
AHRQ/Clinical Informatics for the Health IT Division in the Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement

Edwin Lomotan, M.D., is a Medical Officer and Chief of Clinical Informatics for the Health IT Division in the Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. His areas of focus include clinical decision support, health IT in underserved settings, and child health informatics.

Before joining AHRQ, Dr. Lomotan was Health IT Branch Chief in the Office of Quality and Data in the Bureau of Primary Health Care at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). While at HRSA, he led the Health Center-Controlled Network grant program, which was aimed at improving health care quality through health IT at community health centers across the country. Dr. Lomotan is board-certified in pediatrics and in clinical informatics. He received his medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He completed his pediatrics residency and informatics fellowship at Yale University.