in the registration component of OPAIS.  This will allow the call center to assist more readily with manufacturer change requests and registrations.  The prime vendor will not be able to submit any data in OPAIS on behalf of a manufacturer nor will the Prime Vendor have access to any information in the pricing component of OPAIS.

For More Information

Please reference the online user guide by logging into the 340B OPAIS Pricing Component. Additionally, visit HRSA OPA’s 340B OPAIS Educational Resource page and the 340B Prime Vendor Program website to view FAQs and published tutorials. For technical assistance, or if you need further information, the 340B Prime Vendor Program is available at or by phone at 888-340-2787.

Date Last Reviewed:  October 2020